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Older Adults Program (60+), City of Niagara Falls, MacBain Community Centre
A friendly reminder
Picture of snowy boots

We would like to kindly remind everyone to please change out of your outdoor shoes before entering your programming room. This will help maintain a clean and comfortable environment for everyone and ensure that the rooms stays in the best condition possible for our activities.

We love nature, but we’d prefer it to stay outside where it belongs—not on our floors. Plus, swapping shoes counts as an extra 30-second workout. You’re welcome.

Please refrain from wearing fragrances
Scent free building

We’d like to kindly ask everyone to refrain from wearing fragrances when attending our programs or entering the shared spaces.

As you may know, many people are sensitive to certain scents, and fragrances can trigger allergic reactions or respiratory issues, including headaches, skin irritation, and even asthma. By going fragrance-free, we can create a more inclusive and comfortable environment for everyone.

We truly appreciate your cooperation in making our space a safer and more welcoming place for all members.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.

Thank you for your understanding and support!

Have a fabulous weekend everyone! 
All the best,

Hanya Mitchell
Manager Older Adults 60+ and Aquatics
D. J Brooks
Community Coordinator
"Niagara Falls. MacBain Community Centre. Ontario"
Copyright © 2025 Older Adults Programs (60+), All rights reserved.

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