For undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students:
Here’s what WFU should know this week.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
The Wake Washington Center is taking applications from current students (from all schools/programs) with internships in D.C. this summer to stay in Wake Washington housing.
News and Announcements
Save the date for Founders Day, Feb. 20 (4 p.m. in Wait Chapel): This year’s program includes the annual senior oration, where one of your fellow classmates will share a critical reflection on their educational experiences. The event will focus on Many Voices, One Wake Forest and includes the presentation of Medallion of Merit, musical selections from the University Chamber Choir, and remarks from President Susan R. Wente and Dean of the Law School Andy Klein. The celebration will be followed by a light reception for all attendees in the Green Room on the first floor of Reynolda Hall, and we’d love to see students there! Mark your calendars and RSVP.
Wake Washington Summer Housing: Wake Washington will be opening its apartments to any continuously enrolled Wake Forest student (e.g., undergraduate, graduate, law, business, etc.) who will be interning in Washington, D.C., this summer. The application is now open, and dates, rates and the application can be found here. Recent graduates (i.e., not continuing at WFU) or non-WFU students cannot apply. Review of applications will begin later this month and continue on a rolling basis until all available beds are filled. There are 16 total beds to fill across four two-bedroom apartments; preference is given to students staying in groups of four for the full summer.
Undergraduates: Apply for the Principled Pluralism Fellowship: The Principled Pluralism Fellowship aims to support a small group of undergraduate students who will pursue research on pluralism, jointly author research on the importance of principled pluralism, and work to develop the skills and virtue need to promote meaningful dialogue across difference. The Fellowship includes a stipend of $4,000 and double-occupancy housing on campus. Fellows also receive personal mentoring from experts in the field. The Fellowship is scheduled to run from June 2–July 25 and will be led by the Program for Leadership and Character. Apply today.
Space Planning Project: On the first Thursday of each month, we bring you an update on Wake Forest’s space planning efforts:
More details will be shared in next week’s WFU Should Know.
Program of Study Declaration began on Feb. 3 for undergraduate students who have earned 40+ hours. Declarations must be made by submitting requests in Workday. It is essential to submit your request in Workday early enough to allow time for review and approval.
Note: Students must declare a major prior to declaring a minor, concentration, or foreign area study. Undergraduate major/minor advising begins March 17, with Fall 2025 registration to follow starting April 1.