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Issue 202 ~ 14th February 2025

In this week's Newsletter:


This week we are addressing falls. How to avoid them and what to do when we, or someone we know, suffers a bad one. In Mary’s piece she will explain how we can train ourselves to fall ‘better’ which is fascinating. She also offers us some exercises to help us to be more able to avoid falling in the first place.

This subject came about because in the last few months, I have learned of two friends who have suffered a nasty fall - one accident happened whilst on holiday, whilst the other was a fall coming down the stairs. Both were serious accidents with potentially life changing outcomes as both broke limbs, plus both are in the older age group. The good news is that they are both normally very fit - mentally and physically.

The first accident was with Penny who was away on a cruise with a friend when they stopped off in Spain for a sight-seeing day. All was going so well as they enjoyed their tour around the old architecture when, without any warning, she just tripped up a kerb and landed badly, resulting in breaking her femur, right at the top of her leg.

Thankfully, the local hospital was amazing and Penny’s travel insurance company proved to be outstanding in their service and the support they gave throughout her ordeal. She had a week-long stay as an in-patient during which she had an operation to repair her leg and replace her hip which had also been damaged beyond repair. The insurance company then arranged for Penny to be flown back to the UK, with a nurse in attendance. A private ambulance greeted her at the airport to take her home, as well as providing nursing care at home for a period of time. (There is a lesson to be learned here for us all… do we really read the small print of our holiday insurance policy to make sure we actually have the cover we think we have? - It's definitely worth checking!)

The good news is that Penny’s leg became stronger over time and her mobility increased as she learned to walk with her crutches. But as I know so well, using crutches is a precarious business and it is harder to balance on them as we get a little older. Also, at this stage, we are really scared of falling to the ground and hurting ourselves all over again! So, I recommended my physio who I greatly respected after he had worked miracles on me. Penny was a model patient and diligently practised the exercises that had been suggested and after just a couple of physio sessions, Penny got her confidence back and returned to living life to the full.

My other friend is Bill, who is in his early 90s, very spritely and lives independently with his small dog who he adores. So, when Bill fell on the stairs and broke his leg this was disastrous. He was taken to hospital where he stayed for some time until a care plan could be put in place. His dog was cared for by a kind neighbour.

A make-shift bed was made for him downstairs and friends, neighbours and carers rallied to make sure he continued to recover, which he did but it took time. Understandably, his strength had diminished and he was now very weak physically, but Bill is made of strong stuff and he was determined to get well enough to be able to walk his dog again! 

But breaking a bone and it mending again is only part of the story, particularly when we are older. The other part is rebuilding the strength in our muscles and, of course, our all-important confidence. This is the biggest reason why breaking a bone in later years can cause catastrophic, life-limiting, consequences from which many never properly recover – unless we take action to ensure we do.

Whilst I am a massive fan of the NHS - and I really don’t like it when people moan about it - I am saddened when I hear of people being referred to a physio, whether post-op or because of a painful issue, only to be given a verbal consultation and a sheet of exercises with no physical examination. This makes no sense to me.

Personally, I believe in hands-on physios, those that work our muscles, prod and push and find the source of the problem and work at resolving it. It was during my time on ITV’s Dancing on Ice in 2012 that their resident physio, Sharon Morrison, showed me first-hand how torn muscles and twisted ligaments could be manipulated, stimulated and renovated swiftly with exceptional skill enabling us to be back on the ice and ready for the live show on Sunday evening!

So, when Bill was needing help to rebuild his strength, mobility and confidence, I also referred him to my physio, Jordan Ward. Jordan works freelance and treats clients in their home which suited Bill perfectly. They hit it off immediately and worked together to get Bill strong again. I had experienced Jordan’s skill because he had treated me after my partial knee replacement in 2023, getting me back to full fitness in just four weeks. I knew that if anyone could get Bill walking his dog again, Jordan could. And I am delighted to say that he is very nearly there and already attempting the stairs again.

But problems don’t always arrive from having a broken bone. Another friend who I have known for many years through the charity Steps in Leicestershire, just woke up one day with a chronic pain in her groin. It was so painful that Jane could hardly walk. After endless visits to her GP, prescribed analgesics, osteopathy and acupuncture all to no avail, in desperation she saw a consultant privately. A scan and a steroid injection followed, but sadly with only little improvement. I suggested Jordan the physio pay her a visit. After a 1½ hour physio session, Jane felt much improved and reassured that it wasn’t anything too serious, and if she did the exercises that he showed her, hopefully, within a few days she would be able to walk without a stick. Within a week she sent me a photograph of her happily going for a walk for the first time in 9 months! One more physio session should resolve the problem for good.

The above situations could have happened to any one of us and I highlight them because I want to emphasise that we should never give up and should keep persevering until we find a solution.

Thankfully, all three of my friends have enjoyed a positive outcome from a potentially life-changing medical situation, and there is something very important to recognise. All three of them were fit and active in the first place and that makes a massive difference to the chances of a full recovery.

Mary and I will continue to encourage everyone to keep up those strength exercises to keep our muscles strong, and every day to continue with our 30-minute walks. Exercise is like a super-saver bank account that pays double dividends no matter what our age, but as we grow older, it pays treble dividends!

Recipe of the Week


Serves 4
Per serving 265 calories/3.6g fat
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Setting time: 1 hour

4 fat-free trifle fingers
2 tbsps sweet sherry
4 tsps fruit compote
200g (7oz) fresh strawberries, sliced
1 packet strawberry jelly
1 x 75g packet instant low-fat custard
4 small pots low-fat vanilla-flavoured live yogurt
extra strawberries to decorate
  1. Make up the jelly as per the packet instructions and allow to almost set.
  2. Break the trifle sponges into 4 individual trifle dishes, drizzle with sherry and add a teaspoon of fruit compote before covering with sliced strawberries.
  3. When the jelly is almost set whisk with a fork then pour over the strawberries in the dishes, then slice more strawberries on top of the jelly.
  4. Meanwhile, make up the instant custard using boiling water and allow to cool before pouring it onto the second layer of sliced strawberries. Place in the refrigerator.
  5. When completely chilled, cover with the vanilla-flavoured yogurt.
  6. Decorate with fresh strawberries and serve.
Don't forget, you can download and print a copy of all our recipes if you click on the image to go to the recipe's page on the website.
Click here for more recipes

Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

Six months ago, in Newsletter Issue 176, I wrote about how we can fall safely with some training. It has since become my pet subject!

I was inspired by a television report showing how older people could be taught how to fall in such a way as to prevent too much damage to the body. A bad fall can result in a serious head injury or a broken hip, which requires hospitalisation and a long road to recovery.

Even if a fall does not result in too much damage the evidence suggests that it can have a long-lasting and significant effect on someone, resulting in a lack of confidence and a reluctance to lead a normal active life, just in case it happens again.

When we read the startling statistics on falls among the elderly we begin to understand the need to take positive action and explore just how much difference some training can make. In England alone there are over 200,000 emergency hospital admissions every year as the result of a fall, with many left seriously disabled and with a considerable reduction in the quality of their life. Also, around a third of over 65s will fall at least once a year and this rises to half of the over-80s.

So, I set about preparing and planning a workshop called 'How to Fall' with my fitness groups. Initially, I had the idea of using a venue that had crash mats available, as they are very deep and soft to land upon. This would have meant they would have to travel some distance, organising car share etc, and it was also a shock to discover the high hire costs of such a facility, so I had a re-think.

Then, whilst exploring the internet for any information on the techniques needed for falling, I came across a chap who keeps a blown-up mattress in a cupboard, takes it out every day and practises falling onto it! I thought this was quite strange at first, but actually that man was doing exactly what is needed - repeating the same move over and over again, so it is embedded in his memory bank and falling well becomes instinctive. Not only did I find this fascinating, it also resolved my problem! I would run my workshop at my regular hall that I hire for my classes, with several 'begged and borrowed' blow-up mattresses available for us to fall on to.   

I have to say this was received with some scepticism by some of my regulars, who felt that there was no way they would have time to fall 'well', as we reach the ground in a flash, without having any time to think about 'how' we are falling. But this is actually not true, as it only takes a split second to react, long enough to position ourself to fall without too much damage. Yes, we will be hurt and bruised and very shaken no doubt, particularly if we have fallen on concrete, but we will have protected our head and fallen in a way that prevents bones breaking. Trust me!

Why are Older People More Likely to Fall?

  • Sarcopenia.  You have heard it before, but that loss of muscle that is inevitable as we age, particularly in the lower body around the hips, thighs, calves and ankles, is a serious contributor to falling.
  • Postural changes.  If our centre of gravity is compromised then we will more easily lose our balance. This is called the Forward Head Position (FHP). Our head is heavy and if it is not sitting on top of our shoulders then the sheer weight of it can put us off balance and make falling more likely.
  • Proprioception decline.  There are special sensors through the body in muscle tendons, joints and skin telling us to stay upright. As we age those sensors are not so good at sending messages, particularly from our feet.
  • Vestibular system decline.  This is all about our ears, as they play a major part in how well we balance. The fluid in our inner ears shifts constantly to aid our balance and the brain uses that information to prevent a fall. As with many other functions it doesn’t work so efficiently as we get older.
  • Vision.  Our balance is heavily influenced by our vision. We only have to try closing our eyes whilst standing on one leg to see what a difference good vision makes! As we age we need regular eye tests to ensure our vision is the best it can be to avoid any hazards that could lead to a fall.
  • Reaction Times.  Inevitably, we will not be so quick to react to a fall as we were when we were younger, but many enjoyable physical activities can help you to offset this. Sporting activities, like table tennis, badminton, walking netball or walking football all require good reaction times and even a dance session, keeping up with the beat of the music and some fancy footwork, will all help.


What the Research Says

In a recent research review on studies about falls, 62 different studies were assessed involving more than 45,000 people and the conclusion was very clear:

'... the most critical prevention strategy to reduce the risk of falling relies on building strength and stability.  Therefore, it is likely that exercise is the single most effective strategy for fall prevention.'


Following a short talk on why we need to learn to fall, at my 'How to Fall' session, and after warming up all the joints, muscles and cardiovascular system, we set about falling onto our blow-up mattresses. The technique is very clear:

  1. TUCK.
    By tucking our chin to our chest and bending all our joints we are almost certainly going to protect our head. This is vital as head injuries are one of the leading causes of death after a fall.
  2. SIT.
    Now we are in a tucked-up position we need to 'sit down'. Decent leg strength will always help us to do this – weak legs won't!
  3. ROLL.
    By rolling we spread the load onto different body areas. The hip area is well cushioned with muscles, and as we roll and twist slightly we spread the fall onto our upper back.

So, we practised for a few minutes and the more each person had a go then the more we realised that the technique can be 'learned', so that it is in our muscle memory and becomes more instinctive. Not everyone wanted to risk doing this part of the session, but I sent them away with a 'Home Programme' designed to improve all those aspects of strength and stability that will not only prevent a fall in the first place but if they do, they will have some idea of the techniques needed. Here is the programme:

Home Programme for Fall Prevention

This programme can be completed in under 10 minutes!
  1. Stair Climbing (Time: Under 2 minutes)
    • Go up and down stairs 3 - 5 times. Try to go up without holding the rail but always come down holding the rail.
  2. Press-ups (Time: 1 minute 30 seconds)
    • Level 1:  Stand 2 - 3ft away from a wall, with hands on the wall at shoulder height.  Keeping the body in a straight line, bend elbows and lower forehead to the wall, breathing in. Now push back again, breathing out. Do 2 sets of 10.
    • Level 2:  Place hands on the edge of a kitchen worktop and place body in a straight line. Now lower towards the top, breathing in, and breathe out as you push away again. Do 2 sets of 10.
    • Level 3:  Now place hands on the edge of a sturdy dining table, or the third step of a set of stairs, and keeping the body in a straight line and core tight, lower towards the table or stairs breathing in and push back up again, breathing out. Do 2 sets of 10.
  3. Sit to Stand (Time: Under 2 minutes)
    • Sit on the edge of a sturdy dining chair with arms across your chest. Lean forward and bring your feet further towards the chair. Now stand up swiftly but lower slowly! Do 2 sets of 10.
  4. One Minute Plank (or Superman)
    • Level 1:  On hands and knees with hands under shoulders and knees under hips, slide the right leg out behind you, keeping toes on the floor.  Now slide the left arm forward, with fingers still on the floor. Pull the tummy in tight and lift the foot and hand away from the floor, and hold for 3 - 5 seconds. Change sides. Repeat 4 times.
    • Level 2:  Lying on the floor on your front, pull yourself up onto elbows, then keeping the body straight come up onto your knees and hold still. Pull the tummy in tight and hold for up to 30 seconds. Then rest and repeat. Breathe normally.
    • Level 3:  Starting on hands and knees, slide one leg away then the other and ensure the body is in a straight line, head to heels. Keep the tummy held in tightly and hold for up to one minute. Breathe normally. (If your wrists are a problem, then do the same but on your elbows.)
  5. Standing on One Leg (Time: 30 seconds each leg)
    • Stand close to a worktop or a chair for support if needed. Standing in a good posture with tummy pulled in for support, lift one foot off the floor and hold for 30 seconds. Change legs. (Try a few seconds with eyes closed, but ensure you have a support to reach for).
  6. Rolling Like a Ball
    • Sitting on the edge of a soft mat or rug in a curled-up position hugging your knees, fall back to one side from hip to shoulder and back up again. Keep the head tucked in. Repeat 10 times. Progress to falling onto a bed.

      Build up to rolling from a standing position:
      TUCK - SIT – ROLL
As we age our ability to balance reduces which puts us at greater risk of falling. Here Mary teaches Rosemary a sequence of exercises that develop the ability to balance. Learn how to train yourself to be able to balance better.

This Week's Fitness Challenge

  1. Go for your 30+ minute walk every day and remember to step it out when the ground is flat and get yourself a little out of breath on the uphill bits.
  2. For your three Strength workouts this week try the Home Programme for Fall Prevention (above). The benefits are not just for falling but to improve your strength and stability generally for all your daily activities.
  3. Let’s not forget to Stretch! Always do the Post Walk Stretches every day but try to include the Whole Body Stretch Programme three times this week.
Did you know... 

All UK residents are entitled to a free UK Global Health Insurance Card. (UK GHIC)

This card replaced the previous European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) after Brexit. This new card lets you get necessary state healthcare in the European Economic Area (EEA), and some other countries, on the same basis as a resident of that country. This may be free or it may require a payment equivalent to that which a local resident would pay.

A UK GHIC is free and lasts for up to 5 years and you can apply for a card through the NHS website.

Bear in mind that while a UK GHIC card will help you get an emergency ambulance and immediate care should the worst happen in many countries, it won't cover you for things like airlifting you off a cruise ship if you suffer a heart attack or flying you home from your skiing holiday with two broken legs, so it is no substitute for appropriate and comprehensive private travel insurance!

And finally...

I hope you have found this information relating to our safety and recovery helpful. I found Mary’s piece fascinating and it reminds me of skaters who jump and spin in the air over the ice. Can you imagine how many times they must fall as they practise their triple Salchow (pron. salko)! They must have learned how to fall without breaking their bones!

Next week I will report on my progress with eating more protein in my daily diet! There have been some ups and some downs! 

Have a great week.

With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL


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