Sunday sermons
Read Fr Yazid's sermon from Sunday here and sermons for the last two months can be found on the Service Resources page.
Caring for Each Other
There are many social and pastoral networks within St Nick's, so please do continue to care for each other in your normal way, having particular regard for the vulnerable and housebound. If you are concerned about anyone in the congregation then please e-mail the pastoral team or the clergy.
In other news
Dreams of Peace and Freedom Monday 27 January 12.15pm in church
This song cycle follows the journey of Liverpool lawyer and MP David Maxwell Fyfe from Nuremberg, where he was a leading prosecutor at the war crimes trials, to Strasbourg where he was the British drafter of the European Convention on Human Rights. It is created and performed by a new generation of his family for Holocaust Memorial Day, as part of their ECHR75 commemoration. More information here. All are welcome.
Lent Programme
We are compiling our Lent programme so please note the following events. More details will be announced in due course
Quiet Morning 29 March at church
St John Passion Saturday 5 April 7pm, performed by the Bach Collective.
Fr Christopher Smith RIP
We have been advised that Fr Christopher has died. He was a curate at St Nick's in the 1970s , before moving on to be Rector of Walton and a Canon in Coventry.
News of former parishioners
We have been advised that Audrey Hillyard and Betty Large have died. Both were regular members of the congregation a number of years ago before ill health meant they could no longer attend church. Please keep their families in your prayers.
Micah foodbank
Thank you to all those who continue to bring in donations for the emergency food aid pantries Micah runs each week. If anyone would rather support them financially this link shows how to do so.
Eco tip: use bee wax wraps
Instead of using clingfilm try bee wax wraps , which are more breathable than plastic, can be used more than once and are also biodegradable