2023 Dave Ford Award
for Outstanding Achievement in Water Resources
Mark Doneux, CRWD Administrator, was honored with the Dave Ford Award on Tuesday, October 17, at the 2023 Water Resources Conference.
This award honors a person for significant long-term achievement or public service in Water Resource Management who exhibits a collaborative leadership style.
Mark Doneux has dedicated his career to protecting Minnesota waters. Mark has led CRWD for twenty years since becoming its first employee in 2003. He is an innovator who has, alongside partners and staff, led cutting-edge projects, including rainwater harvesting and reuse at CHS and Allianz Fields; shared stormwater systems at Highland Bridge that capture and clean 64 million gallons of runoff annually; rain gardens, stormwater planters, and the country's longest integrated tree trench system along University Avenue; and CRWD's LEED Gold building in the Hamline-Midway neighborhood of Saint Paul.
Read more in the link below.
Above photo: Mark Doneux and CRWD Board Managers at the Water Resources Conference. Left to right; Board President Joe Collins, Administrator Mark Doneux, Board Vice President Mary Texer, and Board Treasurer Rick Sanders.
CRWD Celebrates 25 Years
Thank you to everyone who joined our 25th Anniversary Celebration on September 22! Over 300 residents, partners, staff, and friends of the District attended an evening filled with music, food, and artmaking.
Read more about the celebration in the link below.
Above photo: Artist Lori Greene led a water-themed Mosaic on a Stick.
Protect Clean Water as a
Minnesota Water Steward
Minnesota Water Stewards is a volunteer program designed to equip community members with the knowledge and skills needed to improve water health at the grassroots level.
Want to join this stellar group and make a difference for water quality? Sign up for a virtual information session to learn more about the program and how to apply in the link below.
Upcoming Virtual Information Sessions
Tuesday, October 24, 2023, 12:00 pm
Tuesday, November 7, 2023, 5:00 pm
Tuesday, November 21, 2023, 12:00 pm
Above photo: Minnesota Water Stewards and a homeowner install a residential rain garden.
Apply for a 2024 Partner Grant
CRWD Partner Grants fund programs and projects led by community, arts and environmental organizations, schools, faith-based groups and cities that increase clean water knowledge and actions.
All proposed projects must serve residents within CRWD’s boundaries. Visit the About CRWD page and scroll down to view a map of the District. Partner Grants are awarded on January 1st and range from $5,000 to $20,000. 2024 Partner Grant applications are due by 4:00 p.m. on October 31, 2023.
Recent grant projects include artmaking, environmental programs, youth internships, performances, and community outreach initiatives.
Visit the link below to learn more and apply.
Above photo: Urban Roots and Paddle with a Purpose at Como Lake, supported in part by a recent Partner Grant.
CRWD Watershed Steward Awards Nominations
CRWD is accepting nominations for the 2023 Watershed Steward Awards to honor individuals and organizations that exemplify watershed stewardship through activities or projects that show a commitment to help protect, manage and improve our lakes and the Mississippi River.
To nominate an individual or organization, please complete the Watershed Steward Nomination Form on the page linked below. All nominations are due by November 2, 2023.
Save the date! The Recognition and Awards Ceremony will be on Thursday, February 1, 2024.
Above photo: Britta Belden, CRWD Water Resource Project Manager, and Mike Ireland, 2022 Watershed Citizen Award
Saint Paul Street Sweeping Promotes Clean Water
Saint Paul's residential street sweeping is underway, with Public Works crews cleaning more than 530 miles of streets. This valuable service helps to keep pollution out of our lakes, streams, and rivers. A clean water message on the back of the street sweeping no parking signs encourages you to keep storm drains clear to prevent flooding and protect the Mississippi River.
You can help by keeping leaves out of the street and adopting a storm drain in your neighborhood. Clear it of trash and leaves, along with snow and ice in winter. Learn more about adopting a storm drain in the link below.
Above photo: The back of a "No Parking" sign for street sweeping reads, "Keep storm drains clear. It prevents flooding and protects the Mississippi River."