Building a 21st century infrastructure for monitoring poverty and inequality, developing policy, and training a new generation of leaders
A New Report on Informal Caregiving

The CPI is pleased to announce the publication of The Hidden Costs of Informal Caregiving by Sarah Savage, Katherine Townsend Kiernan, and Erin Graves. Using the American Voices Project (AVP) data, the authors provide a rich qualitative portrait of informal caregiving among low-income populations. This publication is cosponsored by the Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality, the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.

A Postdoc on the Transition to Young Adulthood

The Center for Research on Child and Family Wellbeing, located at Princeton University and directed by Kathy Edin, is offering a Postdoctoral Research Associate position. This position is open to scholars who study the transition to young adulthood and have experience working with the Future of Families and Child Wellbeing Study or similar longitudinal survey data. The appointment is available for the 2025 - 2026 academic year, with the possibility of renewal. Applications will be accepted through February 28, 2025.

The Puerto Rico Poverty Measure
Sara Kimberlin, Executive Director of CPI, recently presented at a webinar hosted by the Instituto del Desarrollo de la Juventud (IDJ) on the Puerto Rico Poverty Measure (PRPM). This new measure – a milestone in Puerto Rico’s poverty-reduction efforts – makes it possible to monitor trends in poverty, identify pockets of extremely high poverty, and evaluate anti-poverty programs. The CPI has been providing occasional advice to the IDJ on the development of this measure.
The Profile Series … dedicated to learning more about leading inequality scholars

Alexandra K. Murphy, an assistant professor of sociology and faculty affiliate of the Population Studies Center at the University of Michigan, received a CPI grant several years ago to develop a new measure of transportation insecurity. The brilliant idea behind this measure: We can't understand the fallout of transportation barriers and insecurity in the U.S. without measuring it...just as we can't understand food or housing insecurity without measuring them. This new measure of transportation insecurity has now been embraced as the gold standard in a recent National Academies report.  And there's more!  Alexandra is also working on the causes of transportation insecurity, the consequences of transportation insecurity, and a new book on suburban poverty (When Sidewalks End).  It's time to take a close look at her important work!

A selection of poverty and inequality papers recently released by CPI affiliates

Unmarried Americans Vote More Democratic than Their Married Counterparts: The Role of Race and Religiosity in the Marital Gap (a Research Brief )
Karyn Vilbig, Paula England, Michael Hout – Journal of Marriage and Family
Earnings Dynamics and Intergenerational Transmission of Skill
Lance Lochner & Youngmin Park – Journal of Econometrics
What Constitutes an American Racial Institutional Order? Review Article on America's New Racial Battle Lines: Protect Versus Repair
Jennifer Hochschild – Political Science Quarterly 
Getting the Price Right? The Impact of Competitive Bidding in the Medicare Program
Hui Ding, Mark Duggan, & Amanda Starc – The Review of Economics and Statistics
 The effects of individual and collective labor market status on employment and earnings during the COVID-19 crisis
Tali Kristal, Guy Mundlak, Yinon Cohen, Yitchak Haberfeld, Meir Yaish – Socio-Economic Review
Relation of income to trends in well-being by age: implications for the future older “forgotten” lower middle class
David H. Rehkopf, Frank F. Furstenberg, Christian Jackson, & John W. Rowe – Health Affairs Scholar
Net worth poverty and child Well-being: Black–White differences
Christina Gibson-Davis, Lisa A. Keister, & Lisa A. Gennetian – Children and Youth Services Review
Depopulation, Deaths, Diversity, and Deprivation: The 4Ds of Rural Population Change
Daniel T. Lichter & Kenneth M. Johnson – The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences
Racial Segregation in a Multiracial Society: Black Exclusion and Spatial Integration in US Municipalities, 1990–2020
Domenico Parisi, Daniel T. Lichter, Shrinidhi Ambinakudige, & Christian Kelly Scott – Population, Space and Place
Democratic Backsliding and Ethnic Politics: The Republican Party in the United States
Robert C. Lieberman & Daniel Schlozman – Comparative Political Studies
Class Voting in Capitalist Democracies Since World War II: Dealignment, Realignment, or Trendless Fluctuation?
Jeff Manza, Michael Hout, Clem Brooks – New Critical Writings in Political Sociology
Equity and Education Since Brown v. Board; Where Do We Go From Here?
Linda Darling-Hammond & edited by N’ao;ah Suad Nasir – Teachers College Press
Organizations and Economic Inequality
Heather A. Haveman – Journal of Organizational Sociology
Employee Ownership, Employment, and Work-from-Home in the Covid-19 Shock to the US Job Market
Huanan Xu, Joseph R. Blasi, Douglas L. Kruse, & Richard B. Freeman – NBER
Beyond the Diploma Divide: Field of Education and Ideological Divisions among College Educated
Liesbet Hooghe, Gary Marks, Jonne Kamphorst, & Julia Schulte-Cloos – SSRN

Enhancing Principles Of Marketing Education Through Formative Assessment: Exploring The Impact Of Exit Tickets On Student Engagement And Effort
Raymond MacDermott, Dekuwmini Mornah, & Helen MacDermott – Marketing Education Review
Preparing for climate migration and integration: a policy and research agenda
Mary C. Waters – Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Enforcement Agencies and an Emerging Category of Law: Examining EEOC Processing of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Charges
Amanda K. Baumle, Steven Boutcher, M. V. Lee Badgett & Donald Tomaskovic-Devey – Law and Society Review
Permanent Income Shocks, Target Wealth, and the Wealth Gap
Tullio Jappelli & Luigi Pistaferri – American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
Borrowing in an Illegal Market: Contracting with Loan Sharks
Kevin Lang, Kaiwen Leong, Huailu Li, & Haibo Xu – MIT Press
Race-and Class-Based Messaging and Anti-Carceral Policy Support
Kristen Brock-Petroshius & Martin Gilens – SSRN
The Strengths of People in Low-SES Positions: An Identity-Reframing Intervention Improves Low-SES Students’ Achievement Over One Semester
Christina A. Bauer, Gregory Walton, Veronika Job, & Nicole Stevens –Social Psychological and Personality Science 
Monty Hall and Optimized Conformal Prediction to Improve Decision-Making with LLMs
Harit Vishwakarma, Alan Mishler, Thomas Cook, Niccolò Dalmasso, Natraj Raman, & Sumitra Ganesh – arXiv
The Macroeconomy and Poverty
Marianne P. Bitler, Hilary Hoynes, & Elira Kuka – The Annuals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Gender Inequality in the Labor Market: Continuing Progress?
Francine Blau - NBER
The (Un)Importance of Inheritance
Sandra E Black, Paul J Devereux, Fanny Landaud, & Kjell G Salvanes – Journal of the European Economic Association
Overlap and Interrelations Between (Im)mobility Motivations
Fernando Riosmena – International Migration Review
Segmented Assimilation: Sme Reflections on a Three-Decade Concept
Alejandro Portes & Min Zhou – Ethnic and Racial Studies
Attending to Race in Teacher Well-Being Interventions: A Systematic Review and Recommendations
Camilla M. Griffiths, Francis A. Pearman, Kristen E. O’Sullivan, Lia Knight-Williams, Mia Pagnani, Scotland E. Martin, & Shannon T. Brady - Review of Educational Research
This Is Why I Leave: Race and Voluntary Departure
Adina D. Sterling - Administrative Science Quarterly
Child-Directed Speech in a Large Sample of U.S. Mothers with Low Income
Shannon Egan-Dailey, Lisa A. Gennetian, Katherine Magnuson, Greg J. Duncan, Hirokazu Yoshikawa, Nathan A. Fox, Kimberly G. Noble – Child Development
 Subsidizing Medical Spending through the Tax Code: Take-Up, Targeting and the Cost of Claiming
Gopi Shah Goda - NBER
Asthma Prevalence in the Disaggregated Multiracial Population of California
Tracy Lam-Hine, Neeta Thakur, Aliya Saperstein, Mahasin S. Mujahid, & David H. Rehkopf – Jama Network Open
Opportunities for Faculty Tenure at Globally Ranked Universities: Cross-National Differences by Gender, Fields, and Tenure Status
Mana Nakagawa, Christine Min Wotipka, Elizabeth Buckner – Sociological Science 
Justice Futures: Access to Justice and the Future of Justice Work
Rebecca L. Sandefur & Matthew Burnett - Forthcoming in Rethinking the Lawyer’s Monopoly: Access to Justice and the Future of Legal Services, edited by David Engstrom and Nora Freeman Engstrom, SSRN
Are Community-College Students Increasingly Choosing High-Paying Fields of Study? Evidence from Massachusetts
Richard J. Murnane, John B. Willett, Aubrey McDonough, John P. Papay, Ann Mantil - AERA Open
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A research center supported by the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences at Stanford University, the Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality is partly supported by the Elfenworks Foundation, the Koret Foundation, Stanford Impact Labs, and WorkRise.

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