
Dear <<First Name>>,
Spring 2025 courses will be both online (on Thursdays) and in-person (on Fridays), while a few will be held off campus (on different dates). 

Here are some key dates for the upcoming spring semester.

Wednesday, February 19: Spring catalog available.
Thursday, February 27: Course pre-registration begins on a first-come, first-served basis. On this day, you can register for one course only.
Friday, February 28: Regular course registration begins. On this day, you can register for as many courses as you want.

Thursday, March 6, through Friday, April 18: classes are held on Thursday (on Zoom, March 6 - April 17) and Friday (on campus, March 7 - April 18).
Varying Dates: Off-Friday offerings (see the catalog for specifics by course).

Spring Catalog
ProClass Catalog

ProClass shows the spring courses on a search page on the LLI website under Courses>ProClass Registration Link. Click on the button below to access this link.

Link to Spring Catalog on ProClass
Click the search button on the left of the page to find courses of interest by time period or course type. The Search page shows details about each course; click the course title to see a description of the content and the presenter’s bio.

Log into ProClass to use the Wish List feature. Once you are logged in and you see your name in the upper right corner, simply click on the red button under each course to add a course to your Wish List. Click the Wish List link next to your name to view the courses you have selected.

You will need to log in to ProClass to register for spring classes. If you need help logging in or using the Wish List feature, contact

The catalog is also accessible on the website by using the button below. As in the previous semesters, click a course title to expand the display to see details about each course. (The same course descriptions are displayed in ProClass.)
Link to Spring Catalog on the LLI Website
Course Registration
Registration in ProClass is continuous. Priority pre-registration opens at 9:00 a.m. on February 27th. On that day, LLI members will be able to register for one course. Regular course registration begins on February 28th, when LLI members will be able to register for as many classes as they wish.

Only members who can log in to ProClass may register for courses. You may want to test whether you can access ProClass now. Contact the tech help team at if you have any questions about logging in to ProClass or using Zoom. Someone will get back to you as soon as they can.

For people who need a refresher course in using ProClass, help is on the way. Look for a separate message about a video training session for how to register for classes in ProClass.

Have a healthy, rewarding, and enjoyable spring semester.
You can check our website at for more information.

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