Greetings from InHo
As we enter the season of Advent, Will Willimon states, “We celebrate and anticipate the earth-shaking, life-transforming good news that God is coming to us. Get ready. God is on the way.” We already know that God is present here. We felt God’s loving hands numerous times in our lives. In the past few months, I have experienced God’s presence several times in the activities of our Presbytery. There were two events that I had the honor and privilege to help plan. One was Presbytery Day with Dr. William Yoo, held at First Presbyterian Church, Berkeley, and the other was the Clergy and Leaders of Color Conference at Zephyr Point, Tahoe.
In both events, we experienced the incarnation. We certainly felt God’s presence, and we met in the flesh! No more staring at the ZOOM screen with pajama pants on. I’m kidding! On Presbytery Day, we shared smiles, handshakes, and hugs while discussing a difficult topic of our church and denomination’s complicity in the racist ideology and actions in the US. And we listened with support, care, and empathy as leaders shared their joys and deepest struggles at the conference in Tahoe. I was touched by the spirit of love that filled and shaped both events.
So, as we continue in the Advent season, I pray that you feel God’s presence and receive much love from others. Have a wonderful Advent and Christmas Season!
Below are some important resources as you strive to comply with California mandates for churches:
- Boundary Training – through – please contact InHo ( (Per our presbytery policy, all active ministers must take boundary training every five years)
- Mandated Reporter Training (per AB 506 California law passed in 2022 for those who work with youth)
- Sexual Harassment Training (all churches with 5 or more employees must provide training for all employees. Supervisors must receive two hours of training and all other employees receive one hour of training every two years)
- We continue to offer financial support for Spiritual Direction for Pastors:
Rev. InHo Kim,
Transitional Partner for Congregational Vitality and Clergy Support
Waiting for Hope, Peace, Joy, Love and Christ
For as long as I can remember, our family had an Advent wreath at our house. We would light the candles at dinnertime and each week we would talk about hope, peace, joy, love, and Jesus. Sometimes the conversations would be philosophical like “what does it mean to hope for something you cannot see, like peace or love? Or how do you find peace when loved ones are sick? While other times we would marvel at the joy around us in the laughter, the decorations, the music, and the smell of freshly baked cookies.
We would talk about preparing our mind, body, and souls for Christmas, and inevitably we would talk about waiting. Waiting to see who will get to blow out the candle at the end of dinner, waiting to open a little box on the advent calendar, waiting to see what was inside the presents piling up under the tree, waiting to enjoy time with family and friends… Yet, as Mo Willems writes, “waiting is not easy!” In this fun children’s book, Piggie has a surprise for Gerald the elephant, and most of the day is spent with Gerald asking “is it time yet?” “Not yet,” says Piggy. “Waiting is not easy.” Then, just when Gerald can’t stand it any longer, Piggy tells Gerald “it’s time,” and they look up to find a beautiful starry night sky filled with light.
Waiting is not easy, but the wait is worth it. For seeing the light, experiencing the light, being part of the miracle, is a gift worth waiting for. In Advent, we start with a single light, reminding us there is still hope, even in the darkest corners of despair. Then we add the lights of peace, joy, and love, reinforcing the message of inclusivity and openness of our faith. Finally, on Christmas day, we light the Christ candle, the center candle, welcoming us home.
This Advent season, I invite us to wait, knowing that our light is born of love, and was created to shine brightly in the world. Together, we are part of the miracle, that we too, just like an infant in a manger, can be lights in this world working for hope, peace, joy, and love. Thank you so much for being a light in my life and allowing me to share my light with you.
Advent Blessings,
Rev. Karen Thistlethwaite,
Transitional Partner for Operations and Communications
Greetings From Marda
This month is Advent. As we quiet our hearts to welcome the Christ child let us put down our weapons. Our weapons of mass destruction: unkind words, rushed responses, a cowardly retreat, lack of RESPECT. Let us bring healing to our world.
I watched the documentary “American Symphony” about Jon Batiste and his wife Suleika Jaouad on Netflix last night. It was a deeply Christian portrayal of art, love and the creative process. It spoke to me about facing health fears alone yet with each other, with a symphony of people and the community of saints. A good friend, Karen Kim who was 52 years old, died in October. I grieve her passing. My regrets will be channeled into making time for people and metaphysical touching as the Spirit prompts. May your Advent season be peppered with abundant joy and deep blessings.
Budgets are passed and we look forward to the new year. In faith we passed a budget that is backed by historical giving and a planned draw from our investment assets. Without an infusion into our investments, our future operating budgets will not keep up with inflation or will deplete a sustainable corpus. That means less staff and less help for our struggling churches. When we keep the holy currencies flowing, we are rich beyond all measure. It is my hope and intention that we circulate and grow ALL our currencies so the future Presbyterian part of the kingdom of God will impact the Bay Area.
Click here to read more.
In-Person Recording Clerk Needed
We are excited that during our last presbytery meeting we voted to meet in person in 2024. We are currently seeking to hire a Recording Clerk (Presbytery Meeting Minutes Taker) for our 2024 in-person meetings. The dates and times for these two meetings are May 21, 2024, and August 20, 2024, both starting at 5:30 PM. The locations are TBA. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming our next Recording Clerk, please click here to submit your resume. To learn more about the job description, click here.
PSF Holy Cow! Consulting Landscape Survey Results
In 2023 the Presbytery of San Francisco hired Holy Cow! Consulting to survey our Presbytery. Part one of the survey was a questionnaire and the second and final part of the survey was a series of five listening sessions. We had over two hundred responses to the survey, which was more than we received when we went through this process 7 years ago, also with Holy Cow! Consulting. This survey was influential in the work of the Leadership Model Task Force and benchmarking where we are as a Presbytery today. A huge thank you to Emily Swanson, the executive of Holy Cow Consulting and our very own, Rev. InHo Kim, for all the work they have put into this process.
Below are the Survey Results:
Executive Summary
Landscape Report
Congratulations to the 42 Churches that
Turned in their 2022 Statistical Report
Last year we had 42 of 67 churches turn in their statistical report. We are hoping even more churches are able to participate this year. Stated Clerks, please be on the look out for instructions about how to turn in your data. Thank you for your help!
(Photo: Mikhail Nilov)
For all Pastors, Ruling Elders, Deacons,
CRE/CPs and other PCUSA Members
Biblical Exegesis
December 7-9, 2023
Class Description: This course on biblical exegesis will provide a simple framework and a broad toolbox for making sense of Scripture, with all its beauty, challenges, and complexities. Biblical exegesis is the critical and systematic interpretation or explanation of the texts in the Bible. It is a theological process that seeks to understand the meaning and significance of the biblical texts within their historical, cultural, and literary context. It is used and to help interpret and apply its messages in contemporary contexts in preaching, teaching, and bible study.
Thursday and Friday, December 7 and 8: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Saturday, December 9: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm; 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Zoom only on Thursday and Friday
Register here: Thursday, Friday, Saturday
(Saturday in-person class at FirstPres, Hayward: 2490 Grove Way, Castro Valley, CA 94546)
$100 for credit for Commissioned Ruling Elder Candidates
$40 to audit and open to all
Calvin Sodestrom is husband to Kenzie, father to Elliana (4 years old) and Jesse (1 year old), and a Bay Area Native. He is currently pastoring at Park Boulevard Presbyterian Church in Oakland. He previously served at New Bridges Presbyterian Church in Hayward and First Presbyterian Church in Berkeley.
View flyer here, or contact Phil Arzino, CRE/CP Manager at or on 510-828-5596 for more information.
Human Trafficking Awareness Sunday Worship Service
Jan 14, 2024
Sojourner Truth Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Women invites you to the 10th Annual Human Trafficking Awareness Sunday Worship Service, January 14, 2024 at 11 A.M. at 2621 Shane Dr., Richmond, CA 94806.
Come and hear the Word proclaimed, listen to testimonies of survivors, see and feel the spirit of the Praise Dancers of Love Never Fails. Come and worship with us followed by a meal and Human Trafficking 101 workshop.
This Service will be in person and online. Please wear Orange if you are attending in person. Masks are optional.
Your donations will help with the eradication, education, prevention and awareness of human trafficking here in our community and across the waters. Please make checks payable to STPC Presbyterian Women and include Presbyterian Women in the Memo Line.
Basic Hermeneutics and Homiletics
Preaching Seminar for Commissioned Ruling Elders
January 19-20, 2024
Class Description: This 10-hour seminar provides basic skills and a knowledge base for crafting and delivering a sermon. CRE candidates will learn foundational exegesis (interpreting a biblical passage), developing a sermon (paying attention to text, context, subtext, supra-text), and then preaching the sermon. CRE candidates will also learn a few basic sermon forms. All CRE candidates will have an opportunity to preach one 7-10 minute sermon and receive feedback.
Friday, January 19 – 6:30 to 9:30 pm
Saturday, January 20 – 8:00 to 12:00 pm; 1:30 to 4:30 pm
Zoom only on Friday
Zoom on Saturday or in person at the Presbytery Office:
545 Ashbury Avenue, El Cerrito, CA 94530
Register here: Friday, Saturday
$100 for credit for Commissioned Ruling Elder Candidates
$40 to audit and open to all
The Rev. Neal D. Presa, Ph.D. is Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship and Vice President of Student Affairs and Vocational Outreach at New Brunswick Theological Seminary in NJ, although he serves remotely full-time from San Diego County. He is also Affiliate Associate Professor of Preaching at Fuller Theological Seminary. He served for two decades in pastoral ministry in NJ and CA. He is a past Moderator of the 220thGeneral Assembly (2012) of the PC(USA). He was ordained in the Presbytery of San Francisco in 2003. He and his wife, Grace, are empty-nesters as their sons Daniel is at Davidson College and Andrew is at Loyola Marymount University. They have a sharpie/cattledog, Calvin. For detailed info about Neal and his publications:
View flyer here, or contact Phil Arzino, CRE/CP Manager at or on 510-828-5596 for more information.
Save the date!
February 3-4, 2024
Bruce Reyes-Chow will be speaking at Trinity Presbyterian Church (1106 Alameda, San Carlos) on the weekend of February 3-4, 2024. He is a Presbyterian pastor, podcaster and author of six books. Relevant, insightful, warm, relatable, and written with his trademark cheeky wit, his book “In Defense of Kindness: Why It Matters, How It Changes Our Lives, and How It Can Save the World” will jump start your heart and inspire you to practice kindness as a daily discipline, grounded in the idea that each person is created and complex and worthy of dignity and respect. This event is free and open to the community. All are welcome!
Looking for GA Delegates
June 25 - July 4, 2024, Salt Lake City
General Assembly now meets every two years, and we are still looking for two elders and two ministers to attend as our Presbytery's representatives. We also send a Young Adult Advisory Delegate, ages 17-23 in June 2024, and need a nominee for this delegate too. Dates are June 25 to 27 for the online part, and June 29 to July 4 in Salt Lake City for the in-person part. For more information, visit the NOM-COR webpage.
To nominate yourself or someone you know, please contact with any questions, or use these forms:
Brian Cochran/Rick Leong
Nominating/Representation Co-Chairs
Please join us in regular prayer for our churches and worshiping communities. Feel free to pick a church to pray for each day of the week, pray for them all at once, or create a rhythm that is right for you.
As traditional executive partners, we are also honored to pray for specific concerns, celebrations, or other needs. Click here to share a prayer request.