From Matt (Wallaby) (Cub Scout Leader):
I was very privileged to join the FC041 Jamboree Unit as a leader (and parent to one attendee). This was the first big interstate Scouting event I had attended since I attended a Jamboree as a Scout way back in the olden days (1994-95). Jamborees require a very level of organisation, logistics, problem solving, and communication over a number of months – which is a hugely worthwhile leader team effort to make the activity run smoothly and successfully for our youth. And what an incredible group of young people we had in FC041. Scouts from all over SA and also New Zealand, most of whom did know each other prior to the October Shakedown (practice) Camp, working together as a team for 11 challenging and fun days in the Queensland sun (and rain, and mud!). They participated in all sorts of activities, made new friends, had conversations with people they had never met, negotiated buses and planes, did their own dishes, cooked together, ate together, got smelly together and each facing and overcoming personal challenge and difficulty. I couldn’t be prouder of our Jamboree Scouts, and I really encourage younger Cubs and Scouts to consider attending the next Jamboree in 2028.