Ceci n'est pas une newsletter      by COFACE Families Europe

31 January 2025

Dear all,  

As we step into 2025, COFACE Families Europe's President, Antonia Torrens reflects on the organisation’s unwavering commitment to improving the lives of families across Europe. From tackling care responsibilities and financial pressures to promoting inclusive policies and addressing the ethical use of AI, our network continues to amplify the voices of families facing challenges. With initiatives like the European Family Lab and advocacy in education and long-term care, we look ahead to a year of collaboration, innovation, and impactful action. Together, let’s continue shaping a stronger, more inclusive Europe. You can read COFACE’s New Year message here or below! 

Keep scrolling for more updates on news affecting families in Europe!

Senior Communication Officer 
COFACE Families Europe 

Strengthening women’s and girls’ mental health by promoting gender equality

2 minutes reading
In December 2024, the EPSCO Council adopted conclusions on “strengthening women’s and girls’ mental health by promoting gender equality. EPSCO stands for "Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer affairs" and this Council gathers ministers in Brussels four times a year who work on these four key policy areas. [...]
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Preventing and addressing bullying in schools

Across Europe, more than 20% of 15-year-old students reported being frequently bullied, a phenomenon that affects students and schools irrespective of their socio-economic profile. Bullying in schools has negative impacts on the wellbeing and mental health of learners, their school’s climate and their educational outcomes. [...]
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“Play smart, spend wisely – mind the hidden costs” – Raising awareness of manipulative in-game marketing practices


The 2025 edition of the AdWiseOnline campaign, an initiative by Better Internet for Kids, spotlights manipulative in-game marketing practices, delving into critical issues such as persuasive design, dark patterns, loot boxes, pay-to-win mechanisms, FOMO (fear of missing out) tactics, and excessive microtransactions. [...]

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European Semester calls for renewed efforts on ECEC participation

4 minutes reading

The European Semester provides a well-established framework for coordinating economic and employment policies of the Member States. COFACE monitors the European Semester from a families perspective, namely the specific actions related to work-life balance, flexible work arrangements, inclusive education, early childhood education and care, and long-term care. [...]

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New Year Greetings from COFACE’s President, Antonia Torrens: Empowering families in 2025

2 minutes reading
As we step into 2025, COFACE Families Europe's President reflects on the organisation’s unwavering commitment to improving the lives of families across Europe. [...]
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Greater legal recognition for single parents in Macedonia

2 minutes reading

In Macedonia, about 26.000 mothers live alone with their children and about 9.000 fathers are single parents. COFACE’s member “Youth of Diverse Families” participated in an International Conference for Single Parents that took place in November 2024 in Budapest, Hungary and later shared their insights in an interview, reflecting on the key takeaways from the event. [...]

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AGF comments on the EU proposed measures against online Child Sexual Abuse

2 minutes reading

In May 2022, the EU Commission proposed the European Child Sexual Abuse Regulation (CSA-R) to tackle child sexual abuse more effectively. This proposal is currently, under debate at both European and national levels. AGF's comment paper offers insights and detailed feedback (from the point of view of German families) on specific measures within the proposal, aiming to strengthen child protection while addressing concerns about implementation. [...]

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Unapei Vice-President speaks on navigating the complex roles of parent and caregiver in “Mon Inséparable”
For the release of the French movie titled “Mon Inséparable”, Elisabeth Lammers, vice-president of Unapei (a COFACE Disability Platform member organisation) was invited on the radio channel, France Inter. Alongside the lead actor and director, Elisabeth Lammers stressed Unapei's commitment to empowering people with disabilities. [...]
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Family financial education and energy poverty prevention in Spain
COFACE Spanish member, Isadora Duncan Foundation organised its 10th Conference on Family Financial Education and Energy Poverty Prevention which aimed at providing information and offering solutions on family financial management, over-indebtedness, and the prevention of energy poverty situations in households and the general population. [...]
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OPINION – Harmonising Personal Insolvency Laws: Supporting over-Indebted families across the EU
4 minutes reading
COFACE-Families Europe has been working on tackling over-indebtedness considering its impact on families’ well-being. Besides prevention, personal insolvency laws have a profound impact on families, particularly those in vulnerable situations, including families with children, families with disabilities, and low-income households. [...]
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Key facts and figures about the European Parliament's composition - see more here.
© 2024 COFACE Families Europe, All rights reserved.

COFACE Families Europe has been involved for 60 years in building a strong social, inclusive and family-friendly Europe. It brings forward the voice of millions of families (all types, without discrimination), gathering 58 organisations from all over Europe. COFACE Families Europe advocates for strong social policies that take into consideration family needs and guarantee equal opportunities for all families. More:

Contact details:
Director: Elizabeth Gosme:
Editor: Bettina Guigui 
Contributors:  Antonia Torrens,
Martin Schmalzried; Elizabeth Gosme,
Bettina Guigui
More information
This newsletter has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI" (2022-2025).

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