Box Your Thoughts

Dear Reader

Compartmentalizing is a key concept we use in EOS. 

This helps us to put actions (things that we need to do), into certain compartments. It helps us to put in a compartment what we need to do today, or in this coming week, on our to-do list.
What we need to do in the next quarter, we'll put on our rock sheet, and if it's something for the next year, we put that in our goals, our annual goals.

We also put our issues in compartments, where short-term issues go on our list for our level 10 meetings, and our long-term issues go on to our V/TO, in its place on the issues list there.

So everything has got a little box where it fits, and the idea is that when it's time to focus, you focus on what is in front of you. You know the other stuff has been put in their box.

You can call it 'parked', if you want, but it's parked for now. You don't have to spend energy on it and you'll get to it when you get to it; it's safely put there and you've got the reminders so you're not going to miss it.
This helps you to be focused and to be clear and it helps you to be much more productive. 

I took this concept a little bit further recently.
I had to deal with some difficult decisions and some issues personally and professionally. And you know, they were wearing me down. Then I thought, why don't I put these things also in boxes? So I would turn to someone and say, "I cannot talk to you about this now. We'll have to talk about this next Wednesday."  And then in my calendar, I put a reminder next Wednesday morning, prepare for the speech or this presentation, or this discussion with this person.

That allowed me to park that thought out of my head and focus on what's important. It's really important and it helps you to clear your mind, to focus on what's important right now and to stay focused, because that gives you clarity. As you go through this clarity, it brings you joy as you go through your days. 

So I recommend this: use compartmentalizing in your life and in your work as well. Have a place and a time to turn your attention to every matter. Don't try and think about all of these things all at the same time and don't let them wear you down.

Have a great week and this is the path to joy. See you next week.

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Best wishes,
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