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Carnation Farmers Market - Celebratig 20 Years!
Tuesdays, 3-7pm - King County's Tolt-MacDonald Park Barn Shelter - 31020 NE 40th St, Carnation WA

CFM is More Than A Market! We are also a...

Protector of Farmland & Rural Character

As a small-town food-and-farm-product-only Market, Carnation Farmers Market has been connecting farmers and eaters for the last 20 years. But our work goes far beyond that - CFM is a charitable non-profit that benefits the whole community. By providing a reliable, direct sales outlet supporting our local farms, we are helping protect our natural environment, encouraging sustainable development, and honoring our agricultural traditions. CFM embodies the values that define Carnation's identity and bring people together.

Provider of Food Assistance

In 2023 CFM reached new shoppers by becoming authorized to accept SNAP/EBT. We also partnered with Tolt UCC to facilitate produce donations to local food banks and food-insecure households. We demonstrated to the public how to prepare easy meals from scratch, and gave away free cookbooks with recipes geared toward families on a budget. We help seniors, families, and children gain access to healthy produce through our participation in FMNP (Farmers Market Nutrition Program) for Seniors and WIC, and fresh fruits & vegetables we provide through our PoP Kids Club.

Educational Resource

Our popular PoP Kids Club grew in 2023, providing over 200 local children with weekly interactive learning activities and $2 tokens for fresh produce. In addition, CFM presented free all-ages art lessons every week, as well as special offerings such as fitness classes. Children and adults alike learned about nutrition and where food comes from, through face-to-face interactions with local farmers.

Cultural Showcase

CFM presented over 25 live music acts in 2023, and hosted guest artists teaching hands-on activities every Tuesday. Not only does CFM provide free entertainment and cultural enrichment activities in town; we are also creating economic opportunities for Snoqualmie Valley artists.

Inclusive Safe Space

CFM welcomes everyone to come enjoy all the Market's offerings, with no obligation to purchase anything. We cultivate an environment that encourages connections between neighbors, celebrating people of every age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, body type, income level, language, nationality, ancestry, family structure, and background. In 2023, we drew many vendors who are minority-owned businesses, and we broadened the populations we serve by forging new relationships with local organizations like Sno-Valley Pride and the Snoqualmie Tribe Ancestral Lands Movement.

Steward of Environmental Sustainability

CFM supports farms that use organic and sustainable farming practices, and we also promote environmental education through collaborations with organizations such as Stewardship Partners, and through our PoP Kids Club program which raises awareness of local agriculture, nourishment, history, and our natural environment.

Economic Booster

CFM is an incubator for local agriculture and small business, keeping fees low to eliminate barriers to participation. The Market also brings shoppers into downtown Carnation, and highlights the services offered by our sponsoring local businesses. In 2023, CFM generated over $100,000 for our local economy.

Community Connection Hub

CFM hosted over 40 Community Spotlight Booth appearances by local non-profits in 2023. We provide this free opportunity so that these organizations can educate and engage with the public, and to help connect residents of Carnation and the Snoqualmie Valley with services that they need. As a gathering place for neighbors, CFM strengthens the well-being of our community and cultivates a sense of belonging for friends, families, children, seniors, and anyone who enjoys food, fun, and our beautiful natural surroundings!


Our move to King County’s Tolt-MacDonald Park this season marks a new chapter of growth and community engagement for CFM. In 2023, the Market saw record-breaking attendance and grew to over 20 vendors.

But with growth comes new challenges. Our larger venue and expanded programming mean higher expenses than ever before – from rent to storage to staffing, and moreOur dedicated volunteers are working harder to keep pace with all the new activity. Donating now helps build a strong future for Carnation's farmers market, and gives us a jump start planning next season's vendor lineup, food access and educational programs, and cultural events.


Join the millions of people worldwide who are donating on Giving Tuesday, the biggest charitable giving day of the year. Your tax-deductible donation to Carnation Farmers Market (CFM), a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity, makes a huge positive impact right here at home!

Make a tax-deductible donation to Carnation Farmers Market on Washington Gives.
Thank you for your generosity and commitment to keeping our community tradition alive!


Copyright © 2023 Carnation Farmers Market, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Carnation Farmers Market
8014 361st Ave NE
Carnation, WA 98014

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Carnation Farmers Market · 8014 361st Ave NE · Carnation, WA 98014 · USA

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