October 2023


Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between obedience & faith. How many times do we stall at doing the things we know God is asking us to do? We might call this procrastination. I realize that often, when I procrastinate, I am often doubting something, maybe myself or certainly the outcome of what I am called to do. Ultimately, I have come to realize this is a matter of faith. Am I going to believe God in act in obedience or not?
I have been reading through Genesis again and am awestruck by Abraham's obedience and the scripture's statement, "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness." Every time God asks him to do something, the next verse you see him doing exactly what God asked, even taking his son of promise, Isaac, to sacrifice him. 
As I am asking God for more churches and more leaders here in Canada, am I obeying God with the things He has asked me to do? 
What I know is that Abraham obeyed right away. 

Genesis 17:22-27

22 When he had finished speaking with Abraham, God went up from him.

23 On that very day, Abraham took his son Ishmael and all those born in his household or bought with his money, every male in his household, and circumcised them, as God told him. 24 Abraham was ninety-nine years old when he was circumcised, 25 and his son Ishmael was thirteen; 26 Abraham and his son Ishmael were both circumcised on that very day. 27 And every male in Abraham’s household, including those born in his household or bought from a foreigner, was circumcised with him.

Please pray for Canada and that we will obey God as He leads us.


Charles Arthur Fikejs
20/09/2023 - 11:12 am
7lbs 11oz 20in

Exciting days as Tim & Lydia had their third child. As I write this, Beth is in California with them even now. So many things to be grateful for. Thank you for praying for us and our family. 
  • Ana - The second year at Grace College is starting now. Ana has now dislocated her shoulder twice playing rugby, pray for healing and medical bills. 
  • Alissa -  Last year of college at Simon Frasier University - Pray she finishes well.
  • Elijah - Is helping to start an Alpha club (Christian Bible Sudty) at his High School, and they had 10 students sign up yesterday to come. Pray they do come and more and pray for the gospel.
  • Josiah - Still waiting on discoveries about Josiah's health; Josiah is now in grade 9.
  • Beth - balancing work, ministry, and people's needs.
  • Philip -Pray for unity and health at CoH and for Canada Pray for vision, plans, and funding.

Assist Church Expansion

Hello from West Kittaning Grace
I had the privilege of traveling to PA for over a week and stopped in at Elizabethtown Grace and then traveled to the West Penn District and met with other key leaders throughout the week. It was great to be at the Thursday ministerial meeting and see all that God is doing in the West Penn District. That weekend I got to be at the West Kittaning Church. Pray with them as they have just started working with Assist and trusting God for a great future of more and more ministry ahead. 

Pray with me as I travel for most of the month of October. I will be speaking at the Rittman Grace church this upcoming Sunday and then will be at Ashland Grace for meetings in the evening and then at the central Focus Retreat. The following week I will be headed to Dallas for our Assist team planning retreat, and then off to Winona Lake. I will be speaking at WLGC on that Sunday morning and then onto Grace College's Mission Conference. Mid-week I head back to Calgary for meetings with other Canadian denominational leaders. 
Pray for God to use me to encourage and to bless and pray that God would guide my conversations and build our connections throughout the Fellowship.
Adventure Teams Next Summer - Early Bird Special
We would love for you and your church to join us next summer. We are planning 3 different adventures. If you register early you can save $25 per person.
Pray for leaders and the churches we are helping find new pastors, and please be in prayer for the many churches we are coaching and partnering with. We will be hosting boot camps in California and Ohio in the coming months please keep those in your prayres.

You can see all the projects we are working with here:

Grace Fellowship Canada

CoH Harvest Party

Community of Hope had a fun time at their annual Harvest Party. They kicked off their fall programming over the past few weeks with youth, young adults, and a variety of groups. The ladies' retreat will be coming up soon. Keep CoH in your prayers as they bring Christ into a very dark world. Pray for Pastor Isaac and for the leadership team. There is some interest in the Gospel of John study, pray that others would join and come to know Christ.

Please pray for  Renew Church. Renew has their harvest party coming up soon and their men's retreat is also in October. Please keep praying for a Sunday morning venue as they are meeting on Sunday afternoon. 

Pray for Canada. We are discussing Philip's role and how the mission can work with the churches in Canada. Philip & Beth are going to need to raise new funds to bring our support up to the level it will need to be to focus on Canada. We are praying we can find more leaders, start new churches, and strengthen the existing churches. There is a lot we are asking God for, but we know He is able.

Please pray against the enemy, who desires to destroy and to kill. Pray that we would not be unaware of his schemes and that grace would win in the relationships within our Canadian Fellowship.

Assist Church Expansion | Community of Hope
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Assist Church Expansion, PO Box 62597 • Colorado Springs, CO 80962-2597
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