
News and thoughts from PRUMC

Issue No.4 November 16-30, 2023

Pastor Ann Says

      With Thanksgiving Day rapidly approaching, let us pause and give thanks for the many, many blessings our God has provided.  Johnson Oatman,Jr., wrote these words entitled "Count Your Blessings": 

         "Count your blessings, name them one by one:

          Count your blessings,see what God hath done.

          Count your blessings,name them one by one;

          Count your many blessings, see what God hath done."

         Happy Thanksgiving!

From the Lay Leader

Have you ever volunteered to head up a big project, or serve on a committee, or filled in for someone for a special event, only to ask yourself, “what was I thinking!”   Being a volunteer is a commitment and requires time and attention.  Webster defines volunteering as freely taking part in an enterprise or undertaking a task without being paid.    We usually volunteer not for recognition but rather because we feel like we are helping and are part of the process.  Church volunteering is never a requirement or obligation that has to be filled.  It should always be after much prayer and a willingness to serve.   The church could not run without the loyalty and dedication of all the volunteers that we have.  Please know that your time,talents and dedication are truly part of your testimony to our Lord.  Our volunteers are true heroes!  For that I’m thankful.       

Delane Wells – Lay Leader  

Santa’s Workshop

   It’s hard to believe that it’s that time of year already.  As I’m writing this and reflecting on the past years, it’s amazing to see the changes that have occurred. Most obvious are the numbers. In 2018 we had 102 children and last year we went to 198 children.  We are anticipating this number to go much higher if what we see in the food pantry is any indication.

In Santa’s Workshop we help newborn to several special needs children who are in their early 20’s. We were able to meet these needs thanks to our church family.  In many cases this is the only Christmas these children will receive.

We are again requesting your help in meeting this year’s needs.  The workshop needs basketballs, dolls, cars and trucks and art supplies.  Your donations may be left in Tammy’s office or see me.

I am thanking you in advance for your help in this mission.  I just wish that you could witness the smiles and tears I see each year from the parents and grandparents when they pickup their child’s Christmas presents.

Happy Holidays to you and your family,

“Mrs. Char Claus” (Wentworth)