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Idaho, Greece, Florida...Arizona and the Philippines Coming Soon...

The last month has been a bit of a whirlwind. Just prior to Peg leaving for Greece, we both traveled to Idaho (Meridian), where we met with the President of our board to go over some potential changes and additions to FOCUS. These will be discussed in our upcoming annual meeting in January, and we are excited about the fresh new ways the Lord is expanding our ministry. Once these items are discussed and decided on by our entire board, we will keep you apprised of what's happening. Just know this one important thing: the KINGDOM of GOD will have greater impact! 


The above two pictures (at the top and just above) were taken at the women's retreat held in Marathon, Greece. The first picture is of one of Peg's speaking/teaching sessions. Seventy-five women gathered with us from all over the world: Kenya, Ethiopia, Serbia, Romania, Ukraine, Israel, Greece, France, Spain, Northern Ireland, England, and Thailand. So much diversity... Peg's theme for the week of conference: Wild in All His Ways: Walking the Pilgrim Path. Little did she realize when she researched and prepared for this topic how needed it would be. As you can tell from the list of countries represented, many of these women came in need of much REST and RENEWAL. They came READY to RECEIVE from the Lord...and to RESET for further ministry. That leads to the next picture (my personal favorite from all the pictures taken). In spite of having just met the team, these girls embraced us with gratitude and joy. Their lives that seemed to be unraveling when they arrived (especially those in war torn countries, or very near to a country at war), but Jesus showed up BIG TIME and began a good work in each of their hearts and lives. It was a privilege for Peg to get to speak Jesus to them...

On her return, Peg met up with Bay in Tampa, Florida, where they attended Bay's induction into the National Small College Basketball Hall of Fame. When invited, we had no clue what a big deal this was! Inductee luncheon, live Press Conference, a panel discussion between inductees and the ten teams present for a weekend tournament from colleges all over the US, a special induction ceremony, followed by a reception. As one of the other inductees said in his acceptance speech, "This is no small hall..." 

Peg may be a bit (OK, a LOT)  biased, but Bay was a natural behind the microphone (of course, he's had waaaay more practice)...BUT, MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL, he didn't waste A WORD! What a great platform to talk about Jesus and how grateful we both are for the way He has led all through our lives!!! 

(If you'd like to see Bay's induction speech, Peg taped it. The "professional one" isn't up on the Hall of Fame website yet.  Here's the link to it on dropbox.
We are so proud of our Principal-Daughter, Mandy (middle above), who has worked so diligently to provide a new multi purpose building for her school, Mission Heights Preparatory High School, in Casa Grande, AZ. The ribbon cutting ceremony took place while we were in Florida, but we were so thankful Adam (taking video) and Cher could be there. We hope to get a tour of the whole building soon, which boasts new classrooms, a gymnasium, weight room, and best of all (according to grandson, Ethan) an E-Sports Theater. 
Coming Soon - Arizona! and the Philippines

Thanks for hanging in there with our long letter. A week from tomorrow we will head to Arizona, where Bay will be speaking at First Baptist Church, Snowflake, on Sunday the 19th and Vail Christian Church, outside Tucson, on Sunday the 26th. We get to enjoy Thanksgiving with MOST OF OUR FAMILY!!!! (it's just hard to get us all together these days) at the Mace Place (Tim and Mandy's in Casa Grande).

Then on Wednesday, November 29th, Bay and I fly to Manila and on to Sorsogon for a ministry scouting trip, as well as a Pastor's/Wive's Conference, speaking in Sunday services at two different churches, as well as two chapels (one for each of us) at a Christian University. We're looking forward to seeing what God has in store for us down the road in Manila and Sorsegon. Please be in prayer as we travel and share Jesus...

Thank you for your support and prayers! We can't do what we do without our TEAM - YOU!

Bay and Peg
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