Welcome  to the 
St. George E-Bulletin
November 5, 2023


Since you have an
extra hour of sleep...

"see you all refreshed 
today in Church"


We remember the parable of Lazarus and the rich man.

To understand why the parables of Jesus are not so popular today,  but also much of our Lord’s teaching as well.  He spoke often of the need to believe in Him for eternal life, He also spoke throughout the gospels on the need for charitable works and righteous living as well. In fact He summed up His teaching on this matter by warning us, “Not all who say to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,” shall see the kingdom of heaven, but those who do the will of My Father who is in heaven”. Clearly, not all who merely believe and call Jesus “Lord” will be saved, but only those who do the will of Jesus’ Father in heaven.
This is important for all of us to remember.
And when you get down to it, God really isn’t asking that much of us. He simply wants us to stop living as if we were the center of our own little universe.


Wednesday - November 8th

Holy and Glorious Great-martyr 
Demetrius the Myrrh-gusher 

Divine Liturgy at 10:00 a.m.
Srecna Slava!

Sunday, November 19

Our Sisters Slava
his Grace Bishop LONGIN

will be joining us for the celebration along with the blessing of our new frescoes


Join us and bring a friend...

Our Sisters would like to
inform all of the 


After the Divine Liturgy Megan & Jonathon Rowton baby shower
Sisters and volunteer set up for Slava
Starting at 9:30 a.m.


cakes and sweets will be needed for our Slava
Thanksgiving service at 6:30 p.m.

followed by Holiday refreshments

Join us for the one and only
St. George - Monroe

 Thank God, 
We are experiencing growth...
We are having more and more small children  and their
parents attending the Liturgy.

We also know that our services can be long for small children and  they know how to express their opinions...

To this end a project to better prepare space in our choir loft where parents can take  our kids when the need arises.

We will be continuing future upgrades which will help everyone in our parish.
As we complete the final list of names for the bell donations,  we require the first and last names of our beloved deceased to be commemorated. We have received several donations which haven't provided names.

Please contact any board member or
Fr. Rade so that we can order the plaque...Thank you. 


Would you say that the Orthodox Church is closer to the Roman Catholic Church than to the Protestant churches?


It is hard to answer that question easily without giving the wrong impression. The Protestant churches, as you know, came out of the Roman Church when this body was already separated from the Eastern Orthodox Church. Thus, as one Orthodox theologian put it in the last century, it is probably true to say that the Roman and Reformed Protestant churches are much closer to each other—historically, spiritually, theologically, culturally, psychologically—than the Orthodox Church is to either.

The many events and changes in the various churches in recent days, not excluding the Orthodox Church, makes this question still more difficult to answer. Thus, although we might say that the Orthodox are closer to the so-called “high” churches of the West such as the Roman and Anglican, it might be much safer and more correct to approach Orthodoxy solely on its own ground without too much comparison to others.

A bit of Saintly advise...

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