We recently joined a group of social justice organizations calling on President Biden to reject inhumane cuts to our already-tattered social safety net. As our Co-Founder and Co-President Jhumpa Bhattacharya said: "If we can find money to fund war and destruction internationally, we should be able to also fund programs that save lives domestically. All Americans deserve to have a roof over their heads, food on the table, and their children educated and cared for. We should never let extremist, racist ideology take that away from us." Read coverage of the letter in Common Dreams here. We’re glad that the final bill did not include the draconian cuts that were originally on the table, but also know this is just one win in a much longer fight to strengthen our social safety net from a punitive mission to one of shared prosperity.
You can also listen to Jhumpa tackle debt and race with the brilliant Maurice BP-Weeks on the season finale of his podcast, Indebted, here. The episode also features the inimitable Senator Elizabeth Warren and debt justice legend Astra Taylor.
Co-Founder and Co-President Anne Price will address similar themes of how we shape a just economy when she takes the stage Dec. 6 at the upcoming SoCal Grantmakers conference in a plenary titled A New Paradigm for a Sustainable and Equitable Economy. The opening session is meant to invite attendees “to fortify their commitments to being bold, building solidarity with our communities, and reimagining our economic and political structures.”
In the meantime, we’re hard at work on a website we can’t wait to share with you all and a new report that’s sure to ruffle some status quo feathers. Stay tuned!