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🍁 2 Courageous Perspectives  We're back online now. Blogs group emails continue!
The psychosocial and VHL*. I hope you have about 15 minutes to hear at least one of these stories. I found them really interesting!
  •  When Sean… was a 20-year-old college student, his life trajectory changed with a rare cancer diagnosis, resulting in the removal of 40 tumors; fifteen years later, a new drug [Welireg] made him feel like a ‘medical miracle’”. Also, credits VHLA for reaching out.
    17 minute video
  • “’VHL can be devastating physically, financially, emotionally…’” Other topics include newer generations/options, sporadic cancers, family planning and potential resources. Stacy Lloyd, Board of Directors of VHL Alliance in US, Patient.  10 Minute Video

 *VHLA partnership with Cure magazine project

Henry's Fundraiser update: $225 raised so far! Thank you!
Help us to fill a gap in Canada.
We have moderate expenses to operate a peer support network specifically for VHL patients and their families in Canada.

VHL Canada
Registered Charity BN: 800804676RR0001

Our temporary mailing address is:
VHL Canada
C/O: H. Seo
618 Gladstone Avenue
Toronto ON, M6J 3H4


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