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Looking back at September

Kia ora <<First Name>>,

What's up, October? After an action-packed few weeks, September will be a hard month to beat! We've released more 3D track videos in Plan My Walk, launched our new Avalanche Awareness video series, announced a couple of very exciting projects (more on this below), and welcomed our newest team member, Tess Griffiths. 

No signs of slowing down, we're deep into our Plan My Walk summer campaign planning, and winter looks like it'll stick around in some places for a little longer than expected. It's sure to be a big month ahead!

Remember to check before any backcountry alpine adventures. Wishing everyone a safe and successful month ahead!

The NZ Mountain Safety Council Team


Introducing Mia & Leo Go Wild

We're thrilled to share our brand-new children’s book, Mia & Leo Go Wild!

We teamed up with award-winning children's author Gillian Candler, incredible illustrator Gavin Mouldey, and publisher Potton & Burton to create this exciting adventure story for children and families in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Mia & Leo Go Wild follows Mia and her younger brother Leo on their first family overnight tramp to Whiowhio Hut. As they set out on their journey through New Zealand’s native forest, their family meets an assortment of fellow adventurers, each facing an outdoor obstacle of their own.

Cleverly weaving in the NZ Land Safety Code, this book is packed with practical tips and advice to help families safely enjoy the outdoors. You can find Mia & Leo Go Wild in bookstores and online now!
Increased danger of valley-floor avalanches in September

The start of spring saw a series of storms batter parts of the country, generating significant precip, rising freezing levels and strong winds. This caused several large avalanche cycles and prompted a strong messaging push for trampers and hunters. Read more
Plan My Walk welcome emails are live

New registered users will now receive emails to nurture them through their Plan My Walk journey. These emails will be customised to the user's experience level (beginner, intermediate or advanced/expert) and will highlight key features and share track ideas and safety tips from the MSC team.
TVNZ-NZ Marketing Awards

This year we were up for two awards in marketing excellence. While we didn't take home the wins, we still had an incredible time taking a moment to reflect on our campaign successes and celebrate our epic achievements since launching Plan My Walk in 2021.
Read more about the awards night.
Avalanche Awareness book available now

NZ Alpine Club have launched the third edition of Avalanche Awareness in Aotearoa New Zealand by Penny Goddard. This new edition reflects updates in avalanche knowledge in a way that is specific to New Zealand with a special focus on mountaineers.

This is available online now.
Getting up for the goat comp?

The National Wild Goat Hunting Competition, a joint effort by the New Zealand Deerstalkers Association (NZDA) and the Department of Conservation (DOC), is encouraging hunters to get out and help control the goat population while protecting the environment.

Read Adam's top safety tips for a successful goat hunt.
Check out our new Avalanche Awareness video series!

The new series encourages more conversation and sharing of avalanche experiences, especially amongst the mountaineering community, as part of the continued efforts to prevent avalanche fatalities in New Zealand.  

Produced by Storyworks, these videos come off the back of MSC’s recent research project Above and Beyond.
The five initial videos feature a range of Kiwi mountaineers, including a mixture of professionals and recreationists: Gavin Lang, Sooji Clarkson, Alastair McDowell, Jono Clarke, and Christian Hanson.

Each mountaineer shares their avalanche experiences and their attitude and philosophies developed from time spent in New Zealand’s mountains. 

Check out the five-part video series on YouTube or
Tess joins MSC comms team

If you were thinking this email looks a little snazzier than usual, you wouldn't be wrong. Tess joined us in September as a Communications Advisor, specialising in design and digital.

We couldn't be more excited to have her join the team. Watch this space - epic work coming soon!
New North Island firearms instructors

Haere mai Hadlee Cade in Turangi and Boycie Poi in Gisborne, our two new firearms instructors.

We're stoked to have these instructors onboard, helping to influence the safety of firearms users for generations to come. Thank you for joining us!
What's next?

October is already off to a flying start, literally. Nathan will soon be jetting off to the International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) in the USA to share our latest research paper: An exploration of the culture, behaviours and attitudes of the New Zealand mountaineering community towards avalanche safety.

For the rest of the team, it's a busy month ahead. On top of business as usual, we're currently cooking up our Plan My Walk campaign creative for summer, eagerly advancing a new research project, and pushing our spring avalanche safety messaging.
 Colouring-in competition

To celebrate Mia & Leo Go Wild, we're also running a colouring-in competition all summer long! Young adventurers can share their finished artwork to go in the draw to win some of our awesome spot prizes like outdoor gear for kids and families.

This will run until the end of January 2024.

Download the colouring-in sheet here.

Thanks to our funders for making it all possible
Stay in touch and #MakeItHomeNZ #ShareYourStoryNZ 
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