
Carpentries Clippings, 28 September

#Carpentries25: Africa Spotlight

An image of approximately 30 conference participants with lanyards posing in front of a building. Everyone is holding their hands in the air and turned to the left to represent the Carpentries logo.

The first South African CarpentryConnect hosted in Johannesburg in 2018.

Photo credit: Bianca Peterson.

Gratitude of the Month

Do you have a gratitude to share? We would love to feature it.

Email to have it posted to our newsletter.

Updates from the Core Team

Community Development Team

#Carpentries25 Anniversary Celebration Series

Thanks to everyone who attended today’s event in our series to celebrate The Carpentries 25th anniversary! If you were not able to join us for our earlier events, we invite you to check out the recordings on YouTube: launch event; spotlight event on New Zealand and Australia. The festivities will be ongoing until the end of the year, so be sure to register to receive communications. The next event in our series will be spotlighting the origins and activities of our subcommunities in Latin America. Join us on 30 October 14:00 PM UTC (find your time; add to calendar).

Monthly Welcome Sessions

New to the community? Join us for an upcoming Welcome Session! These sessions provide onboarding for new Instructors and are ideal for anyone curious to learn more about The Carpentries community. This is also a great place to re-onboard if you haven’t been engaged with us for a while! Check out upcoming dates and times and sign up to attend on the Etherpad. If you are interested in serving as a Welcome Session Host, please email

Director of Community Office Hours

Join our Director of Community for office hours next month! You can drop in at any point during the hour to ask a question or bring up any topic for discussion.

Curriculum Team

Collaborative Lesson Development Training Program

In the second half of this year we will be expanding access to our Collaborative Lesson Development Training program. This is a three-day training curriculum teaching good practices in lesson design and development, and open source collaboration skills, using The Carpentries Workbench. The target audience is Carpentries Instructors with an idea for a new lesson they would like to create, especially if that lesson is intended for short-format training (e.g. part or all of a two-day workshop). If you are interested in taking part in the training, please email to receive a notification when training opens.

Workshop Administration Team

Monthly Instructors Meeting

Carpentries Instructors, be sure to sign up on the Etherpad for the next Instructor Meeting, Tuesday, 10 October at 15:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar) and 21:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar).

This month's discussion topic will be Updates to The Carpentries Workbench. We will have our Lesson Infrastructure Developer, Zhian Kamvar, joining us. Be sure to bring any questions and feedback to the meetings!

You can add your name to any of the segments you would like to contribute: Pre/Post workshop discussion. To learn more, read the blog post.

Instructor Training Team

Reminder: Changes to Instructor Checkout

Another reminder that as of 14 August, the requirements for trainees to complete certification as a Carpentries Instructor have changed. Everyone trained since 1 January 2022 may elect to complete their certification using the new rules. For details, check out our blog post!

Highlights from the Community Calendar

Community Sessions are a great way to interact with, learn from and share your knowledge and experiences with other Carpentries community members from around the world. Subscribe to our community calendar for updates on Community Sessions that may pique your interest and are in your time zone. Sign up to attend on the Community Sessions or Welcome Sessions Etherpad.

  • 3 October

    • Skill Up Session: How to set up a workshop website at 12:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar)

      • A hands-on session on how to create a website for your Carpentries workshop. You will need a GitHub account.

  • 4 October

    • Workshop debrief and teaching discussion at 18:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar)

      • Discussion designed for Instructors getting ready to teach or having recently taught to come discuss their workshop with the community and new instructors going through the check-out process.

  • 5 October

    • Exploring collaborations: Opportunities for data sharing and data skills training across organisations advocating for open science at 18:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar)

      • The Carpentries supports building capacity within organisations interested in teaching data science and coding skills to researchers. In turn, these organisations spread our mission and provide opportunities for collaboration across communities sharing common interests and values. In this session, connect with staff from NASA and Openscapes to learn how these two organisations are currently engaging with The Carpentries, through workshops for coding skills and Instructor Training to bring teaching philosophies and leadership skills to new places. We will explore how they, and like organisations, can work to build successful collaborations to support advancing open science practices. We hope this session will begin to build a subcommunity of Carpentries Instructors connected through NASA TOPS, DEVELOP and NASA Openscapes. However, anyone interested in developing an engaged network of Instructors is welcome to attend.

  • 9 October

  • 11 October

    • Skill Up Session: GitHub for Maintainers at 08:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar)

      • A GitHub skill-up for Maintainers and lesson developers working with The Carpentries lesson infrastructure (The Carpentries Workbench). It is aimed at people with a basic familiarity with the GitHub interface, and the process of editing files and committing changes to a repository via the GitHub web interface.

      • After the skill-up, participants will be able to:

        - manage issues more effectively with labels, referencing, and automatic closure

        - use GitHub’s comment and suggestion features to review pull requests more effectively

        - resolve simple merge conflicts using the GitHub web interface

        - edit files and commit changes via GitHub's in-browser VS Code interface

      • This session will be repeated 12 October 13:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar), 16 October 19:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar), and 17 October 22:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar).

  • 12 October

    • Regional DACH Community Discussion at 11:30 UTC (find your time; add to calendar)

      • This is a monthly call for community members in the DACH region of Europe (i.e., Germany, Austria, Switzerland).

  • 18 October

    • Workshop debrief and teaching discussion at 18:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar)

      • Discussion designed for Instructors getting ready to teach or having recently taught to come discuss their workshop with the community and new instructors going through the check-out process.

  • 23 October

    • Regional UK Community Discussion at 15:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar)

      • This is a monthly call for community members in the United Kingdom.

  • 25 October

    • Using generative AI in your work, research and teaching: a community conversation at 18:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar)

      • Have you used generative AI (e.g. ChatGPT, Github CoPilot) to write research code? To teach coding in your courses? To support other areas of your work? Or, are you just curious about how others are using it? Join members of the community for a conversation on how generative AI is being applied in relevant contexts and what concerns have arisen. Content from this session will be shared back with the broader community through a blog post, which attendees will be invited to co-author.

  • 26 October

  • 30 October

    • 25th Anniversary Celebration Series: Latin America Spotlight Event at 14:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar)

      • Join us for the fourth event in our 25th anniversary celebration series spotlighting our subcommunities in Latin America.

    • Regional US Midwest Community Discussion at 16:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar)

      • This is a monthly call for community members in the midwestern part of the United States.

    • Enseñar en comunidad 21:00 UTC (encuentra tu tiempo; añadir al calendario)

      • El objetivo de esta sesión es compartir experiencias enseñando, no importa si diste muchas clases y talleres o es la primera vez que vas a enseñar. Este es el lugar pedir consejos, comentar sobre nuevas ideas o cosas que te gustaría probar o simplemente charlar sobre cómo enseñamos.

What you may have missed on the Carpentries blog

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Community Opportunity Postings

  • The Australian National University’s (ANU) National Computational Infrastructure (NCI), the national HPC provider, encourage candidates with a strong programming background, with or without scientific experience, to apply for the position of Research Data Informatics Specialist. Closing date is 1 October 2023.

  • The Software Sustainability Institute is hiring a Research Software Community Manager at the University of Manchester to help change the culture of research software practice and reward in academic research and beyond. Closing date is 3 October 2023.

  • The Stone Living Lab at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, is looking for a Data Manager. This is a grant funded position of 9 months duration from start date with renewal for a full year and for future years contingent on funding. Closing date is 3 October 2023, Eastern Daylight Time.

  • The New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI) hosted by Waipapa Taumata Rau (the University of Auckland) seeks to employ a Research Communities Advisor. This is a critical role within NeSI enabling various partnerships into the research sector. Closing date is 8 October 2023.

  • The University of St Thomas, a private Catholic university located in the twin cities of Minneapolis and St Paul in Minnesota, is hiring for one tenure-track Assistant Professor position in data science to begin fall 2024. Review of applications will begin 8 October 2023, and continue until the position is filled.

  • The Socio-Environmental Knowledge Commons (SEEKCommons) is seeking 9 fellows for the inaugural 2024 SEEKCommons Fellowship, running from January to October 2024. SEEKCommons is an initiative to bring graduate students and early-career researchers with new perspectives and voices to socio-environmental research with open technologies. The application form closes 15 October 2023.

  • The Wilson Center Science and Technology Innovation Program is teaming up with the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) and the Center for Open Science (COS) to launch the Open Science Policy Sprint to crowdsource high-quality ideas for federal open science policy that are innovative, specific, and feasible. For selected ideas, contributors will have the opportunity to collaborate with this team and external experts to refine those ideas and present them to policy leaders. Submissions are due by 23 October 2023.

  • pyOpenSci is hiring a Community Manager. Candidates must be eligible for employment in the United States. This position will oversee numerous aspects of pyOpenSci’s community building efforts including managing social media, their Slack, and writing blog posts. It will also be heavily involved in their DEIA related activities. Presumably open until filled.

  • The Open Source Program Office (OSPO) at the George Washington University, DC, is looking for a Director to lead the OSPO. This is a 2-year, grant funded role. Reporting to the Associate Dean for Student Success and Scholarly Technology, the the Director will be responsible for promoting the development of open source projects to faculty, researchers, staff, and students at the university. Presumably open until filled.

  • The US Research Software Engineer Association’s (US-RSE) is still looking for a Community Manager to support its members in building their rapidly growing community of research software engineers and in achieving the other components of US-RSE’s mission. This is a full-time, remote position for an initial two-year term. Presumably open until filled.

  • The University of Arizona Libraries is hiring for a Business Informatics faculty position. The incumbent will develop a program supporting the business informatics ecosystem through a variety of formats, providing technical support and training in the use of tools and workflows to support scholarship in business-related data analysis, management, and visualization. Target hire date is 4 March 2024 and this posting will remain open until filled, but the first review date for submissions was 27 September 2023.

  • Carnegie Mellon University Libraries is hiring a Research Data Services Librarian and a Social Sciences Librarian. These are faculty positions suitable for candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community through their research, teaching and/or service. Open until filled, but applications received by 25 September 2023 will be given first consideration.

  • IPUMS is hiring a Data Analyst interested in international census data to join their diverse team of research and information technology professionals. They are looking for a technically-minded person who enjoys working with data and has the ability to learn new skills and knowledge quickly. The current opening is on the team that creates the International Historical Geographic Information System. Presumably open until filled.

  • IPUMS is developing a U.S. record linkage database of unprecedented scale, spanning 1850 to the present, and including information on hundreds of millions of persons from censuses, surveys, vital statistics, and administrative records. They are seeking a Senior Data Analyst to be the point person for this project. Presumably open until filled.

  • The Department of Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering (CMSE) at Michigan State University is still inviting applications for several Fixed-term Assistant Professor positions with a starting date of Fall 2023. Open until closed.

  • University of California, Davis is still recruiting multiple postdoctoral scholars in translational data science to participate in DataLab’s 2-year TRANSCEND Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. Start dates are expected between September 2023 and January 2024. The positions are open until filled, but initial review of applications received before 23 July 2023 has begun.

  • The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA, is still seeking a Research Computing Facilitator to provide facilitation, documentation, training, and service request support for Research Computing clients related to scaling computational research workflows on high-performance computing (HPC) resources. The position is hybrid eligible. Presumably open until filled.

The Carpentries is funded in part by grants and small donations. Donating even a small amount can make a big difference - we value all contributions!

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