
Dear Readers,

As educators, we know that the classroom can cause sensory and emotional overload. Before we know it, our heart rate starts to climb and our mind races. The question is, can we properly assess what is going on? Are we experiencing positive, tolerable, or toxic stress? And what can we do to alleviate that stress?

Positive stress can improve our motivation, increase our wellness, and boost our overall performance. It builds our drive and resilience. Tolerable stress involves a time-limited or even recurring stressor, which can be regulated or resolved with proper intervention and support. Toxic stress implies a continued and exhaustive response from the body that is hard to fully recover from, as we remain in an alarm state. According to health psychologist Kelly McGonigal, “viewing your stress in constructive ways will actually cause our body to respond to it differently and prevent long-lasting physical damage.”

Of course we want to be excellent at everything we do, but the more tasks we take on, the smaller the odds of doing all of them at an excellent level. With this in mind, let us move the less urgent, less important tasks to the back burners and focus on the things that matter most and must be taken care of first. Delegating some of our work or investing in technologies may be strategies that will make our lives much easier. Remember that working hard and doing our best does not have to leave us feeling overwhelmed and on-edge. And above all, let’s be kind to ourselves!

Julie, Micheline

for the AGE Network Team

Source : stock.adobe


Les Après-cours FGA

In light of the possible upcoming strike days, the following Après-cours sessions are postponed:

  • November 21: Block 3 of the Collective Marking sessions for Social Sciences and ELA/ELI

  • November 23: FNM - Gathering Evidence of Learning through a Triangulated Approach

  • November 28: Block 3 of the Collective Marking sessions for Maths

  • November 30: Francisation

A replacement timeframe will be available shortly. Participants will receive a confirmation email as soon as possible.

Les Après-cours FGA

Francisation avec Rimma Ocadceaia

La prochaine rencontre de la communauté Francisation aura lieu le mercredi 6 décembre, de 12h à 13h, sur le site des Après-cours FGA.

The Partnership in Education

The 5-4-3-2-1 Method: A Grounding Exercise to Manage Anxiety

Feeling anxious? Grounding exercises can help to calm anxious thoughts and keep you focused and mindful in your environment. The 5-4-3-2-1 method is a grounding exercise that can be done almost anywhere and  doesn't require any equipment or materials. Take a few minutes to learn how to complete the exercise and try it for yourself.

How to Handle Stress as a Teacher

In the teaching profession, similarly to most, stress is unavoidable. Correction piles up, lessons must be planned, and students can be unpredictable. Teachers must also adjust to curriculum changes. Add to the equation the stress of distance learning (getting students to sign in, stay engaged and on-task, and turn in their assignments) or having to develop different types of curriculum for both in-person and online students, and the result can be overwhelming.

Follow this link for a very interesting article on handling teacher stress.

Stress in a Digital Age: How to Strike a Balance with Technology

In our hyperconnected world, technology is an integral part of our daily lives. Along with the advantages that come with having access to the world at our fingertips come the challenges associated with the constant influx of digital information which can elevate our stress levels. In this article we delve into the impact of technology on stress and offer tips to safeguard against these impacts on our mental health.

Stay tuned for more about Project WOW in our upcoming newsletters.

In the meantime, click here to see the project in a nutshell.

Understanding Stress

When it comes to the concept of stress, Sonia Lupien always comes to mind. Sonia Lupien is the founder and Scientific Director of the Center for Studies on Human Stress. She aptly popularises scientific data related to stress, its impacts, and provides intervention strategies for adult learners. In a nutshell, Lupien explains that stress is the body's reaction to a threat. She uses the metaphor of the caveman as an example: the caveman's concern was to protect his family from the threat of the mammoth. Cavemen didn't have anxieties about mortgage renewals, but rather about menacing animals. Their day was filled with stress generated by the fear of the beast they had to hunt. In the evening, the community gathered around the fire to release the accumulated stress through dancing, eating, and playing music. How do you release all this excess energy? How do your students relieve their stress?

Watch the following interview to find out more.


Ministère de l’Éducation

Services and Programs of Study (2023-2024)    
Administrative Guide: Certification of Studies and Management of Ministerial Examinations (2015 Edition)

Teachers’ Competencies

Reference Framework for Professional Competencies for Teachers.
Thank you, Karine Jacques and Tanya Marcil for this great poster, which was adapted from the Référentiel des compétences professionnelles - Profession enseignante


A list of all the Info/Sanction published since 2019 regarding the Adult General Education and Semi-Skilled Careers has been compiled for you as a reference. Consult your center Sanction Representative for more details.


A list of all the active BIM exam versions is available for your consultation.

DBE Mathematics - BIM List

For more details on Math exams, contact Clementina Santoianni
514 252-3700 (5078) or

DBE Science and Technology - BIM List

For more details on Science exams, contact Barbara Choquette
514-251-3700 (3888) or

DBE English Language Arts & CCBE English Language of Instruction - BIM - ELI/ELA

For more details on ELI/ELA exams, contact Steven Jansma or

FBD - Français Langue Seconde & FBC - Francisation - BIM - FLS/LAN

For more details on French exams, contact Maria or

DBE - Social Sciences - SOCIAL SCIENCES

For more details on Social Science exams, visit or

SOFAD - Resources

SOFAD develops learning resources designed in accordance with the Quebec curriculum and adapted to the needs of learners. There are also teaching practices for both in-class and distance learning in Adult General Education.