
Do you have your tickets yet?

Don't delay, buy them today!

On November 1, ticket prices to our fall fundraiser go up from $75 to $100. If you've been meaning to buy your tickets but keep forgetting (we get it!), here's your reminder to visit our event website and buy your tickets today. While you're there, be sure to peruse our live and silent auction items, which include everything from gift baskets to Kraken box seats, and exotic vacations.  We even have a Grand Prize Raffle for an opulent staycation at the gorgeous Alderbrook Lodge - a $1200 value!

This year's fall fundraiser promises to be our best yet, with delicious food, homemade desserts, a fun and lively live auction, lots of love and community, and a very special ORIGINAL musical performance presented by our beautiful team of KIC mentors.  

If you can't attend:

Please consider making a donation to help us reach our goal.  
  • Many hands make light work!  Any amount helps.
  • If you see an item you'd like to bid on, register and let Christine know you'd like a proxy bidder.  Contact Christine at: to coordinate.
  • Thank you!
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