

Eligible APA members have received the annual “Apportionment” Ballot (sent electronically). Apportionment is the process by which seats on the APA Council are allocated to divisions and state psychological associations - the more SfHP members who respond, the more seats SfHP is granted on Council!

It only takes a few seconds to open, allocate, and send your ballot, so please plan to participate. Allocating all 10 of your available votes for the Society (or as many as you can) helps to ensure that the Society has a strong voice within the Council of Representatives, the governing body of the APA. Click here for more information about the Apportionment process.

Should You Be an SfHP Fellow?

What is an SfHP Fellow?

Fellow status is an honor bestowed upon APA members who have shown evidence of unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in the field of psychology. Fellow status requires that a person's work has had a national impact on the field of psychology beyond a local, state or regional level.  Fellows are nominated by their division and reviewed by APA. An individual can be a fellow in multiple divisions.

Why Become a Fellow?

Obtaining fellow status can help support your professional repetition, strengthen your resume/CV and might help you obtain promotions at work.

What is the Process?

The application begins with an online application with three letters of support.  The SfHP Fellows Committee will review that application and forward their recommendations to the APA Membership Committee, whose recommendations are confirmed by the APA Council of Representatives at the APA Convention.

Please note that first-time Fellow applicants must use the APA Portal for submitting materials - including letters of endorsement - all by December 15th.

Those members who are Fellows in other APA Divisions and who would like to apply for recognition by SfHP (“current” Fellows) should contact the SfHP (Div 38) Administrative Office for a brief application at

Still have Questions?

Reach out to the Administrative Office or any board member.

Be sure to read the more information button below for all the details.

More Info

The Society for Health Psychology (SfHP; APA Division 38) invites nominations for the offices of:


Diversity & Inclusion Officer

Member-at-Large (3-year term)

Member-at-Large (2-year term)

SfHP Representative to APA Council

Candidates must be members of both APA and SfHP for 2024 to be eligible to run.  Elected members will take office immediately after the APA convention in Seattle, in August 2024, and (unless otherwise noted) will serve a three-year term (August 2024-August 2027).  

Descriptions (requirements and responsibilities) of all SfHP elected offices are found here.

Please send your self-nominations (1-2 page letter of interest and CV) or recommendations by December 15, 2023, to  

if you have specific questions for any member of the SfHP Presidential Trio or Executive Committee, please contact the SfHP Administrative Office at and your inquiry will be forwarded to the relevant officer.

Greetings Colleagues!  We are pleased to announce the creation of the:

Consultation-Liaison Psychology Interest Group

Who: Division 38 members interested in the exciting world of medical consultation-liaison(C/L) services.

What: A professional hub where members can engage in dialogue about function and flow of CL services; cultivate professional development and networking opportunities; and promote research collaborations for outcome-based clinical care.

Where: Wherever you go, wherever you choose!

When: Now is the time! We look forward to you joining us soon!

How: To be added to the listserv, please send an email to Steff Brown at

Please start planning for your own SfHP renewal for 2024 — it is NOT TOO EARLY!

To ensure uninterrupted access to your Society benefits through December 31, 2024, renew your membership today!

To renew, log in to your “MyAPA” account for your personal renewal notice (you do not have to be an APA member to set up a “MyAPA” page).  Or call APA Member Services at 1-800-374-2721 and renew quickly by phone!

Each month, Colleague Connections will spotlight a new SFHP member.  This is an initiative started by the Membership Council so that we can better know our colleagues.  

If you are interested in participating, please contact the Administrative Assistant at  

Get involved in SfHP!

Thank you to Society members who have volunteered on one of our Councils/Committees, but there are still opportunities available!  Steff Brown ( is standing by to help find the right role for you!  See below for current openings.

Early Career Professionals Council:

  • Awards Designate - Helping to select award nominees for the annual ceremony.  

  • Social Media Designate - Another new role that will oversee activities related to our social media presence and public relations.

  • Liaison to The Health Psychologist: Responsible for managing the column of the E-zine “The Voice of Early Career Psychologists.”  Solicits guest writers (current colleagues, friends, former internship colleagues, grad school friends) to fill the quarterly publication.

Membership Council:

  • Member - Lots of opportunities to be involved in specific roles and/or help lead special projects.

Social Media:

Member - 3 open positions for members with a passion for health psychology interested in posting on the division’s behalf to Twitter or LinkedIn daily for one week a month. It’s a small commitment and a ton of fun!  

If you would like more information about any of the above opportunities and want to connect with the Chair, have an idea of another way you could volunteer, or have any questions, please reach out to the Administrative Assistant at