As December arrives and with only three weeks to the shortest day of the year, and with the dark mornings taking so long to become light enough to feel safe to walk outside, taking our 30+ minute daily walk has become a bit of a challenge. And that’s before we see what the weather has been doing! In fact, we have to be super-dedicated to put on all our appropriate clothing to face the wind, the cold and the rain!
So, this week Mary and I each are looking at home workouts that will enable you to maintain your fitness and keep you trim and healthy, without even having to step out of your front door – and there’s plenty of choice!
Mary and I have designed a choice of workouts, using stairs, furniture or miscellaneous items available around your home, and they are at varying levels of difficulty so please pick and choose the exercises appropriate to your personal fitness capability.
We have explained which activity exercises which part of the body so please try and approach it with a ‘whole body workout’ mindset so that you strengthen those all-important arms, legs, hips, abs, chest, back and shoulders. Balance is important too. Please wear suitable clothing and only do activities that you feel are safe and appropriate for you. Always listen to your body.
Because I am determined to live as long as I possibly can, I work hard at staying fit and well and I am happy to invest time and money to achieve a level of fitness that will help me to be able to move around easily and have fun – right up to my dying day!
When I discovered a gym run by physiotherapists a few years ago, I decided to have a one-to-one session twice a week to encourage me to be fitter and healthier. Up to this point I didn’t like gyms, always feeling intimidated by everyone else who seemed loads fitter, thinner, younger and stronger than ever I could be. Because of my chest issues (asthma and bronchiectasis) it is perfect to be trained by a physiotherapist who pushes me to work harder but within my limits. I love my sessions and they have made me significantly fitter and increased my lung capacity.
Recently, when Judith my trainer was ill and had to cancel my session, I was really disappointed so I decided to create my own workout at home based on the type of exercises I normally do with her. My session with Judith is an hour but it took me just 30 minutes to do the following workout. Maybe this is something you could try if you have the time on one of those days when it’s pouring with rain or too icy to go for your daily walk.
Whilst the equipment is different from the gym, in principle, the exercises are similar. If you are unable to do all the suggested repetitions, just do what you can:
- Stair Climbing: Walk up and down stairs (14 steps) 5 times consecutively, fairly slowly. (Great for heart and lungs and strength for legs, particularly thigh muscles)
- Single Step Ups: Step up the bottom stair with alternate feet leading, raising the opposite knee high with each step off the floor. I did 20 (10 each leg) (Great for leg strength and balance)
- Press-ups: I do floor press-ups and have my bent knees on the floor further back from my hips and do 10. An easier version would be doing standing table-top press-ups with feet well back from the table or worktop and do 10 press-ups, always holding your core tight. A harder version is to do it on the floor with your body straight and no knee bend. Do 10. (All great for upper body strength and abs)
- Breast Stroke: Lie on the floor, legs outstretched with feet remaining on the floor. Lift your head and shoulders and do the breast-stroke with your arms. Lower again then repeat x 8. (Great for strengthening back and shoulders)
- The Plank: Still lying face-down on the floor, legs outstretched, raise up onto your elbows and lift your whole body so that it is entirely flat (like a plank), resting feet on your toes, holding your core really tight throughout, but breathing normally. Hold for the count of 30. (If a full plank is too tough, drop your knees to the floor but place them further back than your hips, hold your core tight but breathe normally. Hold for a count of 30). (Great for abs)
- Posture: I took a plastic pipe and held it in both hands wide above my head and then pulled it down behind my head. Do it 6 times. The wider the hands, the easier it is. You could do this with a toning band if you have one. (Great for posture and shoulders)
- Dead lifts: Find a weight or something that weighs about four kilos – (a small shopping bag with cans of beans or bags of rice, or a bag of cat litter or dog food will do.) With feet comfortably apart, and the ‘weight’ on the floor between them, bend your knees, hips well back, keeping your head and chest up, and engage your core tightly. Lift and lower the weight, squeezing your butt at the top each time, then slowly lower it again. Repeat x 10. If four kilos is too much, make your ‘weight’ lighter. (Great for arms, legs and butt)
- Tummy Toner: Sit on the floor, knees bent. With core tight, slowly lower upper body back toward the floor, arms out in front, without going all the way down. With core still tight, lift yourself up to the top position, breathing out as you lift. Inhale as you lower. Repeat x 10 (Great for abs).
- Waist Twist: Sit on the floor, knees bent, and hold a large bottle of water in both hands. With core tight, try to twist as far as possible to the left and then to the right x 10 times in total (5 each side). (Great for the waist)
If you have time, do the whole workout again. Then, at the end…
- Stretch: Do the Whole Body Stretch Programme at the end of the workout.
Christmas Recipe of the Week
Makes 450g (1lb)
Per 450g (1lb): 775 calories, 1.1g fat.
Prep time 5 mins
Cook Time 25 mins
150g (5oz) cooking apples, grated
225g (8oz) mixed dried fruit
1⁄2 tsp mixed spice
150ml (1⁄4 pint) sweet cider
2 tbsps brandy, whisky or rum
- Place the grated apples and the dried fruit in a saucepan. Add the mixed spice and cider. Simmer for about 20 minutes or until the mixture forms a pulp and most of the liquid has evaporated.
- Stir in your choice of spirit. Allow to cool.
- When cool, pack the mincemeat in sterilised jars and store in the refrigerator until required. The mincemeat will keep in a refrigerator for 4 months. Once opened, use within one week.
Serves 10
Per serving 280 calories, 2.5g fat
Preparation time 20 mins
Cooking time:
Microwave 15 – 20 mins
Steaming 3 hours to cook, 2 hours to re-heat
84g (3oz) currants
84g (3oz) sultanas
112g (4oz) raisins
84g (3oz) glacé cherries, halved
84g (3oz) plain or self-raising flour
1 tsp mixed spice
1⁄2 tsp ground cinnamon
56g (2oz) fresh wholemeal breadcrumbs
56g (2oz) dark brown sugar
2 tsps gravy browning
grated zest of 1⁄2 lemon
grated zest of 1⁄2 orange
112g (4oz) grated apple
112g (4oz) carrots, finely grated
4 tbsps brandy or rum
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 eggs, beaten
4 tbsps semi-skimmed milk
2 tbsps black treacle or cane sugar syrup
extra 4 tbsps rum or brandy for reheating
- Combine all the dry ingredients and all the wet ingredients in 2 separate bowls. Mix together and add the beaten egg.
- Continue mixing until all the ingredients are combined.
- Pour the mixture into a 1.2 litre (2 pint) pudding basin or glass bowl and cover with aluminium foil if steaming (not if microwaving).
- Place in a steamer (or in a large saucepan with a smaller lid placed downwards in the pan, or on a heat-proof plate turned upside-down, upon which the bowl will stand) and cook, covered, for 3 hours.
- If microwaving the pudding, place an upturned plate over the basin and microwave on full power for 5 minutes. Leave to stand for 5 minutes, then microwave for a further 5 minutes.
- After cooking, allow the pudding to cool, then wrap in aluminium foil or place in an air-tight container and leave in a cool, dry place until required.
- To reheat the pudding, steam for 1 - 2 hours, or microwave for 10 minutes.
- When cooked, run a knife around the edge of the basin, turn out onto a serving plate and drizzle with brandy or rum. Serve with low-fat Greek yogurt mixed with a tablespoon of brandy or rum. (optional)
In the run-up to Christmas we will be bringing you more seasonal recipes and on 22nd December we will include my full Christmas Dinner guide including Turkey and all the trimmings.
Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

When the weather is bad, the numbers turning up on my regular walks inevitably drops a little. This is of course to be expected, as it can be very miserable taking a walk when Storm Babbet is imminent! Personally, I am totally fine walking in the cold and rain as long as I am well wrapped up. However, as soon as there is a hint of ice, particularly black ice, I immediately cancel any planned walk and advise everyone to stay indoors! As a group of older adults, we are the most likely to break a hip if we have a fall and ice underfoot is unforgiving.
It will be no surprise, though, to know that I always urge my walkers to do something on those days when venturing out would be highly risky. So, when Rosemary suggested we give you some ideas for doing a whole-body workout from the comfort of your own home, I was fully on board. Rosemary's workout above is hugely impressive and certainly makes for an excellent whole-body workout. If you feel you could have a go at it then I would give you a big thumbs up!
Here is my Chairs and Stairs Winter Workout - a shorter but still very effective programme, and this week it is instead of my normal Weekly Fitness Challenge. I always test my ‘programmes’ out myself so I have a good idea of how long it takes, with the intention that it can be completed within 10 minutes. I also urge you to do them at the same time of day, even setting a timer to remind you, and then it is more likely that you will make it a regular part of your day. It is a very good habit to make!
Safety Tips Before You Start:
- Read through the exercises first and check that you can manage them. If Level 1 is too easy then select Level 2, or do a mix of both to suit your fitness level.
- For those of you without stairs, I have given alternatives.
- Use a sturdy dining chair when using a chair.
- Wear non-slip footwear that you feel confident using in the home, particularly when using the stairs.
Chairs and Stairs Workout - LEVEL 1
Exercise 1 Step Ups and Stair Climbing (Great for heart, lungs and leg muscles)
Standing tall with the tummy in, start by only using the first step of your staircase, and leading with your right leg, go up and down 5 times then change to lead with the left leg.
Immediately follow by going up the whole flight of stairs at a steady pace (not holding if possible) and come down again slowly but holding onto the bannister as you descend. Repeat this sequence of step ups and stair climbing 3 times.
No Stairs? March on the spot for 2 minutes lifting legs up to 45 degrees.
Exercise 2 Stair Press-ups (Great for upper body strength)
Place your hands on the 4th step with feet on the ground and your body in a straight line. Now bend the elbows outwards lowering the chin towards the step then push back to the start position. Breathe in to lower and out to return. Do 6 times slowly then rest for about 10 seconds and repeat.
No Stairs? Use your kitchen worktop.
Exercise 3 Chair Hip Toner and Balance Improver
Stand tall at the back of a sturdy chair with both hands holding on and with feet hip-width apart. With knees slightly bent, lift one leg out to the side keeping the rest of the body upright. As you bring the leg back bend both knees into a small squat before lifting the other leg out. Repeat 16 times (8 for each leg).
Then stand only on your left leg to hold a standing balance. Let go of the back of the chair for between 10 - 20 seconds if you can. Change legs.
Repeat both moves.
Exercise 4 Chair Waist Trimmer and Posture Improver
Sit in the front third of the chair seat with tummy in tight and back straight. With your hands on your shoulders rotate to look over one shoulder as far as you can and then to the other side. Do 12 repetitions (6 each side).
Now open both shoulders wide taking your elbows back to work your posture muscles. Hold for 2 seconds then repeat 6 times.
Exercise 5 Sit to Stand (Great for hips and thighs)
Sit in the front third of the chair seat with arms across the chest. Lean forward slightly and bring feet further back but still flat on the floor. Now stand up swiftly and then lower as slowly as you can to sit smoothly back onto the chair seat. Do 10 times
Chairs and Stairs Workout - LEVEL 2
Exercise 1 Step Ups and Stair Climbing (Great for heart, lungs and leg muscles)
Stand side on to the stairs and take a side step onto the first step and at the same time lift the free leg out to the side to work the hip. Repeat to the same side 10 times then turn around to lead with the other leg. Now go up and down stairs (with control) 4 times. Then repeat the whole sequence one more time.
Exercise 2 Stair Press Ups (Great for upper body strength)
With the hands placed on the edge of step 3, the body in a straight line, and feet on the floor, do 10 press-ups slowly and with good control. Do one more set.
Exercise 3 Chairs or Stairs Tummy and Waist Curls
Lie on your back with your feet up on a chair seat (or the second step on the stairs). Place both hands behind the head and pull the tummy in tight. Now bring head and shoulders off the floor in a curl-up keeping the chin off the chest and breathing out. Do 10 then continue with 10 more but changing sides in a twisted curl-up.
Exercise 4 Sit to Stand and Balance Improver
Stand a little way in front of a chair seat. Place arms across the chest and slowly bend knees into a squat to lightly touch the chair seat then push up again more quickly. Bend knees over toes. Try not to lock out the knees at the top. Do 10 repetitions. Next, stand on your right leg for a minimum of 30 seconds (have a support close by in case you need it). Then change legs and balance on the other leg.
Exercise 5 Posture Improver
Sit in the front third of the chair seat with your arms lifted out to the side and the palms down. Now slowly turn the palm up whilst easing your shoulder blades down. Now take both hands behind your head and press the elbows back to hold for 2 seconds. Repeat whole sequence 5 times.
Quick Post-Workout Stretch
- Hamstrings. Sitting on the very edge of the chair seat take one leg out straight, then with a straight back lean forward to stretch the back of the thigh. Hold for 10 seconds then repeat with the other leg. Do once only.
- Chest. Still sitting upright on the chair take both hands behind you and hold the back of the chair. Hold for 10 seconds
- Underarm. Place right hand at the back of the right shoulder and use your left hand to ease it further down the back. Keep head up throughout. Hold for 10 seconds then release. Repeat with the other hand.
- Front Thigh. Stand tall at the back of the chair and hold on if necessary. Take hold of the ankle of the right leg and try to bring the thighs in line with each other, then ease the hip of the bent leg forward slightly. Hold for 10 seconds. Change legs and repeat.
At this time of year, it is so easy to lapse into 'hibernation mode'. We eat more comforting foods which are often higher in calories, and if the weather is cold and wet it is tempting to just want to curl up on the sofa. But, as with any exercise programme, if you can get your head into the right place so that you can commit to exercising regularly, you will be in much better shape and feel very, very proud of yourself!
Did you know...
Advent is the period leading up to 25th December during which Christians prepare for, and contemplate, the religious significance of Christmas. The word "Advent" means 'Coming' in Latin and refers to the coming of Jesus into the world. There are three meanings of 'coming' that Christians describe in Advent. The first, and most thought of, was when Jesus came into the world as a baby to live as a man and die for mankind. The second refers to the opportunity for anyone who wants to invite Jesus into their life. And the third refers to the future expectation that Jesus will come back to the world as King and Judge.
Advent starts on Advent Sunday, the f ourth Sunday before Christmas Day, and depending on when it starts, Advent can last between 22 and 28 days. Advent Sunday can be as early as 27th November (as in 2016 and 2022) or as late as 3rd December (as in 2017 and 2023). For the convenience of printing, many Advent calendars run from 1st December and last 24 days, which in practice would only be accurate if Christmas Day is on a Wednesday as happened in 2019 and will happen again in 2024.
Apart from calendars, Advent is often marked with candles, which may be a single candle marked with the days 1-24 with a portion to be burnt every day, or an Advent crown including four candles, one to be lit each Sunday.
And who can forget watching how to make one of those out of coathangers every year on the BBC children's programme Blue Peter?

And finally...
As you will realise, both Mary and I feel passionate about staying as fit as we can for as long as we can. When we become fitter, we feel better physically and mentally and as you will have noticed, our strapline for our website is ‘LIve Longer Live Healthier Live Happier" and that is exactly what we wish for everyone.
Have a great week.
With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL