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Issue 130 ~ 29th September 2023


I was shocked and saddened to learn that the UK is the fourth most overweight/obese nation in Europe. In the 1960s, only 1% - 2% of the population were obese. Today the figure is 26%! I remember when I was at primary school, only one child was overweight in the whole school! The NHS website tells us that now, among Year 6 pupils, 26.5% of boys and 20.3% of girls are obese!

Of course, the world was very different back in the 1960s. In schools we did plenty of sport, and as well as the basics of education, we learned practical skills such as how to cook and do woodwork. Money was tight and we walked more because there was no alternative. We made our own coffee, drank water out of a tap and walked to the shops to buy food with the result that the nation was mostly slim and significantly fitter than we are today. Dining out was a special treat - probably at a Berni Inn or at a pub enjoying ‘chicken in the basket’ on a Friday night – and that happened only on special occasions.  

Obviously, life today is completely different and lots of things are significantly better – advances in medicine, technology, communication and travel, but what concerns me is that today’s middle-aged generations are destined for a very worrying old age. Anyone in that category who is classed as overweight or obese, runs a serious risk of life-threatening and life-shortening illnesses associated with excess weight. Their risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, dementia, and some cancers, is immense! As a nation we must change some of our eating and activity habits! 

I am utterly fascinated to read Mary’s piece in this week’s Newsletter. She explains how some communities around the world live very differently today compared with how we, and most of the world, do, and the extraordinary benefits they experience to their health and longevity are incredible. There are real lessons to be learned from these lifestyles.

Life is so precious and now that I am older, I appreciate life even more. I have never worked so hard in trying to stay fit and eat healthily because I know how vulnerable life can be. I suffered a challenging childhood because of my underdeveloped lungs. Thankfully, teaching fitness throughout my career has literally saved my life. Today, I treasure activity as a lifeline to living longer.

I understand that for various reasons people may not be able to move or exercise as much as they would like but we can still exercise effectively sitting down. If we don’t use our muscles, we will lose their strength and drastically restrict our ability to live life independently. We must make the effort to move more and Mary and I have created a selection of workouts for our website that will help you, no matter what your level of fitness or mobility might be. Honestly, we have something for everybody. Just click on Exercise and find a workout – even a mini-workout – that you could do standing or sitting. Please give them a try.

On BBC Countryfile recently (Sunday 17th September) they featured a short film that launched their contribution to this year's BBC Children in Need campaign. If you missed it you can find the programme by clicking on this link to the BBC iPlayer. The film is shown about 35 minutes into the programme.

The feature showed Joey, a little lad with cerebral palsy who has transformed his life and abilities by attending a very special charity called Steps Conductive Education Centre based near Loughborough. I am Patron of Steps and have witnessed the extraordinary transformations that their very dedicated team achieve with the special little children who attend. Steps is a charity that helps children from birth to five years with cerebral palsy, Down's syndrome and other motor disorders. All the services and support they give to families is free. You may like to read this letter written by one of the parents of another child who attended Steps and who now has been able to attend mainstream school:
Message to The Steps Family                                    
We started our journey with Steps about three years ago with hesitation, sadness and uncertainty. We were struggling to accept what had happened to our child.

We were deeply saddened to learn about Cerebral Palsy and all of the domains that it would impact: his senses, function, development and abilities.

Many questions were on our minds.
Will he walk? He was still crawling when we started at Steps.
Will he talk? His speech and language had not yet developed.
Will he be able to become independent? He was in nappies and unable to feed himself when we started.
What is Conductive Education? Will it help?

With slow and gradual steps, our questions were being answered with the help and support of the Steps team and other families.

Without exception, the entire Steps team has shown great kindness, empathy, technical knowledge and dedication, with an infectious, positive attitude and manner.

Thanks to their input, my son leaves Steps being able to walk, talk, being self-confident, resilient and persistent. He is making great strides in self-care and independence too. We will certainly miss the entire Steps family but we leave with beautiful memories and hope and optimism for my son’s future.

This is a letter of thanks but truth be told, we will be forever in your debt.

Thank you!

You can visit the Steps website at
if you would like to learn more about the charity.

Recipe of the Week

Serves 4
Per serving: 290 calories, 3.8g fat (excluding accompaniments)
Prep time: 20 mins
Cook time: 30 mins

1kg (2 lb) fresh young parsnips
1 vegetable stock cube
4 small leeks, sliced
1 red pepper, seeded and diced
1 garlic clove, crushed
2 tsp chopped fresh thyme
2 tbsp fromage frais or plant-based option
1 tbsp finely chopped chives
50g (2oz) fresh breadcrumbs
freshly ground black pepper

For the red pepper relish

6 red peppers, halved and seeded
1 red onion, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
2 - 3 tsp chilli sauce

The Parsnip and Pepper Cakes can be made in advance and frozen. The relish adds moisture to the finished dish but as it takes longer to prepare, you may like to prepare the relish first.

  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C, 400°F, Gas Mark 6.
  2. Top and tail the parsnips. Cut into small pieces and place in a saucepan with a vegetable stock cube. Cover with water and boil until soft. Drain well and return to the pan. Mash with a potato masher until smooth, adding plenty of black pepper.
  3. Preheat a non-stick pan. Add the leeks and diced pepper and dry-fry until soft. Add the garlic and thyme, mixing well.
  4. Combine the parsnip and leek mixtures, and add the fromage frais and chives. Allow to cool.
  5. When cool, form the mixture into 8 'potato cake' shapes and roll in the fresh breadcrumbs.
  6. Place the cakes on a baking tray and bake near the top of the oven for 10 – 15 minutes until golden brown.
  7. To make the red pepper relish, place the peppers on a non-stick baking tray and roast in the oven for 30 minutes until they are well charred.
  8. Remove the peppers from the oven and place immediately into a plastic food bag. Seal the bag and allow to cool.
  9. When cool, remove the peppers and peel away the skins. Chop the flesh into small dice.
  10. Dry-fry the onion and garlic for 2 minutes, then add the peppers and chilli sauce. Spoon into a serving bowl.
  11. Serve the parsnip and red pepper cakes with the relish and a small salad.
Click here for more recipes

Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

My aim is to live a very long life, but one where I am physically able for as long as possible. The older I get the more I care about my health and how I can achieve that aim. I hope you are the same, and by reading this Newsletter every week Rosemary and I will try our best to keep you well informed, and inspire you to be the best you can be, no matter what age you are. 

I always try to bring you the latest pieces of solid information to help you on your health journey, where science has done all the hard work in providing us with well-researched evidence, so we can make informed decisions about how to lead a healthy life and to live longer.

Two such scientists are social biologists Gianni Pes and Michel Poulain. As recently as 2004 they identified a province in Sardinia as a region that had an extraordinary number of people living over 100 years. As the two men researched the area, they began to draw blue circles around the cluster of villages where these centenarians lived and they have become known as the 'Blue Zones'.

Further research has now identified five similar regions across the world that have a high number of centenarians and they have become a focus for much research and all are now referred to as a Blue Zone. What is it that makes these areas so unique that people live such a long and seemingly healthy life, free from the usual modern-day scourge of diseases and ill health?

They do all have some aspects of life that are common to all the areas and I am highlighting three here. Most of them will not surprise you, as they include so much of what we bring to you every week through this Newsletter, but it makes for interesting reading.

Okinawa, Japan
This is a group of islands 100 miles south of Tokyo where the elderly population enjoy what may be the longest life expectancy in the world - and are healthy in the process. They have the lowest frequency in the world of the three major killers in the Westcoronary heart disease, stroke and cancer.

Why? There are several reasons but some key ones have been identified differing greatly from the West. And it is of course linked to what they eat and how much physical activity they do:

  • They eat a largely plant-based diet. A huge 70% of their diet is from plants.
  • They believe you should leave the table only 80% full – giving time for the digestive signals that tell the brain they have had enough!
  • They sit on the floor maintaining the ability to keep the joints very mobile.  A 100-year- old easily gets up to standing!  'If you use it you keep it!'
  • They walk a lot and they think you should walk fast!
  • There is no word for 'retirement' in their language. 

Sardinia, Italy
In a mountainous area in Sardinia there are 10 times the number of centenarians compared with most of the world. Scientists have been trying to piece together the main factors that leads to this phenomenon. Unusually, the men are just as likely as the women to live to be one hundred. In the West, statistically, women live longer. They live in a mountainous area where their houses are often 3 - 4 storeys high and therefore everywhere they walk involves an uphill climb. They have been found to literally move all day long!  Other factors include:

  • They eat a lot of wholegrain foods, particularly pasta and bread. Sourdough bread particularly lowers the glycaemic load – that’s the estimate of how much a quantity of food will raise a person’s blood glucose level.
  • They use minestrone soup as a staple part of their diet, full of a variety of vegetables.
  • There are no nursing homes – the family take care of older members. There is a strong connection to older people – they are 'valued'.
  • Their sense of community is a core value. They love a 'Happy Hour' drinking wine together!

Loma Linda, USA
Loma Linda is a city in San Bernadino County, California. It is encouraging that in the United States there is a community who are living long and healthy lives. This is a faith-based community called Adventists and they are socially very connected. They believe that by mixing with people who lead a healthy life, the whole community can follow.

  • They eat a largely plant-based diet. 60% of their diet is fruit and vegetables and whole wheat grains. Only 5% is meat and fish.
  • They believe unhealthy behaviours are contagious and lead to illness.
  • They believe in plenty of rest so you can be at peace and have strong emotional health.
The particular attributes for each of these three Blue Zones overlap on this chart, giving us a clear picture of how to live a particularly long and healthy life.

What is clear from all these remarkable cultures is that they all lead vibrant, active and happy lives. 

All we need to do the same is available to us, and all we need to do is to copy everything they do! We just need to do it! Let’s create our own personal Blue Zone!

This Week's Fitness Challenge

  1. On your daily 30+ minute walks this week seek out any inclines to get you puffing a bit. Imagine living in Sardinia!
  2. Check this week that you can easily get safely up and down from the floor. This video demonstrates how to do it if you are struggling.
  3. Do 3 strength workouts this week or if you are short of time do 3 'Fitness Snacks' every day:
  • 5 times up and down stairs consecutively
  • 10 press-ups
  • 15 Sit to stands
Did you know... 

Sardinia is the second-largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and is a fabulous holiday destination which is often overlooked being located between the better-known Sicily and Corsica.

It has been inhabited since the end of the Stone Age (around 20-10,000 years ago) with the indigenous Nuragic people flourishing from the 18th century BC to the 2nd century AD. The Romans then invaded and took over the Island for the next 700 years or so until the fall of the Roman empire.

Just two hours flight time from the UK, it is a great place to experience the very essence of Mediterranean life. Wherever you are on the island there are stunning coastlines with beautiful bays and beaches, vibrant yet uncommercialised towns and villages, and a mountainous interior with wonderful views, refreshing lakes and waterfalls. The island is scattered with around 7,000 ‘Nuraghi’ (mysterious stone dwellings dating back 3,500 years) as a permanent reminder of its prehistoric occupation, as well as numerous examples of Roman architecture.

And if you want to experience life in a Blue Zone, it's our nearest option!

And finally...

If ever we needed inspiration to eat healthily and exercise more, this week’s Newsletter makes the case. I’m very grateful to Mary for researching Blue Zones. I think the findings are inspirational!

Have a great week and let’s go for it!

With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL


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