In this Newsletter...

Halfway There
Heart’s Delight
Sound Nutrition
Halfway There
In December 2023, our first “AMI 850 Training” group will be halfway through with the class offerings! Our flagship students for the brand-new Level One certification course will soon have been participating for six months in their studies, which they have up to a year to complete.

Says Sound Education Director, Kate Holland, “It has been an amazing experience to share time with our first 50 students. Everyone brings their own special skills and life experience to the course and it has been wonderful to get to know them. When June comes, we will be awarding an AMI 850 Level One Certification to the students who complete the materials. I am very inspired by the potential each of these individuals has to help the world and their close family and friends.”
L to R: Mandara Cromwell, Randy Peterson (in the AMI 850 Basics training program) and Kate Holland at the Wise Traditions Conference.
In case you didn’t get a chance to sign up for the course when it was first released, Cyma Technologies will be opening the application process again in December for a course that begins in January 2024. The application process will be open every June and December. If you are interested in the details of the course and are an owner of the AMI 850 or AMI 750 upgrade go to and click on Training.

If you want to learn more about the device and channels, but are not interested in the certification training, please review the four tutorial zoom recordings that are available on the home page of our website. We also want to remind everyone to utilize the three free hours of consultation available to all new owners.

We can offer valuable guidance to help everyone with their protocols and a deeper understanding of the channels.

If you are interested in receiving more information on how to participate in the “AMI 850 Basics Course” in 2024, email Kate Holland at
L to R: Mandara Cromwell, John Niernberger (also in the AMI 850 Basics training program) and Kate Holland at the Wise Traditions Conference.
Heart’s Delight

The holidays provide many opportunities for giving. Everyone wants to find a present that is reflective of the love they have for the recipient--and that carries the most unique expression of their sentiments.
Our gifts,
created with pure sound-made-visible images, are very distinctive and feature “cyma glyphs” rarely seen by most people on earth today. The images have also proven to hold great healing potential, and are made from frequencies with known health-giving properties, such as fortifying the etheric sheath—our body’s own energetic blueprint.

These gifts also connect us to the high qualities of the heart—such as love, joy and kindness, which are felt deeply during this spiritually uplifting time.

special holiday offering this year is a combination of Mandara’s book, “Soundflower: The Journey to Marry Science and Spirit,” with one of our sound imprinted silk scarves which feature the cymatic illustrations found in the book. Generally, these items are sold separately, but we are offering them as a pair, during this 2023 holiday season only. (click here for details and purchase 

We are proud to announce that the “Soundflower” book has just gone into its second printing!

When our silk scarves with the etheric body resonance were originally created, we sold only one size—but people were finding so many uses for them, we decided to manufacture the designs in smaller sizes that work as decorative items, body adornments and altar scarves for spiritual practice.

We have also had an overwhelming response to Illuminate—our frequency infused essential organic rose oil.  The holiday season calls for a truly unforgettable fragrance, with the high harmonic of gold and spiritual radiance imprinted into it. This product is now available in the one oz and half-ounce size.

To purchase these unique items, please visit our website at

Enjoy these beautiful gifts of spirit with those you love….

Happy Holidays From Cyma Technologies!
Sound Nutrition

It is very difficult to determine how to get the right nutrition, maintain a healthy weight and be able to enjoy your life and the foods that are most appealing to you. The holidays offer many challenges in this area.

We must first realize that we are all unique--metabolically, psychologically and circumstantially. In recent years, the problem of obesity has become a huge challenge for maintaining health. The real, long-lasting solutions often seem different for each person.

We have to first identify what the underlying causes of our health problems are. Then each person must examine their own set of circumstances in order to effect change.

Here is an example: one of the common causes of weight gain is a low functioning thyroid. But, when we take a closer look at this problem, we discover that one of the causes of thyroid problems is high levels of cortisol which is known to be caused by high levels of stress. Chronically, this can cause a very sluggish metabolism leading to weight gain. The stress/cortisol issue can cause glandular imbalances, as well as high levels of inflammation, both of which can lead to further weight gain and other health issues.

For this reason, we always encourage AMI owners who are looking to improve their health and weight to look into their personal circumstances first. Almost any weight loss protocol with the AMI devices needs to begin with Channel One Stress.
The next place to look is whether the digestive system is working well. If there is an overgrowth of bacteria, or the body’s inability to assimilate food or a highly inflamed digestive track, then weight loss may be next to impossible. A protocol of Channel Three for inflammation and Channel Nine to support the digestive system may be necessary before moving into the next steps, which are found in the AMI 850 Keys to Health channels.

After the issue of stress has been dealt with and the digestive system has had time to heal, then it would be important to look at whether the body is really getting the nutrition it needs. One solution is the Keys To Health Channel Eighteen --Vibrant Body Nutrition. This channel can be used daily to help the body assimilate nutrition and make it available to the organs more effectively—and it is helpful in converting food into energy, which is the basis for a good metabolism.

The body has a master clock which helps it to coordinate all the functions of the organs and utilize the fuel it has available, in the correct ways and times. This is when using the Keys to Heath Channel Seventeen--Sound Sleep can become an integral part of weight loss. Researchers and physicians agree that the body must have deep, restful sleep in order to facilitate healthy weight.

When we have done the preparation necessary with all the other protocols, then Channel Twenty can help to stabilize the body’s functions and begin to bring the metabolic process to a healthier level.

To create a new pattern of health, we must have proper nutrition for our bodies and our lifestyles. We must also have adequate sleep so the body can heal and repair. We have to create joyful experiences for moving through life in the physical form, not just forcing ourselves into an exercise program. When we make time for self-care, then our emotional needs can be satisfied, instead of creating unhealthy behaviors that are a replacement for something else we really desire in life.

The AMI devices can create new healthy patterns, provide sound nutrition, heal the digestive system and help to stabilize metabolism. We wish you a vibrant level of health which can be achieved with the new discoveries found in the AMI Acoustic Meridian Intelligence devices!
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Thank You For Surrounding the World with Healing Sound!
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Disclaimer:All content in this newsletter is the freely-expressed, individual opinions of all those involved. Cyma Technologies does not recommend any particular supplement or treatment option for any medical health condition.  We do not intend to replace the need for professional advice in any way.  Ultimately, it is up to you to work with a qualified, medical professional and make an informed decision.  The information here within is for educational purposes only.   
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