

Welcome to our Autumn newsletter. Behind the scenes the team are working extremely hard with lots of new events planned for the coming months and a big event for 2024. More information will be available soon…

As we head to the winter months, with lots of colds and germs going round, it is important family carers stay well.

Flu can easily spread (even if you are not showing symptoms) to those around you who are vulnerable and for whom you have caring responsibilities. The free flu vaccine is the very best protection for those who are most at risk from it.

As a family carer, caring for a loved one, you DO NOT need to receive Carers Allowance to get the NHS FREE Flu Vaccination. Many families have been in touch to let us know they went to their local pharmacy, and were told they are not eligible.

If you haven’t already, contact your GP surgery to ensure you are registered as a carer as it will enable them to support you in your caring role.

Many GP surgeries in Essex are holding walk in Flu and Covid clinics, where you do not have to book an appointment.

Find out more about the flu vaccine

Resources page is now live!

Visit Resources Page

November’s Space to Gather Details

A ‘Space to Gather’ is a safe space for families to get together, have a cuppa, meet other carers, and access a variety of information. We regularly have guest speakers that share more about their service, or it could be focused particularly on a specific topic such as Social workers, Lasting power of Attorney and many other topics. Our current focus is health.

We use our families voice to shape our Space to Gather’s.

TENDRING | Thursday 9th November 10am to 12pm | The Group Room, Unit 4, Crusader Business Park, Clacton-on-Sea CO15 4TN.

(GUEST ATTENDANCE from Steph Baker-Learning Disabilities & Autism Acute Nurse Specialist)

WEST | Wednesday 15th November  10.30AM TO 12 pm | ECL Harlow Day Centre, Pyenest Road ,Harlow, Essex. CM19 4LU.

MID ESSEX | Tuesday 28th November 10am to 12 pm | Central Baptist Church, Victoria Road South, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 1LN.

(GUEST ATTENDANCE from Shahnaz Begum- Learning Disability Liaison Nurse from Broomfield Hospital)

NORTH ESSEX | Tuesday 28th November 6.45 pm to 9 pm | Esther Room, Kingsland Church, 86 London Road, Colchester CO3 9DW.

(GUEST ATTENDANCE from Steph Baker-Learning Disabilities & Autism Acute Nurse Specialist)


STOMP stands for stopping over medication adults with a learning disability, autism or both with psychotropic medicines.

People with a learning disability, autism or both are more likely to be given these medicines than other people.

STAMP stands for supporting treatment appropriate medication in children and young people.

Through STAMP they want to make the lives of children and young people with a learning disability, autism or both who are prescribed psychotropic medications better.


The STOMP / STAMP team at NHS England has created a survey and needs your views.
The survey is for children, young people, and adults who are autistic or have a learning disability, their families, and carers. The information from the survey will be used to inform plans to improve how psychotropic medication is used – so people get the right medication at the right time for the right reasons.

Carl Shaw is a person with a mild learning disability and is employed by NHS England as a learning disability and autism adviser.
Watch the video showing Carl Shaw talking about why they are doing this survey.




Sharing your views helps us to ensure lived experiences and voices influences services for people with a learning disability, autism and their families.


If you would like to join our private group, use the link button ⤵️ or you can scan the QR code above. 



Date & Time Dec 11, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM-via Zoom

Edge Training is hosting another free course for families and informal carers of people who are in a care home under the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. The course will be run by Aasya Mughal, one of the authors of the Amazon bestselling book The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.

The course will cover:

1. What is the point of DoLS?

2. Free rights for people under DoLS

3. The rights and duties of a Relevant Person's Representative

4. How to access free legal help for your loved one

5. National guidance on care home visiting & your rights

6. Concerns about the quality of remote DoLS assessments- how to challenge

7. Signposting to other services/ organisations

The group size will be limited so that those attending can ask questions about their own circumstances

(Edge sessions are not recorded).Please email to book a place by writing 'DoLS for families' in the subject line.

Last month Contact offered an online webinar session for parent carer forums, aiming to provide information and help for those representing parents and carers of children and young adults with special needs. It was created for Contact by Rhiannon Gogh FPFS, a Chartered Financial Adviser and the director of PlanIt Future Financial. Rhiannon has worked professionally with the NNPCF for 6 years, she is also mum to an autistic son and the chair of governors for a special school.

The online webinar covered:

  • How and when to plan for post-18 finances

  • Decision-making and mental capacity

  • Impact on residential care and means-tested support

  • Managing bank accounts

  • Pensions for young adults

  • Child Trust Funds and saving plans

You can watch the ‘Financial planning for the transition to adulthood’ online learning recording below.

Financial planning for the transition to adulthood online learning recording

We look forward to seeing you at one of our Space to Gathers. ☺️

(Please do share this email with Friends, Families and Colleagues)