Camp Meeting Cost Cutting Allows
for Lower Fundraising Goal
When camp meeting comes to Gladstone Park, staff and volunteers work together to build a temporary community to accommodate at least 5,000 people. Planning began last fall to make sure that the campground is ready when July 22nd arrives this summer. Along the way, over 3,000 (volunteer and hired) man-hours are required to landscape, clean up, power wash walkways or buildings, place benches and picnic tables, and do the various other tasks that make the campground safe and inviting for guests at camp meeting. In 2023, camp meeting cost over $600,000. Last fall, we committed to budget $450,000, planning to be more efficient while soliciting donations to fund camp meeting this year. Since November, the planning team has sharpened its pencil and reduced another $60,000 from the projected camp meeting budget. How? We’ve tightened the schedule for delivery of services to the campus. By carefully staging deliveries of public safety and sanitation resources like radios, golf carts, port-a-potties and trash cans to arrive “just in time,” we’re able to reduce the cost by a small amount. By adjusting programming plans to reduce our dependence on rented meeting tents, we reduced additional cost.
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Oregon Pathfinders
Host Teen Leadership Convention
On the weekend of January 25th, the annual Oregon Pathfinder Teen Leadership Convention was held at Twin Rocks Friends Camp, where a large group of TLTs and their mentors met with coordinators to assess and grow their progress in the program. Read more...
Adventist Health
First Friday: February
You are invited to a free night of worship, praise, and fellowship on February 7 at Adventist Health Portland. This month's featured speaker will be Reginald Richardson with music by the Sharon Worship Team. Learn more...
Elders Trainings Coming in March & April
These in-person trainings will cover essential topics such as leading yourself well to prevent burnout, the heart of Christian leadership, God's call to eldership, a workshop on the foundational principles of effective preaching, and more. Learn more...
There's Still Time
to Register for
Creators Lab!
It's not too late to register for this cutting-edge event designed for those sharing their faith through digital platforms and projects!
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Montana President Accepts Call to
Voice of Prophecy
Ken Norton, president of the Montana Conference, has accepted the Voice of Prophecy’s invitation to serve as the Discover Bible School director. Norton will replace Bill Payne, who recently took a call to the NAD. Read more...
NAD Issues Appeal
for Human Dignity
and Decency
As members of the Adventist Church, we believe that “we are all equal in Christ, who by one Spirit has bonded us into one fellowship with Him and with one another; we are to serve and be served without partiality or reservation” - Fundamental Belief #14. Read on...
ADRA International President Michael Kruger Is Stepping Down
Michael Kruger, president of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), announced that he will be stepping down on April 1. Kruger is leaving after more than 10 years of dedicated service to the organization. Learn more...
Last Friday, the North American Division provided for churches and schools the document entitled "Guidance on Immigration Enforcement Activity on Church and School Property." These guidelines, prepared by the NAD Office of General Counsel, have been reviewed — and is supported by — the NAD officers and union presidents. CLICK HERE for the guidelines. Spanish and French-language versions will be published soon and available under the NAD website "Guidelines" tab.
| for Our Minds Mental Health Seminar
Join us for Caring for Our Minds, a FREE community event focused on mental wellness for families, teens, and individuals of all ages, February 8 from 3:00-5:00 PM at Meadow Glade Adventist Church. Explore practical strategies for managing stress, improving brain health, and reclaiming balance in today’s fast-paced, tech-driven world. There will be special resources, giveaways and raffles throughout the event, light refreshments in the fellowship hall following the guest presentations, and $5 coffee gift cards for every teen who attends the entire program! Featured guests will include Dr. Sarah Winslow, Dr. Andrea Matsumura, Pastor Benjamin Lundquist, and Chuck Hagele. Learn practical strategies to improve mental health for yourself and your family. Gain insights into brain health, sleep, leadership, and overcoming technology addiction, and engage in exclusive teen sessions designed to tackle real-life challenges like anxiety, depression, and focus issues. This event is free and open to the public. Invite your friend & family, and join us for this inspiring event designed to equip our community with tools for better mental health! Learn more and register at
Take Heart Valentine Luncheon for Widows & Women Alone
If you’re a woman who is widowed, divorced, single, lonely, hurting or willing to come support those of us who are, please join us for our annual Take Heart Valentine Luncheon for Widows & Women Alone, Sunday, February 9th at 1:00 PM at Gladstone Park Adventist Church, hosted by Oregon Conference Women's Ministries and Take Heart Ministry. Take Heart Ministry is a ministry of hope and healing for those who have suffered loss and a resource for those who are willing to pull alongside those who have. In addition to a lovely catered lunch, we will hear from featured speaker Sue Clayville and enjoy music, prizes, and more . We are meeting at Gladstone Church located at 8378 Cason Road in Gladstone. To register visit
Dr. Calvin Taylor Piano Concert
Dr. Calvin Taylor, gospel music recording artist featured weekly on "Kids Time Praise" TV program, will perform a piano concert during the worship service on Sabbath, February 15 at the Grants Pass Seventh-day Adventist Church. He will perform an additional concert at 4:30 PM, featuring extended improvisations on the music of classical composers, and sing along with classic songs. The Grants Pass Adventist Church is located at 1360 NE 9th St, Grants Pass, OR 97526.
Memorial Service for Lloyd Wescott
Lloyd Wescott, long-time Sunnyside church member and community cornerstone, passed away December 18, 2024. A memorial service will be held on February 16, 3:00 PM at Sunnyside Adventist Church. A reception will follow the service. Sunnyside Adventist Church is located at 10501 SE Market St, Portland, OR 97216.
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