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Issue 134 ~ 27th October 2023


Our eyesight is one of our most valuable senses and as we age, a few issues may arise – most commonly, cataracts.

Many people think that a cataract is a layer of skin that grows over the eye, but this is not the case as I found out five years ago. It is in fact a clouding of the natural lens that we have inside our eye. This clouding causes blurred vision, rather like looking through frosted glass. Cataracts can also cause colour vision to fade and may cause glare (think headlights when driving) or double vision.

It used to be that opticians and eye specialists would often wait until a person’s vision had deteriorated significantly before suggesting cataract surgery but today, cataract surgery can be done as soon as the cataract begins to interfere with everyday life and causes a reduction in the quality of our vision. If a cataract isn’t removed, vision will continue to deteriorate.

A cataract removal involves the lens in our eye being removed and replaced with a new clear lens, but in this wonderful age of advancing science, there have been some very exciting developments in cataract surgery.

It was in 2018 that I was speaking at a ladies’ lunch organised by my agent, June. On the day we met up for the lunch, June was very excited as the following day she was due to have her cataracts removed and replaced with lenses designed in such a way to include her personal prescription. This would enable her to see perfectly, therefore eliminating the need to wear glasses ever again! This procedure is called Refractive Lens Exchange.

As you can imagine, I was all ears! I hated the faff of having different glasses for driving and reading, and I was constantly embarrassed when struggling to recognise people at a distance. It wasn’t uncommon for me to look at someone I knew really well across a crowded room and completely blank them!

I was very interested to hear how June got on the following day. In fact, it was only a few days before she called me to say that the whole procedure had gone to plan, and now she could see everything. She was delighted.

So, I booked my appointment at the same clinic, Optegra Eye Hospital London. My consultant was Mr Robert Morris, (who had operated on June), and off I went. Before I could have the procedure, I had to visit and have a chat with Mr Morris. Whilst there I also had various eye tests to test my vision needs so that my new lenses would deliver what I hoped for. It was a very impressive setup. Finally, the day came when I underwent the procedure and I have never looked back. In fact, on the day after my op, I spent the whole day in front of my laptop without glasses!

Now, I make that all sound very simple but it is a bit more complicated than that. The operation didn’t hurt because they put anaesthetic drops in my eye which worked instantly. However, it was the most stressful thing I have ever undergone in my life. No question. I felt as though I didn’t breathe throughout the whole procedure! Thankfully, all went well and I needn’t have worried. I had both eyes done that day and after Mr. Morris had done my right eye, he said, ‘That’s all done! I will now change all my PPE and will be back to do the left eye in a few minutes.’
After the second eye had been completed, I was wheeled back to my personal recovery lounge, where June kindly was waiting, I finally relaxed with a very welcome cup of tea.

My eyes were sore, but that’s all. Apparently, eyes recover very quickly and no stitches were involved. I was given some drops to put in if the pain became acute and, during the evening, I applied a single drop of the painkiller to just my left eye and it provided instant relief. I did it once more during the night. But that was it. There was no further pain.

I had to apply various drops to my eyes several times a day for the next month and then I had two further follow-up appointments to check that everything was going to plan. The final result? I have ‘multifocal’ vision meaning my new lenses give me long, mid and close-up 20/20 vision. I have not worn glasses since and the operation was five years ago. If I have to read tiny print, I just need plenty of light to be able to read it, but apart from that, I can see anything and everything.

To make you smile – the downsides! I couldn’t believe how many wrinkles I had! And I could now spot a speck of dust at 10 feet!

At the time of my procedure, it was only available privately but now such procedures are available through the NHS. Another difference is that other practitioners will only operate on one eye, with the following one a couple of weeks later if all is well. It is an amazing advance in eye health and I strongly recommend you consider this if you find yourself needing to do something with your cataracts. It really did change my life.

Rosemary explains her remarkable experience of having her cataracts removed and lens replacement surgery. As a result of which, she no longer needs to wear glasses..

For more information go to

Recipe of the Week

Serves 6
Per serving: 280 Calories, 8.9g fat
Prep time 10 mins
Cook Time 25 mins


2 vegetable stock cubes
2 x 175g (2 x 6oz) fresh salmon fillets
 (If fresh salmon is unavailable, canned salmon is a good substitute)
225g or 2 x Green Portion Pots® of pasta shapes
300ml (1⁄2 pint) virtually fat-free live Greek yogurt
juice of half a lemon
1 small red onion, finely chopped
1 tbsp chopped fresh chives
pinch of sweet paprika
fresh dill to garnish

  1. Crumble 1 stock cube in a saucepan and add a little water. Add the salmon and poach for 8 - 10 minutes over a low heat. Lift the salmon from the pan and allow to cool. Alternatively, crush the vegetable stock cube over the salmon fillets and cook the fillets in a microwave for 3½ minutes on ‘high’ then allow to cool.
  2. Cook the pasta in a large saucepan of boiling water with the remaining vegetable stock cube. Drain the pasta thoroughly and rinse with cold water then transfer to a large bowl. Allow to cool. Add the Greek yogurt, lemon juice, chopped onion, chives and paprika.
  3. Carefully flake the salmon into the bowl, removing any bones and skin. Combine all the ingredients with a large metal spoon, taking care not to over-mix and break up the fish too much. Spoon into a serving dish and chill until required. Garnish with fresh dill.
Click here for more recipes

Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

Like Rosemary, I recently found that my eyesight was not as good as it was. It was a shock to have an eye test and not be able to read the letters, even with my glasses on! So, I have had both cataracts done, two weeks apart and it has been a resounding success. A recent trip to Scotland confirmed that I could see for miles and made the wonderful scenery even more breathtaking. 

Unlike Rosemary, however, I do not have perfect vision at all distances – the highly annoying hassle of looking for reading glasses still prevails! Nevertheless, I am delighted to be more confident whilst driving and, more importantly, not needing to wear glasses all the time.

All of the five senses are very important to all of us, but for me, I rate eyesight above all of them. Consequently, once it needed some attention, I didn’t hesitate to get the treatment on offer. Yes, it was uncomfortable, but after just a few hours all was well, leaving only the frustration of putting drops into the eyes for a short while afterwards. 

My mother-in-law suffered a much more serious eye complaint in her later years called age-related macular degeneration, (AMD). She required more difficult treatment and in some cases this problem is not treatable at all. AMD is the most common cause of sight loss in the UK with 1.2 million diagnosed with early-stage, and 700,000 with late-stage age-related macular degeneration. AMD is a condition that is the main cause of sight impairment in the Western world. Sadly, my mother-in-law had been a very heavy smoker for all the years that I had known her and for much of her final years she was almost totally blind.

I wondered if there was any way we could avoid it happening and what I found out was really no surprise as I am sure you will agree!

1.  Eat right for good sight

Eating a healthy balanced diet (just like the one we promote constantly through this Newsletter and on our website) can reduce our risk of developing common eye conditions. Eye-friendly nutrients include spinach, red peppers, kale, leeks, avocado, peaches and blueberries – the sort of list we love!

Cold water fish such as sardines, mackerel and tuna are all excellent sources of Omega-3 fatty acids which provide structural support to cell membranes in the eye so are recommended for general sight preservation. Recent research has shown how eating fish just once a week can reduce our risk of developing AMD by up to 40 percent. Make sure it is on your shopping list!

2.  Exercise regularly

Just like the rest of our body, the eyes need oxygen to stay healthy and comfortable. Growing scientific research suggests that aerobic exercise can increase crucial oxygen supplies to the optic nerve and lower pressure in the eye. This reduction in eye pressure can also help to control conditions such as glaucoma. Those daily brisk walks now hold even more value!

3.  Get a good night’s sleep

This keeps coming up in the good health stakes! A good night’s sleep can help to keep our eyes bright and refreshed. A quick fix for any discomfort following a sleepless night is to place a cold wet facecloth over our eyes – then lie back and relax for 10 minutes.

4.  Don't smoke and reduce alcohol

These two are so often on the list! Smokers have a significantly higher risk of eye disease than non-smokers. Research shows that smokers are twice as likely to lose their sight in later life than non-smokers.

Drinking too much alcohol interferes with our liver functions reducing glutathione (an anti-oxidant) which protects against common eye disease.

5.  Wear sunglasses

Too much exposure to the sun's UV rays can lead to a sunburn-like condition called photokeratitis and inflammation of the outer layer of the cornea. This can be extremely painful and make the eyes red, swollen and watery. The damaging effects are cumulative and over a long period the risk of developing cataracts and other conditions is likely.

Sunglasses should filter at least 99 percent of UVA and UVB light and look out for the CE or BS EN 1836:1997 marks when choosing sunglasses.

6.  Watch your weight.

It is important to reach and maintain a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI) – music to our ears! Excess body weight can damage blood vessels which has been linked to both glaucoma and diabetes. Go to The 28-Day Immunity Plan to help you reach a healthy BMI. To check your BMI simply go to the NHS BMI Calculator, but before you do, measure your height as this can change as we grow older and it affects your BMI calculation.

7.  Drink plenty of water

The human body is made up of 70% water and keeping well hydrated is essential for the normal working of the body, including the eyes.  Dehydration would lead to dry, sore and irritated eyes. Aim for 6 - 8 glasses of water a day and this will do the job nicely!

8.  Get your eyes tested regularly

It has always amazed me that an eye test can detect a number of health conditions, not just those connected with the eye itself. A good reason then, to always take an eye test every 2 years which can be free if you are over 60 or meet other qualifying criteria.

So, making subtle changes to our lifestyle can improve our eye health and seriously reduce our risks of developing common eye conditions. Check that you are able to tick off all of these recommendations and then you will know you are on the right track.

This Week's Fitness Challenge

  1. Take at least one long walk into the countryside this week where you can enjoy those fabulous autumn colours and have a change of route to your regular 30+ minute daily walks.
  2. Beef up your strength work this week by increasing the resistance of your band for a Band Workout or increasing the weight you use for a Weights Workout. You can work harder with a toning band by shortening the length of the band and if you don't have proper hand weights use larger water bottles or heavier tins than normal as a substitute.
  3. Don't neglect those micro-joints (the hands and feet) do The Hand Dance and The Foot Workout from the website 3 times this week.  Brilliant for arthritic hands and feet!
Did you know... 

The colour of your eyes is influenced by up to 16 different genes and so children of the same family can still end up with different eye colouring from that of their siblings or either of their parents.

One of the most widely-discussed ideas around eye colour is that all blue-eyed people have descended from a single common ancestor. Research into this suggests that a genetic mutation in Europe between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago led to the development of blue eyes. Eye colour depends on the amount of pigment in the iris - having lots of pigment results in brown eyes, while having less results in lighter colour eyes.

While blue eyes used to be the least common colour and were seen as a rarity, 48% of the British population now have blue eyes. This is followed by green eyes at 30%, with a mere 22% of the British population having brown eyes. Globally, however, brown eyes make up 90% of the population, blue eyes 8%, and green eyes a tiny 2%.

Eye colour can also change over the course of someone’s life, with many babies being born with blue eyes which gradually darken over the coming months or years to become brown. This is because human eyes don’t have their full amount of pigment at birth, resulting in temporarily blue eyes. Pigment levels can also fluctuate after childhood, so the eye colour you have in twenty years’ time might not be exactly the same as you have now!

Some people, including celebrities such as David Bowie, Christopher Walken, Dan Aykroyd and Jane Seymour, have two different coloured eyes. This is known as heterochromia. Three types of heterochromia exist:

  • Complete heterochromia – one iris is a different colour from the other.
  • Partial heterochromia or sectoral heterochromia – part of one iris is a different colour from the rest of the iris.
  • Central heterochromia - an inner ring is a different colour than the rest of the iris.
And you can help celebrate their uniqueness on National Different Coloured Eyes Day held annually on July 12th!

And finally...

I find it fascinating that no matter which subject we focus on each week - recently teeth, knees and now eyes - they all come back to eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, cutting down on alcohol intake, stopping smoking and reducing excess weight. So, if we want to live a long and healthy happy life, we all really do need to take note!

Have a great week.

With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL

Ps. Don't forget to keep one eye on the clock. With the clocks going back one hour on Saturday night, enjoy your extra hour in bed!


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