

A Message from the Acting Vice Provost

How is it possibly December already? What a semester we have had – this team has supported each other through grieving the loss of a beloved friend and colleague, working through some challenging student care and behavioral issues, developing inspiring goals and vision for the future, and so much more in our work for and with students and in community with each other.  
It was a joy to celebrate my first Christmas at Creighton this week! While of course as a Jesuit, Catholic University, we uplift and celebrate Christmas as the birth of Christ and the festivities surrounding that, we also celebrate with all the members of our community who celebrate other traditions during this time of the year – including the recently celebrated Diwali festival of light, Hannukah, and Kwanza – which will be followed by 3 Kings Day as we start the new year. In whatever ways you celebrate – religiously, culturally, or socially – I hope that this season brings you opportunities to reflect on the gifts in your life – and serves as a reminder of the hope, goodness, and divine energy that exists in the world around us. And, I’m excited for everyone to utilize the gift of time with ourselves and/or our loved ones the week of December 25th to rest, reflect, connect, and hopefully have opportunities to laugh as well!

Gathering Together
I am looking forward to seeing all of you at our next Student Life monthly meeting on Thursday, December 7 from 10 - 11:30 a.m. in Harper 4067 or on Zoom. Make sure to wear your blue or Creighton gear for a team photo! 

Leanna Fenneberg

A Message from Cocoa

Hi there my Student Life hoomans,

WE HAVE NEARLY MADE IT!! The end of the semester is days away and we can look forward to shifting gears! Now don't get me wrong, I love our students and all the doting affection, but I can't lie... I love this time of year because this is when it's most permitted for me to nap at work, ya know? No? Just me? #dogprivileges

Before we jump all four feet into the planning of what's next, I hope you take the time to paws and reflect on the times that made your tail wag this semester. Think back to the lessons learned, the moments of growth, and the belly-rubbing-good successes.  Maybe do this as a team!  There's plenty to recognize and celebrate.  

Stay furry,


Belong Events

The Belonging Committee has started offering a variety of options this semester to hopefully meet people’s varied interests.  To date, they include:
  • December 5, 3:30 - 6 p.m.: Omaha Holiday Party. The holiday party will be on Tuesday, Dec. 5, from 3:30-6 p.m. CT. This event will be in the Harper Center, Ahmanson Ballroom.
  • December 6, 4:30 p.m. Phoenix Holiday Party. The holiday party will be on Wednesday, Dec. 6, starting at 4:30 p.m. MT. The location will be in the Doris S. Norton Ballroom. 
  • December 7, 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.: Student Life Staff Meeting. Join us for a conversation on the NASPA/ACPA competencies and what guides the work we do in Student Life. Please wear Blue or Creighton gear as we'll take a staff photo together...and yes that means the same for our online/PHX/Griswold friends!  📸
  • December 13, 11 a.m. - 1p.m.: Staff Advisory Committee Hot Cocoa Happy Hour. The Staff Advisory Council (SAC) invites Creighton staff and friends to Hot Cocoa Happy Hour on Wednesday, Dec. 13. Join colleagues from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. CST at Graves Hall, Lower Level 118, for hot chocolate and cookies. Visit with friends, take a break from work, and enter to win prizes. Staff must be present to enter to win. While you're there, get your photo with Santa or Cocoa, Creighton's therapy dog.
  • December 15, 9:15 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.: Heart Ministry Center Volunteer Opportunity. Registration is closed.
  • December 15, 2 p.m.: Student Life Recess. It's an annual tradition!  Christmas sweaters/ties/accessories are encouraged while we play music bingo, trivia, and board games. Enjoy time together while the students are away!

Actionable by Employee

Announcing a call for HoliJAY Buddies
Submitted by Dr. Michele Bogard

Couldn't we all use a HoliJAY Buddy this time of year?  The days are shorter...students may be acting wild...and we're needing some holiday spirit!
Student Life's HoliJAY Buddy program is back!  Sign up to participate below and you'll receive a HoliJAY buddy.  From December 11-15, provide secret and anonymous treats for your buddy.  It may be a note, a can of pop/soda, a holiday craft, whatever you dream up!  Random acts of HoliJAY buddies should be in TOTAL no more than $20.  Enlist co-workers to keep your buddy guessing to help deliver your treats.  By December 15th, please let your buddy know who you are!
Please fill out the survey by DECEMBER 5th so we can share some information with your "Buddy".  Thank you!
Questions?  Ask an elf (aka Michele...

New Staff Formation - Seeking Returning Staff as Guides!
Submitted by Dr. Michele Bogard

New Staff Formation will launch in January!  Those staff who have been here 3+ years and would be interested in serving as a Guide to new staff in Student Life are encouraged to complete the following super quick form by December 15th.

Campus Updates

Technology Topics

The Student Life technology team wants to hear from you! We'd like to start sharing some topics and discussions during the monthly Student Life team meetings, as well as providing additional training for our division. If you have a topic you'd like to learn more about or discuss, please fill out this survey. We look forward to your feedback! 

A Thank You from the Winegards

Mike Winegard, Dr. Winegard's husband, sent his thanks to our division after last month's services. The card reads:

"Dear Vice Provost Fenneberg and Creighton Student Life,
On behalf of the entire Winegard family, thank you for your thoughtfulness and flowers at Tanya's service. Losing Tanya has been difficult. Knowing that we have caring and supportive people in our lives has made things much easier. We very much appreciate your kindness and support.

Thank you, 
Mike Winegard"

Attend a 3-Day Retreat in 2024

If you have been on retreats before and looking for a more personal retreat experience, consider one of the dates below. These retreats start with check-in between 4-5 p.m. for the 6 p.m. supper and conclude at 3 p.m. the final day. You would be assigned a spiritual director whom you would meet with each day. Directors are guided with the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. 

Retreats are offered on these dates: 
January 18-21, 2024
March 21-24, 2024
May 2-5, 2024
July 14-17, 2024

Register here.

Creighton Cupboard Crowdfunding Update

Last month, the Creighton Cupboard participated in the inaugural crowdfunding project sponsored by Alumni Relations. The campaign was a great success, raising more than $4,700, with half of that coming in during Giving Tuesday. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to reducing food insecurity on campus! 

Introducing New Staff

Welcome Sam Buck, Reservations Specialist

Sam graduated from Creighton in 2022 with a degree in Performance Theater. While he was a student at Creighton he also worked in the Creighton Housing Department. He loved working on campus and helping make the Residence Halls the best they could be. He is super excited for the opportunity to come back and see all of the familiar faces he’s worked with in the past. In his free time, he loves going to movies, thrifting for clothes, and watching the NFL on Sundays with his family. Sam is also looking forward to his wedding coming up in September!

Welcome Frank Schleimer, Director of Residential Life

Residential Life is excited to share that we have hired a new Director for the department. Please help us welcome Frank Schleimer. He will join our community on Dec 11, 2023.

Frank Schleimer comes originally from Brooklyn, New York. He graduated from Fordham University, a fellow Jesuit school, in 2014. Frank began a Masters in Higher Education Administration at George Washington University, which he graduated from in May 2018. Frank served as a Residence Director at GW for two years while obtaining his degree. Frank worked at Catholic University as a Community Director for four years, before spending the last year and a half as an Assistant Director of Residential Education at Georgetown University. Frank is an avid sports fan with loyalties to the New York Jets, New York Rangers and New York Yankees. He is looking forward to working with the students and staff, and living in Omaha with his wife, Amanda, and dog, Ranger.

Staff Updates

Congratulations Taylor Logue!

Taylor Logue has accepted the role of Assistant Director of Residential Life and will begin her duties on December 1, 2023. Taylor currently serves as the RD for Opus/Davis and will continue to provide support to those buildings while she transitions to the AD role and while we search for a new RD. 

A few words from Taylor, "It is an honor to be a part of the Residential Life team in the capacity of Assistant Director, and I am excited to get to know everyone in a deeper way. I graduated in 2018 from Southwest Baptist University with my degree in Communications knowing that I wanted to be a part of Residential Life. I have been fortunate enough to be a part of Creighton’s Residential Life since August 2022 as both the Kenefick and Davis-Opus Resident Director. Currently, I am studying towards a Master’s in Organizational Leadership with an emphasis in Business Administration. I am passionate about leadership development, communication, and fun! The way to my heart is through my cat, Iggy, Taylor Swift, or Broadway!"

Congratulations Dr. Leanna Fenneberg!

Dr. Leanna Fenneberg has been named Senior Vice President for Student Life at Duquesne University. She'll remain with our division through the end of the academic year, after which she will transition to her new role in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Dr. Fenneberg says, "I am really excited about this new professional opportunity, but I am also filled with joy that I will spend the remainder of the academic year here with you at Creighton. Thank you for supporting me throughout my time with the Creighton family and helping me determine where I best support your needs throughout this year." 

Provost Wilson announced that nationwide search for the next Provost of Student Life will begin in the near future. Until then, please join us in wishing Dr. Fenneberg well in her next appointment! 


What is your favorite holiday memory or tradition? Maybe it's baking cookies with family or taking a trip each year. Perhaps you volunteer with a nonprofit close to your heart. Share your stories with us here

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