NIAGARA FALLS, ON - We would like to provide an update regarding the current winter storm conditions impacting our community.
Road Conditions: Roads are generally clear at this time, with municipal crews actively plowing and treating roads to prepare for the anticipated drop in temperatures and potential freeze.
City Facilities: All city facilities remain open to the public. However, please note that programming at MacBain Community Centre is cancelled for the morning only. The situation will be reassessed in the afternoon.
We urge residents to stay informed and take necessary precautions to ensure their safety during this weather event. City staff are closely monitoring the weather and will adjust services if needed. Residents are reminded to take extra care while driving and allow extra time. Please avoid parking on the street during winter storms to help our crews work more efficiently.
Updates on snow-clearing efforts and the City’s response to significant weather events are available at Subscribe to receive updates via text message or email.
For complete information on all things Winter in Niagara Falls, visit
For more information, contact:
Serge Felicetti
Director of Business Development
City of Niagara Falls