Header image for the iSisters CONNECT newsletter with the iSisters logo and the words "Monthly Newsletter"

December 2023

In this issue:

Holiday Campaign | Learner Advisory Council | Women in Mind Conference

Honest Talk | Learner Story | Holiday Closure

Indigenous Land Acknowledgement

Here at iSisters, we respectfully acknowledge that we work and live on the unceded and unsurrendered territory of the Anishinabe Nation. We commit ourselves to learn the truth and be active in the process of reconciliation. Ondaje iSisters, nidapiitenindaamin kikenindamang eji ondaamitaayaang ashidj abiyaang ondaje ega wiikaad kamiigiwaaniwang iyo kichi Anishinaabewakii. Niwaawiindamaagemin niinawind kidji-kikenindamang tebwewin ashidj kidji-kwayakijichigeyaang kabii-ijiwebag.

Holiday Campaign

A gift wrapped in red ribbon with the words "Gifts of Transformation" on the left.

As we celebrate the generous spirit of the festive season, consider giving the gift of transformation through a donation to iSisters, and unlock the potential in women to create positive change. Your generous support will brighten the lives of hundreds of women year-round and create pathways to brighter futures.

And remember to give before December 31 to be eligible for a 2023 tax receipt!


Learner Advisory Council

A screenshot from the iSisters Learner Advisory Council meeting on November 29, 2023.

On November 29, we hosted the inaugural meeting of the iSisters Learner Advisory Council (LAC). The Council is made up of present and past iSisters learners to review and provide feedback and guidance on iSisters programs and other initiatives. We look forward to collaborating with the LAC and their exchange of ideas, experiences, and expertise to achieve our common goals.

Women in Mind Conference

Women in Mind Conference 2023: Best Practices in Trauma-Informed Care

On November 3, iSisters Program Manager Erin Keeley-Messier attended the 2023 Women in Mind Conference. The theme for this year’s virtual conference was Best Practices in Trauma Informed Care. It brought together leading experts and practitioners to share essential knowledge about topics including understanding trauma and its implications for practice, in the provision of health and social services.

Many iSisters learners have experienced trauma in their lives, and we are committed to providing a learning environment that is trauma-informed. Erin attended this full-day conference to gain more knowledge to connect with some wonderful organizations supporting women in the community.

Honest Talk

Logo for The Honest Talk online platform.

We would like to extend a special thank you to the staff at Honest Talk for providing iSisters with the opportunity to display free banner ads on their site for the month of November. Honest Talk is a media platform showcasing influential and inspiring Canadian women, and their podcast is recognized as one of the best Canadian podcasts for women.

Learner Story

Learner Story header image

Over the years, the iSisters iMentor program has empowered disadvantaged women to discover brighter futures through meaningful employment. We have heard many inspiring stories of our learners overcoming incredible obstacles. Learners like Mei, who shares her story below:

"I met iSisters at one of the lowest times in my life. My partner just passed away, leaving me and our 2 year-old boy alone in a new city with no family support, and I was a full time mom with no income.

When my social worker referred me to iSisters, my expectation was just to have someone point me to resources, but when I first met my iSisters mentor Kim, I appreciated her approach. She provided not just emotional support, but helped me make connections I needed.

She helped me to organize my ideas and thoughts and prioritize them with me. She respected my choices and decisions. We were able to get things done without setting deadlines. It was a pleasure having her on my side being so respectful, understanding, patient, delicate, thoughtful and caring. I don't think I can ask for more. I'm now much more organized in my life. I have recommended a couple of my friends to iSisters. I am really appreciative and thankful to iSisters."

Holiday Closure

Photo of a sign with the words "Closed for Holidays" surrounded by decorations.

The iSisters office will be closed for the holidays from December 23 to January 1 inclusive. We wish all of our learners, instructors, partners and supporters a great holiday and will see everyone in 2024!


Registered Charity Number: 874302714RR0001


Inspirational quote: "Every woman's success should be an inspiration to another, we're strongest when we cheer each other on."