Free Bequest Workshop for IAC Members - register today!
Do you remember bequest lawyer Paul Evans’ mentioning his special webinar at the IAC One Day Conference in July? Here it is….
Makinson d'Apice Lawyers and Perpetual are pleased to invite you to a free Bequest Workshop.
As part of an ongoing strategic focus to invest in the sector and the future of fundraising in Australia, this free workshop will provide you with a governance and technical overview of managing bequests and estates in Australia.
Content will cover wills, probate and the estate administration process, including the legal and tax issues that can arise when you or your charity is an executor or beneficiary.
Time and Date:
Wednesday, 1 November 2023
8:45am for 9am start, concluding at 2pm.
In-Person at Perpetual | Level 18, Angel Place | 123 Pitt St, Sydney
Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Please confirm any dietary requirements when you RSVP.
Online attendance is also an option. A Microsoft Teams link will be provided before the session.
Please RSVP (with dietary requirements if attending in person) as soon as possible via email to Gayathri Pinni:
Please confirm if you are attending in person or online.