Civitas at WUMUNS XVI

Delegates from Civitas before dinner on Saturday night.
A very enthusiastic, driven group of students from 11 different area high schools represented Civitas at the 16th annual Washington University Model United Nations Symposium (WUMUNS XVI) this past weekend. Several served as countries on the General Assembly committee attempting to solve the Rohingya Crisis. One Civitas delegate, Robyn Davies, representing Bangladesh, was awarded Best Delegate for that committee! Other Civitas representatives served on a variety of smaller committees, including a gathering of President George W. Bush's cabinet following a mysterious discussion of his health after choking on a pretzel in 2002. One delegate was a member of the Roman Senate committee dealing with the (possible?!) death of Julius Caesar; other committee topics participants discussed included a Star Wars Senate, the Easter Rising of Dublin in 1916, the Salem Witch Trials, and the 2008 Financial Crisis. The delegates all shared positive feedback of WUMUNS and several commented on how different the experience was, focusing on committee work for several hours about one topic, compared to the non-competitive Civitas UN General Assemblies that talk about many global issues. The weather was perfect for walking around the lovely Wash U campus; eating at various campus cafeterias and/or on Delmar was an additional treat. It was a weekend to remember for all!
Robyn Davies, winner of the Best Delegate Award for her committee!
This Saturday, Oct. 7, is Country Draft for HSMUN!

A teaser pic from Country Draft trivia--can you name the city and country of this famous site?
The Country Draft is Saturday, October 7 from 10:00 am until noon in Browning Auditorium at Webster University. All students are encouraged to attend the Country Draft, although just one representative from a school (or two if your school has groups attending two Model UN sessions) is required to attend with a list of countries for your school's group. We'll have a brief opening presentation about global happenings on draft day and next steps for preparing for your session, followed by a few rounds of trivia (with prizes) before dividing into sessions to draft for countries.
The draft sign up will close Friday afternoon, so sign up NOW!
Click here to sign up for the Country Draft.
Attend UN Day on Sat., Oct. 21 and earn a Game Changer point!
Join our Remind Classroom for additional reminders and a direct link to sign up for Civitas events this school year: 9k64d6h
Saturday, October 7, 10:00 am until 12:00 pm at Webster University (MAP)
High School Model UN Country Draft
Sign up here to attend.
Saturday, October 21, 5:00 pm until 8:00 pm at the International Institute (MAP)
UN Day Celebration with guest speakers, food, music/dance, games, and more.
Sign up here to attend
Saturday, November 18, 9:00 am until 12:00 pm at Webster University (MAP)
HSMUN Session A
Saturday, November 18, 1:30 pm until 4:30 pm at Webster University (MAP)
HSMUN Session B
Saturday, December 2, 9:00 am until 12:00 pm at Webster University (MAP)
HSMUN Session C