Thursday, February 6 the 9:00am and 10:15am Classes are running
Please be advised that Cheryl's classed on Thursday, February 6 will be running with a replacement instructor.
9:00 a.m Get Fit All - Running
10:15 a.m Sculpt & Tone - Running
Instructor, Christine, will be running these classes. Christine is a certified Strength and Tone instructor, specializing in spinal and musculoskeletal strengthening. She is also a certified personal trainer and group exercise instructor.
We are grateful that she can cover these classes. Come on out and get to know Christine who will be leading the new BLAST OFF class (Butt, Less, Abs, Strength, Tone) starting on Wednesday, February 12 at 8:45 a.m
Friday, February 7 the 9:00am and 10:15am Classes are cancelled
9:00 a.m Drum Cardio - Cancelled
10:15 a.m Flex Fit - Cancelled
We want to take a moment to send our heartfelt get well wishes to Cheryl, who is currently under the weather. We're all thinking of you Cheryl, and hope you feel better soon. We can't wait to welcome you back to class once you're back on your feet. In the meantime, please join us in wishing her a speedy recovery.