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The fall equinox ushers in a beautiful transformation across its diverse landscape. Hardy garden plants put on a spectacular display of autumn colors, attracting visitors to witness nature's artistic palette. Trees and shrubs showcase their seasonal shift, offering a picturesque scene for both the avid gardener and casual stroller.
In the woodlands of the Delaware Botanic Gardens, the fall equinox provides an opportunity to observe the graceful dance of leaves as they prepare to carpet the forest floor. The cooler nights encourage wildlife to forage and fatten up for the upcoming winter, while the garden plants adapt, showcasing resilience and beauty in the face of seasonal change.
As the days grow shorter and the nights crisper, the Delaware Botanic Gardens remains a sanctuary where the wonders of nature unfold, embracing the fall equinox and welcoming the beauty of autumn.
Left to right – Top to bottom
1: Coneflower and Muhly Grass
2: Asters and Seed heads
3: Solidaster and Echinacea
4: Aster and Goldenrod
5: Pink Muhly Grass
6: Ironweed and Bluestem
7: New England Aster
8: Meadow Seed heads of Liatris
9: Fungi of the Forest Floor
Delaware Botanic Gardens at Pepper Creek raised $122,000 at Annual Dinner!
Ray Sander, president of the Delaware Botanic Gardens (DBG) at Pepper Creek, thanked over 300 guests and supporters at the sold out DBG Annual Dinner held on September 28. Under a white sail cloth tent provided by Coastal Tented Events. SoDel Concepts provided delicious food & desserts at multiple chef stations. Scott Kammerer, president of SoDel Concepts, along with his wife, Lisa, were honorary co-chairs of the dinner. Scott welcomed the guests to one of the “Best Charity Events in Delaware.”
Vince Varrassi, Musician in Residence & 5th Avenue
Left: Sarah Gilmour Prosecco donor in memory of Peter Carter
Right: Chuck Pennoni and Joyce Sando
Left: Ronnie Burkle, SoDel Corporate Chef
Right: Alexis Harris and Daniel Harris
Left to right: Charles Zonko, Carol McCloud, Butch Perkins, and Brenda Walton, sitting.
Ray Sander, Sheryl Swed, Emily Hocker, and Senator Gerald Hocker
Photos by Stephen Pryce Lea, Ray Bojarski, and Bob Pilkington
Thank you to all who supported this event.
Click here to see all the Naming Rights opportunities.
For more information contact
Sheryl Swed, DBG Executive Director
Great Room at the future Annette Pennoni Meadow Pavilion
Woodland Wonders—Autumn Changes
October 12, 11:00 a.m.

The serene, majestic 12 acres of the Delaware Botanic Gardens woodlands provide the opportunity to be in and with nature in a slow and sensory way. Join DBG docent, certified naturalist, and tree and shrub expert Elizabeth Rives as we explore the wonders of the forest, vernal pools, and shoreline of Pepper Creek. As nature prepares for winter, observe leaves changing color as the days shorten and temperatures drop, animals busily collect nuts and seeds for the cold winter months, and birds migrate to warmer climes. Register here.

Meadow Tours

Fall Gardening for Wildlife Meadow Tour
October 21 at 2 pm


Free for Members and Volunteers

Join Stephen Pryce Lea for a return of this popular tour of Piet Oudolf Meadow. Discuss garden maintenance and featured plants essential for providing wildlife with a food source and habitat for the 5th season.

Sign up for a Meadow Tour here.

Remember to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest flower-filled photographs fresh from the garden.

Volunteer with DBG this season and help us grow. Garden Steward and Docent opportunities are available. We would love for you to join us and help us grow in the garden! During Fall, thanks to the cooler weather we return to planting perennials, shrubs and trees. Aggressive plants and weeds still need keeping in check, so we need all the help we can get. Volunteering with DBG this season is a rewarding opportunity for you to contribute to the non-profit organization.

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Delaware Botanic Gardens · P.O. Box 1390 · Ocean View, DE 19970 · USA