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Dear <<First Name>>,
October 17, 2023
UN Day Celebration is this Sat., Oct. 21, 5-8 pm at the International Institute. Sign up below and attend to earn a Game Changer point. Parents, friends, and others are all welcome!
Sign up for High School Model UN ASAP!
Delegates voting at a HSMUN session last November.
Now that students know their countries, it is time for everyone to sign up for their actual Model UN session!
Click here to reach the signup form (same form for all 3 sessions).

Since we have so many schools with additional students on a waitlist, we want delegates to sign up soon. We plan to notify schools by Monday, November 6 if it looks like there will be room for more students at any of the three sessions.

In addition to researching  your country between now and your session, delegates should begin considering resolution topics. Since each session has 10 or more schools, we can only accept two resolutions per school. We encourage students/countries to collaborate with resolution writing this year. Please contact Stephanie ( if you would like a school visit to talk about resolution-writing. Final resolutions are due NO LATER THAN MIDNIGHT on the Tuesday before your session so we have plenty of time to create the master copy and send it to FedEx for printing. As we receive resolutions, they will be posted on the Civitas website for delegates to review in advance.
Successful Meeting Last Night on Lowering Voting Age to 16
Last evening, DJ Yearwood, Director of Vote16MO,
hosted an online gathering  of students and adults from across the country who are interested in exploring the issue of reducing the voting age to sixteen for local and school-related elections. The movement is ten years old, having begun in Takoma Park, MD where voting turnout in these elections has increased from 4% to 40% since legalization of 16 and 17 year olds voting. DJ and others are now working to increase movement outreach in Missouri and other states as well.

Much of the meeting focused on countering arguments that 16 and 17 year-old do not have the knowledge and reasoning power to vote. Using considerable empirical data, DJ and others persuasively argued that 16 and 17 year-olds reason well and have a number of other rights such as driving or flying airplanes that could only be successful if they were capable of assuming these responsibilities.

There will be another online meeting only for high school students in early December. We will keep the Civitas community informed of developments and encourage active participation.

DJ Yearwood
Vote16MO, Director
Call/Text: (661) 770-8918
Creating a better educated and better prepared electorate of the future by strengthening civics education and allowing all contributing society members to participate in their local government.
Join our Remind Classroom for additional reminders and a direct link to sign up for Civitas events this school year: 9k64d6h
Saturday, October 21, 5:00 pm until 8:00 pm at the International Institute (MAP)
UN Day Celebration with guest speakers, food, music/dance, games, and more.

Sign up here to attend
Saturday, November 18, 9:00 am until 12:00 pm at Webster University (MAP)
HSMUN Session A
Sign up here.
Saturday, November 18, 1:30 pm until 4:30 pm at Webster University (MAP)
HSMUN Session B
Sign up here.
Saturday, December 2, 9:00 am until 12:00 pm at Webster University (MAP)
HSMUN Session C
Sign up here.

Picture of the Week
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