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Nov 5/23
🍁 When I’m Sixty-Four… Prognosis?
I’m just a patient who is “already’ 53! A personal search* and feedback from VHL patients (in Canada and elsewhere) produces information.

  • I will check back with VHL Alliance website
  • Some families share that they have a history of VHL related disability and death. Others have said that they realize that some are 'worse off' in terms of VHL's severity


*Google and Pubmed Searches: “VHL life expectancy”. All articles are full-text online

**also Penetrance: VHL pathogenic variants are highly penetrant. Almost all individuals who have a VHL pathogenic variant are symptomatic [tumours] by age 65 years

Help us to fill a gap in Canada.
We have moderate expenses to operate a peer support network specifically for VHL patients and their families in Canada.

VHL Canada
Registered Charity BN: 800804676RR0001

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VHL Canada
C/O: H. Seo
618 Gladstone Avenue
Toronto ON, M6J 3H4


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