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Wiley Press Release:

(September 11, 2023)
How should clinicians prescribe opioids for cancer-related pain in patients who use cocaine or methamphetamines?

Experts say to continue opioids and increase monitoring.

Jones KF, Khodyakov D, Han BH, Arnold RM, Dao E, Morrison J, Kapo J, Meier DE, Paice JA, Liebschutz JM, Ritchie CS, Merlin JS, Bulls HWExpert consensus-based guidance on approaches to opioid management in individuals with advanced cancer-related pain and nonmedical stimulant use. Cancer. 2023 Sep 11. doi: 10.1002/cncr.34921. Online ahead of print. PMID: 37691479

Clinicians treating cancer-related pain must consider whether and how to prescribe opioids to patients who use nonmedical stimulants such as cocaine and methamphetamines; however, no guidelines exist related to these common and challenging situations. In a new study, palliative care and addiction experts deemed it appropriate to continue opioids, increase monitoring, and avoid opioid tapering in such patients. The results are published by Wiley online in CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society. 

Using opioids and nonmedical stimulants together may increase the risk of various harms, including overdose and death. These harms may be especially pronounced in people with cancer, who may have compromised health and take multiple other medications.  

To provide guidance on opioid management strategies for people with advanced cancer who use methamphetamines or cocaine, researchers recruited 120 palliative care and addiction experts and asked them to consider two different scenarios. In the first, a patient’s prognosis was weeks to months, and in the second, the prognosis was months to years. Experts reviewed, rated, and commented on the cases. They used a scale from 1 (very inappropriate) to 9 (very appropriate) to rate their opinions about different care-related actions, and they explained their responses.  

The experts agreed that regardless of prognosis, clinicians should increase monitoring and continue opioids, without tapering. Such management strategies prioritize pain control and allow clinicians time to develop individualized harm-reduction approaches and refer to addiction specialists when appropriate. The use of buprenorphine/naloxone (an opioid medication that has a lower risk for overdose) was considered potentially appropriate in people with a longer prognosis, but inappropriate in people with a shorter prognosis. The experts noted that strategies aimed at reducing harms include frequent visits and patient education about the impurity and high potency of stimulant supplies, which often include illicit fentanyl. 

“The study findings provide consensus-based guidance for clinicians who treat cancer-related pain and encounter stimulant use and include management strategies they can bring immediately to their practice,” said lead author Katie Fitzgerald Jones, PhD, of the VA Boston Healthcare System. “The results highlight a need for integrated care models to address substance use during cancer and create a research agenda that prioritizes substance use disorder as an important comorbidity in people with cancer.” 


Dr. Murray-Krezan appointed PCORI Advisory Panel Chair

Cristina Murray-Krezan, CHAMPP faculty member and associate professor of medicine and clinical and translational science at Pitt, was selected by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) board of governors as chair of the organization’s Clinical Trials Advisory Panel.

The panel advises those conducting research through the PCORI Methodology Committee on the selection, research design, implementation, and technical issues of clinical trials for patient-centered outcomes. Murray-Krezan has served on the committee for three years and served as co-chair in 2022-23.

Murray-Krezan joined Pitt in 2021 as co-director of the Center for Clinical Trials and Data Coordination and associate director for clinical trials in the Center for Research on Health Care Data Center.

In addition to her new role as chair, Murray-Krezan serves on two committees for the Society for Clinical Trials and is a longtime member of both the American Statistical Association and the International Biometric Society. In 2016, she co-founded the University of New Mexico Statistics and Data Coordinating Center and served as its director until 2021. 


Dr. Jonassaint Presents: "CaRISMA in your Pocket"

Can digital health solutions work for diverse communities? Dr. Charles Jonassaint presented an overview of the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Real-time Pain Management Intervention for Sickle Cell via Mobile Applications (CaRISMA) study at the CHAMPP August Works in Progress meeting. He also presented on CaRISMA for Northwestern University's Center for Behavioral Intervention Technologies (CBITs) as part of their Digital Mental Health Lecture Series; view his CBITs lecture on YouTube at


Call for USASP Nominations

The US Association for the Study of Pain (USASP) is looking to fill three Director seats on the Board of Directors and two Officers, the President-Elect and the Secretary. The USASP is committed to (1) transparency in the nomination and election process and (2) board membership that reflects the diversity of the membership of the USASP.

The deadline for submissions is October 1, 2023 (midnight PST). Please see the eligibility criteria at

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