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Words from Father Ed

This weekend we will welcome Asher R. Sheppard representing the Jewish faith and Mohammad K. Jabbari of the Muslim faith to be participants in our Sunday Worship and to join Fr. Ed in a panel discussion in Stevenson Hall after the service. They will address such issues as how to become a Muslim or Jew or a Christian, how does each religion worship as individuals and as a congregation.

We also welcome our new Sexton Raman Doss who began last week. He will be around the church property at various times to serve our needs. Please say hello if you see him.

Father Ed

St Patrick's 
Upcoming Worship Service

In Person & Zoom
If you are unable to join in person, click here for the Zoom invite.

Click here to download the Sunday service bulletin
Click here to get the sheet music for this weekend's service. 

For weeks the Grapevine is not sent, please look to the church website for the bulletin and Zoom information on the WORSHIP page. 

Contact Information:

The Very Rev. Ed, Priest-In-Charge
Phone/text: 707-292-8033

St Patrick's Church Weekly Calendar Events

Sept 28 & Oct 5 Choir Rehearsal 6:30PM

Sept 29 & Oct 6 Centering Prayer Group 10:30AM

Oct 1 & 8Holy Eucharist 10AM

Oct 2 & 9Art with Kate Rogers! 11AM

Oct 4 & 11 Midweek Worship followed by Bible Study 10AM

Oct 4 & 11-   *Al Anon- 6PM
                      *AA - 7:30PM

Ministries of the parish that we cannot directly accomplish, except by our hospitable welcome to these fellowships and healing work include the following: 

 * AA Group, weekly on Wednesdays at 7:30PM, meets in  the Parish Hall.
 * Al Anon Group weekly on Wednesdays at 6PM, meets in the Parish Admin Building.
* PEO, once a month on the first Thursday at 10AM and sometimes on the first Saturday at 8:45AM, meets in the Parish Hall.


Oct 5  P.E.O. Meeting 10:30AM

Oct 9  Food Bank 
Oct 14  Saturday Women’s Breakfast at Boudin SF 10AM 
Boudin SF is located in Montgomery Village. Occurs the second Saturday of each month.

Please click on the link below for upcoming calendar events!

Our Gatherings On Zoom!

    St Patrick's Weekly Calendar

Sundays:  Holy Eucharist  
Join us in person for Sunday Eucharist! 10 a.m. 
Also available online by Zoom. Click here for the invite.

Tuesdays:  Morning Coffee Hour  
Let's meet over coffee! 10:00 a.m. Contact Rich Randolph for your Zoom Invitation.
Rich Randolph:

Thursdays:  Compline  
Compline on ZOOM! 4:00 p.m. Hosted by Minerva Haddad. Contact Minerva for your Zoom invite.
Minerva Haddad:

Fridays: The Men's Bible Study:
Grow in your faith & walk with God! 8:30 a.m.
Send a note to Rich Randolph and he will ensure you receive a Zoom invitation.
Rich Randolph:

St. Patrick's Church Library

Dear Congregation,

In preparation for our Library reorganization, Shona would be grateful if you could fill out the questionnaire attached by the link in this email.

After she has received responses, she will share the conclusions and begin the process. 

If you could complete the questionnaire by Saturday, October 7th that would be greatly appreciated.

~Shona Burns

Conversation about the Abrahamic Faiths on
Sunday, October 1st

This Sunday!

Asher R. Sheppard of the Jewish faith and Mohammed (Moe) Jabbari of the Muslim faith will take part in the Sunday worship and then join Father Ed on a panel discussion about the three religions. Thank you, God.

Click here to read Biographical Sketches of Our Panelists

Diocesan Initiative Project (Re)Start
for Disaster Relief - October 7th!

Dear Russian River Deanery
Every year, Northern California is impacted by major wildfires, floods, and other disasters, frequently impacting our churches and congregations. In the initial phases of a disaster, the bishop, clergy and congregations provide generous financial support (often in the form of gift cards) to help victims meet immediate needs such as food, gas, and medications. As disasters transition from rescue to recovery to rebuilding, victims need everyday goods to adapt to temporary housing while homes and lives are being rebuilt.
Project (Re)Start is an initiative by the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California to develop standardized bins containing essential household and personal goods to help victims after the initial days of a disaster. These bins are distributed free of charge to anybody who has been displaced, is establishing a household in a rebuilt residence, or has experienced forced relocation. This provides interested congregations with a way to provide tangible support to victims.
Here’s how it works: There are four types of bins in each set (bedroom, bathroom, cleaning, kitchen). Congregations are invited to commit to assembling and storing ten sets in each deanery of the diocese.
The Church of the Incarnation is hosting this project for our deanery which will create the 40 (Re)Start bins necessary to make ten complete sets of bins. You are invited to donate money by scanning the QR Code below to help cover the cost of the bins and join us in assembling the Project (Re)Start bins at Church of the Incarnation, Saturday October 7, 9am-Noon in Farlander Hall.

Please contact Daphne Vernon for questions at

Below are photos taken of the four bins you helped supply! They are located at St. Patrick's Church "at the ready"!

Faith Field Trips with St. Patrick's Church

Come on a journey to visit a gem of the Napa Valley; the Carmelite House of Prayer. It is a Monastery of the Discalced Carmelite (Catholic) Friar Community adhering to a life of prayer, community life, and ministry.
Situated on a rise above the Napa Valley, the property is surrounded by vineyards and boasts its own chapel adjacent to the original Doak mansion built in 1921. The landscape designer, John McLaren, created Golden Gate Park.
Our tour will include a visit to the chapel and viewing of the grounds.
Afterwards we will motor south to Napa and have a no-host lunch at Fume.
  9:30:  Gather at St. Patrick's front parking lot to car pool
10:30:  Gather at the Monastery
10:35-  Visit the Chapel
11:45    Tour the grounds (the grounds are mainly situated below the main      
             building and is a rather steep grade.)
12:15    Lunch at Fume
  3:00:  Arrive back at St. Patrick's
Please consider each providing a $20 (cash) donation, that we will gift to the Monastery. Recall that Monasteries are self-supporting.
Limited seating. Please contact Stephanie Chapralis McCaffrey if interested.   707 303-7130

Faith Field Trips are brought to you by the Fellowship Ministry

Blessing Bags
September News
This month we had 30 bags to give to Redwood Gospel Mission! What a success!
In October blessing bags will be due by October 8th which is the second Sunday. 
Everyone is welcome to participate in making blessing bags!

Here’s what goes in the Blessing Bags:
1 pop top can of pasta with meat
1 juice box
1 granola-type bar
1 package of crackers with cheese or peanut butter
A napkin and sturdy plastic fork
Place everything in a quart-sized plastic bag.  The stretchable Glad bags work very well.  If you like, you can include a short hopeful message.  

Thanks to all of you who contributed to this ministry. You have helped your neighbors who are struggling.  God Bless you!  
~Betsy Randolph

You can drop off your blessing bags in the blessing bag box located in the narthex or deliver to the Randolph's home: 8399 Oakmont Dr., Santa Rosa, CA 95409. 
Please call Betsy Randolph for questions at (408)981-2024.

Food Bank Distribution!
Greetings Friends! Check out Eleanor's thankful note to her volunteers from Monday, September 25th. The team will return again on October 9th.
The photos below are pictured from Sonoma Highway at the driveway entrance of the church. Next time you see these flower 
windmills and Free Food sign, you'll know the Food Bank Distribution team is giving away food!
Dear All,

Thank you to Lynn, Ned, Beth, Brad, driver Tomie and rep Arturo.  50 families and 169 individuals received food tonight on St Pat's parking lot!  Some really good food items included pork loin roasts, eggs, huge heads of cauliflower and misc. other fresh and frozen food items.

Milder weather and a breeze made for a very pleasant distribution!  We opened 30 minutes early, only had a few "down" times and ended with a 6:00 client!  Thankfully, there were a few food items left!

I continue to be so thankful to be a part of this ministry.  It exposes me to a side of life I haven't ever personally experienced, including extended hunger and/or someone else's generosity determining what I will have for my next meal.  

At every distribution clients express appreciation and take only what they need.  Regularly heard is  "I have enough of this" as they pass on down the line, leaving food for others. Concern for others is obvious.

I have long wondered why the Bible speaks so much about God loving the poor. The more I see, the more I come to believe that they are wonderful people who so appreciate receiving the basic needs that they receive.  How much do I appreciate what I have?

Our next distribution will be Monday, Oct 9.  Scheduled are Pam/Larry, Carolyn W and Kerin, who will sub for me.  One more volunteer is needed.  I'll be "riding the rails" with Daytrippers!   Please let me know if you can help.


Upcoming Events & Workshops


A Letter from Bishop Megan Traquair
We are delighted to share with you a letter from Bishop Megan Traquair to our parishioners on the virtue of becoming involved in planned giving ministry. At St. Patrick's that refers to becoming part of the St. Patrick's Legacy Circle whereby one leaves a gift (no matter the amount) in one's will or trust, or estate plan, to St. Patrick's. Bishop Megan has followed the progress of our ministry given that our parish was one of the few in the diocese to implement a planned giving program, and a successful one at that. We are honored.


St. Patrick's Planned Giving Ministry

Dear Friends at St Patrick’s,

I write to commend you for making planned gifts for the long-term welfare of your Church.
After you have taken care of your family and friends, a planned gift makes a large impact in meeting the needs of the parish and the community.  Not only can it help to support some of the things we most value about our life in Christ as a congregation, long-term gifts can bring a deep sense of joy and purpose.  

In 2 Corinthians 11-12, we are reminded
 “ You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God through us, for the rendering of this ministry not only supplies the needs of the saints but also overflows with many thanksgivings to God.”

Our Congregations all stand on the foundation of generosity, love and vision of those who came before. Thanks be to God that we too can be part of that foundation.
In Christ,

The Planned Giving Ministry: Stephanie Chapralis McCaffrey, Chair, Laurie Boone-Hogen, and Ann and Alec Peters.

Treasure in the Closet
Last month Eleanor Albon and Stephanie Chapralis McCaffrey volunteered to clean out and reorganize the closet where we store linens and decorations. As happens with any closet, over time they can become overcrowded and contain long forgotten items.
The goal was to go through every item to determine whether it would continue to be needed or useful, and to be able to easily view the closet contents. Many items of long ago activities were discarded or recycled. The bins had contents combined and/or reorganized and stored for easy access.
During this process a stash of china and a twelve place silver flatware service were found. An attempt was made to learn who donated them and when. It was thought they may have value and could be sold or consigned.
With the blessing of Fr. Ed, Eleanor took the recommendation of Diana Estabrook and contacted Treasure House that consigns quality household goods. In looking at the china and silver, they determined that the silverware was solid sterling and the melt down value most likely was more than the resale.
One of the Treasure House staff offered to contact the business that would take the silver and Lo and Behold, St. Patrick's has received a total of $1,510.41. This is thrilling news and worth more than we could have dreamed.
The gratitude of our parish is extended to Diana, Stephanie, and especially Eleanor who went above and beyond to not only make things tidy but garner a "tidy" profit for our parish. 
Well done!
Submitted by Stephanie Chapralis McCaffrey

St. Patrick's Women's Breakfast at Boudin

Some of the women of St. Patrick's gathered together on the morning of September 9th to enjoy each other's company. Join our ladies the second Saturday of the month! We will meet again on October 14th at Boudin SF located at Montgomery Village.


Art with Kate Rogers at St. Patrick's Church

Pastoral Committee

The Pastoral Care Committee at St. Patrick’s is is all about tending to our “flock”! We are here to serve the various needs of our parishioners. Some of our services include providing Eucharistic Visits, phone visits, arranging rides to church or appointments, Special Prayers by the Daughters of the King, grief support, memorials, counseling, and home visits, just to name a few! If you need more information, please contact co-chairs Leslie Clark (707-483-1513) or Sandy Keith (707-539-3871). Want to be a part of this very important committee, we would be glad to hear from you.


Centering Prayer

Food Donations Needed
F.I.S.H. of Santa Rosa
Spread the LOVE!

Our friends at F.I.S.H. of Santa Rosa would like our help with peanut butter donations!  If you would like to bring in jars of peanut butter to help fulfill their needs to keep serving those in need. You can also bring canned soup and other food non-perishable items. Peanut butter is their greatest need at the moment.
Drop off your donations in the basket located in the Narthex. 
We thank you for all your help!

Donation basket, located in the Narthex


Please Support Saint Patrick’s Episcopal Church Ministry

Please remember that if you choose to mail your gift, our mailing address is P.O. Box 247, Kenwood CA 95452.

Thank you!!!


If you choose to mail in your gift, please consider to send checks only. This is for your security.





Contact Information:

The Very Rev. Ed Howell, Priest-In-Charge
Phone/text: 707-292-8033
9000 Sonoma Highway
PO Box 247
Kenwood, CA 95452
2023  St. Patrick's Episcopal Church, All rights reserved.

Our Mailing Address: 

PO Box 247, Kenwood, CA 95452

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