Branching Out
Sharing Stories and Information through Outstretched Arms
December 2023
Arbor West Neighbors offers an array of end-of-the-year activities, including a Theater Going outing, Mix of Minds discussion, Movie dates, Fiber Arts gatherings and more. Watch for Member Meetups and many other events to resume in 2024.
Fun Collaborative Challenges
About a dozen AWN members participated in More Fun Collaborative Challenges at the River Forest Library on October 19. This was a fifth session of this kind with all new challenges led by Gil Herman. Among other things, members solved a robbery mystery, solved riddles and puzzles, and created wise advice using exactly six words!
One goal of Arbor West Neighbors Advocacy Working Group is to seek affordable options for housing in the communities that AWN serves. On October 6, the group toured The Altenheim in Forest Park.
The Altenheim is a not-for-profit rental community located in a secluded wooded site, with sunny units and community areas. For more information about this conveniently located complex, go to thealtenheim.com
The Theater Group gathered at Pleasant Home in Oak Park in September to see the Indie rock musical "Seagulls" and at the Madison Street Theater in November for "The Revolutionist" a witty comedy set during the French Revolution.
The Park District of Oak Park welcomed over 30 AWN members to their community room at the new Recreation Center for our October Members Meetup, and provided a guided tour of the facility.
Jean Peterman and Sandra Sokol
Bill Peterman and Judy Beisser check in with volunteers Marion Sirefman and Jane Wood.
Carolyn Skipper, Allen Matthews, Joyce Porter and Maureen Connolley.
Esther Brodsky, Sandra Sokol,
Bonnie Jordan and Bob Mutter.
Joan Greene and Jane Wood
Stephen Jordan and Nancy Van Dyke
Many thanks to the Park District of Oak Park for hosting our gathering and inviting us to explore the facility.
Member Appreciation Celebration
November 17, 2023
Brookdale Senior Living
Our annual year-end Member Appreciation Celebration attracted over 70 members and guests! In addition to delicious refreshments, there was a slide show, a look back at all that Arbor West Neighbors accomplished in 2023 - AND an array of raffle prizes to vie for!
Jean and Bill Peterman and
Barbara Rose
Cecily Mango, Hinda Blum and
Kim Silver
Decisions, decisions....which of the amazing grouping of gifts to try for?!
Thank you Rick and Nancy Van Dyke - our experienced tickets sellers.
Eileen and James Connolly
and Jenny Earlandson
Ben Friedman, Karen Budd
and Anita Knechel
Michael Doyle, Joy Aaronson,
Trudy Doyle and Carol Mattar
Lissa Schwartz, Henry Kranz and Diane Stephenson
Many thanks to Brookdale for providing the room and food service, and especially to the members of the AWN Membership Working Group whose planning and hard work made this event happen.
Arbor West Neighbors Ramblers
The rain held off Friday, October 27 for the Ramblers to trek five miles through the beautiful woods around Bullfrog Lake in the Palos Forest Preserve. Peter Notier's picture shows Karin Grimes, Victor and Iris Yipp, Jeanette Mancusi and Don Burke, with a background of colorful Fall foliage.
Do you knit, crochet, embroider, appliqué, or enjoy any other fiber arts?
The AWN Fiber Arts interest group is a warm and welcoming group of mostly knitters and embroiderers who encourage each other's projects, exchange tips about sources for tools and supplies, and chat about anything and everything from personal lives to the world at large.
Lisa Ridolfi photographed Judy Beisser, Marion Sirefman and Denise Poncher, the group hosted by Denise in October.
Embroidery on denim by Lisa Ridolfi.
Contact Denise Poncher, drponcher@gmail.com or Bonnie Jordan, jordan-bonnie@hotmail.com for more information.
Arbor West Neighbors' Green Team Tip
Is Your Furnace on its Last Legs?
Yes? If so, now is a great time to replace that old fossil fuel powered furnace, which
releases methane and other pollutants into the atmosphere, with a heat pump.
Like an air conditioner, a heat pump moves heat from one place to another: from inside to outside during summer and from outside to inside during winter. Even when it’s cold outside, there’s heat “hiding” that can be moved inside with a heat pump. It might be a little more expensive initially, but it will save money in the long run and the planet will thank you.
Meetups for
Arbor West Members and Guests
Opportunities to visit with old friends and make new ones.
The next meetup will be
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
10:00 am -noon
Hosted by Cecily Mango
203 N Kenilworth,
Oak Park
Workshops educate and engage you with your Arbor West Neighbors.
Reimaging Adventure as We Age
led by Catherine Marienau and Gail Zelinsky
January 11, 2024
1:30 – 3:30 pm
(venue TBD)
Arbor West Neighbors
Literary Salon
American House Bistro
Sunday, February 4, 2024
2:00 - 4:00 pm
For Arbor West Neighbors Members who would like to share their writing with friends and family. The reading could be a personal essay, poetry, fiction, or memoir, of 5 - 8 minutes length. The deadline for submissions to the selection committee is January 4, 2024.
Send to Margaret Burk, margaretburk@hotmail.com
Hearing Challenges and Resources for Older Adults
March 13, 2024
10:00 am - 12:00 noon
(venue TBD)
Watch this newsletter and emails for updates and registration details as each program approaches.
Arbor Circles
Arbor West Neighbors is piloting a new program to foster small, ongoing groups of four to ten members called “Arbor Circles,'' open to all members and other older adults. This initiative grows from a desire by members to develop more personal connections and have deeper discussions in small groups, as a complement to our larger, well-attended meetups.
AWN will offer guidelines to help groups begin, but ultimately each would decide its own structure including the content of the meetings, and where and how often to meet.
For people interested in seeing plays together.
Next Outing:
December 9, 2023
Chicago Shakespeare Theater, Navy Pier
800 E Grand Ave, Chicago
sold out
After a play is selected, each person buys their own ticket, with senior discount. Typically, the group meets after the performance for a brief discussion. Carpools are arranged if needed.
Movie Group
For the next few months, the Movie Groups is leaving Zoom! There will be watch parties and in person discussions.
1:00 pm, Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Pix Art Series Movie at the Lake Theater
Set in a multi-ethnic Transylvanian village, the movie deals with topics such as immigration, racism, identity politics, etc. without being judgmental. No one is all good or bad. All characters - with all their qualities and vices - are simply put, human. (2 hours, 8 minutes)
Lunch - 11:00 am Jerusalem Café 1030 Lake Street, Oak Park.
After Movie Discussion - 3:30 pm. Volunteer host needed.
The Imitation Game
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
2:00 - 5:00 pm
The English team lead by mathematical genius, Alan Turing, cracks the "unbreakable" German Enigma Code during World War II.
(2015, 1 hour, 53 minutes)
Hosted by Louise Corzine at her River Forest Condo
Snacks and beverages will be available.
Contact Louise, louisecorzine@gmail.com
to join the watch party and get the address.
The AWN Green Team’s goal is having clean air, water and land for future generations. They actively support climate focused legislation and policy at all levels.
Join the team on the first Thursday of the month from 10:30 am to noon, in different members’ homes. To join the Arbor West Green Team, contact Hinda Blum, hindablum@yahoo.com
Do you knit, crochet, embroider, appliqué or work with any other fiber arts? Join us on the first and third Fridays of the month from 1:00 to 3:00 pm, usually in different members’ homes.
The group meets the second Monday of each month, 3:00 - 4:30 pm, to discuss thought-provoking articles chosen by group members on a rotating basis.
December 11, 2023
"A Trillion Little Pieces" by Elizabeth Kollbert
New Yorker, July 3, 2023.
Discussion will be via Zoom
January 8, 2024
"Quit Your Bucket List," by Richard Friedman,
The Atlantic, April 10, 2023.
In person discussion at
Oak Park Main Library
834 Lake St, Oak Park
Second Floor, Small Meeting Room off the Art Gallery
Arbor West Ramblers
Forest Preserve Hiking Group
The Ramblers meet at various locations,
on the 4th Friday of the month at 1:00 pm
The next Ramble will be after the holidays, on January 26, 2024
For information and to join the group, contact Peter Notier, pnotier@gmail.com
Board Report: We Need You!
Your Board and representatives of our committees and working groups had a goal-setting meeting in October that will help guide us through the next year. We are so proud of what AWN has done this year. Our new Programming Working Group has lined up wonderful events from which we can learn, share and socialize. Our New Green Team has started their Branching Out column so that we older adults can do our part in saving the environment. Kudos to all who are contributing!
AWN was founded under the Village-to-Village movement, a framework in which older adults in communities would coalesce, provide mutual support for issues important to them, advocate and socialize. Mutual support is the key here. In communities with less services, Villages (like AWN) provide things like bulb changing and other home services, for example. For such “full-service” Villages, membership fees are significant. AWN determined that our needs here were different – that we didn’t need staff and our fees could be low. We did need our AWN Village to advocate for us, communicate with us about relevant issues, and help us socialize. So here we are! BUT, we cannot do this wonderful work without YOU stepping up to lend a hand and, sometimes, to lead. Without leaders, we will sink.
Groups should also have co-leaders so the load is shared. Specifically, we need help in our Membership and Communications Working Groups. PLEASE step up! We’ll help you!
Contact Meg Herman, mherman@managinghorizons.com, Jan Johnston, jan.jcj@gmail.com, or Phyllis Rubin, phyllis.rubin@comcast.net
Branching Out will appear bimonthly in your inbox.
Member submissions to arborwestneighbors@gmail.com for the February edition are due by January 19, 2024. Please add NEWSLETTER in the subject line.