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October 1,  2023

Lord have mercy...


One of the many comments that we hear from the heterodox (non-Orthodox Christians) who either visit us or read about the Orthodox Church is our constant repeating of the petition “Lord has mercy.” Those who have read a bit about Orthodoxy tell us that we are contradicting our own theology and beliefs in as much as we profess a loving God and then why do seem to fall in a sense of fear?

As Orthodox Christians we do not abide with the concept that we can some how change the mind of God, that would imply that God has taken up human responses namely that He changes through our influence.  This is not Orthodox or even biblical.

We are the ones who are called to come to God…can we change? In today’s Gospel we hear of the Canaanite woman who came to Christ and asks for mercy upon herself on behalf of her demon possessed daughter. The disciples told Christ to send her away (the Canaanites and Jews had no contact with each other.) Christ admonishes them by saying that He wasn’t sent only to the Jews. Despite this  she again asks Christ to help her. After words Christ sees that her faith is great, and the daughter was healed!

The mercy that we today seek isn’t different from the Canaanite woman, the mercy that we ask for is not just for ourselves but for others; just listen to the litanies. In that we experience the church as a place of healing rather than a place of justice, we seek the mercy to change ourselves and not be tied to the material world. We ask to be healed, physically, emotionally, and most importantly spiritually. Like the Canaanite woman we too can have great faith just ask the Lord for mercy!



If you made a donation...

We are finalizing our lists

Thankfully we were able to upgrade our bells through your very kind donations...

We are finalizing the project with the placement of the memorial plaque in the narthex of the church...

In order to complete this project we need information from those of you who donated

"In Memory of"

To complete the following questionaire so that we may have both the proper names and spelling for the plaque.

A signup sheet in will also be in church for the next two weeks...

please complete

by October 15...

Thank you


Orthodox...heterodox...or cyberdox?

 I have read many things on the internet, as well as a number of books about the Church’s faith, worship and history. 

What steps would I take to become an Orthodox Christian?

It is crucial to step—literally—into an Orthodox Christian parish church near you to witness/experience the Church’s worship and fellowship.  Doing so will make much of what you have read “come alive,” in the sense of seeing how that about which you have read is actually “lived.”  Think of it in the following way.  A person can read a dozen books on swimming, but that which he or she has read will not “come alive” until he or she actually gets into a pool.  Similarly, a person can read a dozen books on Orthodox Christianity, but that which he or she has read will not “come alive” until he or she actually encounters the Church as the worshipping People of God.

Come and see!

How about waking up Sunday...

They'll be glad to see you....

and you them...

Confessions from 9:30
                Hours from 9:40
                             Divine Liturgy at 10:00

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