Before we write our weekly Newsletter, Mary and I discuss a variety of subjects that we think might interest you. Mary is an avid reader of the latest scientific studies on the subject of exercise or nutrition which often gives us some great ideas. So, this week she is writing about the amazing benefits of stairwalking.
I remember hearing on the radio a few years ago the story of a man who had lost six stone just by walking up and down stairs! I can recall wondering whether he needed a new carpet at the end of it.
In February this year, Mary described a very interesting study carried out on folks who lived in a multistorey block of flats. Here is an extract of that Newsletter:
In one study volunteers were allocated to either walking up or down stairs in a 10-storey building twice a week and taking the lift in the other direction. Both groups saw health improvements but the group who walked downstairs (the eccentric action) saw the greatest improvements to their fitness on several fronts. Their resting heart rate (a good indicator of fitness) and their muscle strength particularly improved, and interestingly, considerably more so than the group walking up the stairs (the concentric action). This is the opposite of what we might have thought, as we always perceive the walking upstairs to be the real challenge. In fact, the walking ‘down-stairs volunteers’ saw their strength improve by a massive 34% – twice as much as the group walking upstairs!
So, it is clear to see that stair walking is very effective in both burning fat and also as a strength exercise.
But there’s more! Mary has found yet another clinical study describing the benefits of stair climbing and the vast variety of benefits we can enjoy if we do it, so please read Mary’s piece below. It is fascinating!
As many of you may recall, hubby Mike and I welcomed his mother, Jeanne, to live with us when she was 85 and she stayed with us for eight years. Jeanne used to be an acclaimed yoga teacher but now she kept fit by climbing the two long flights of stairs to her flat when we lived in our previous house which was old and had high ceilings. Walking up and down those lengthy stairs kept her fit and her legs strong. But at the age of 91 one day she told us that she could no longer manage them.
By this time, I was helping to care for her but it was only two weeks after she stopped using the stairs that she found herself unable to get out of the bath on her own. I was in the bathroom with her, fortunately, and found myself fully clothed standing in the bath and physically lifting her up to sit on the side of the bath to help her get out. Even though she only weighed 7½ stone, she felt like she weighed twice that! The only alternative would have been to ask Mike, (her son), to help – and I knew that she would have been beyond embarrassed if I had.
Jeanne was so upset that she was now unable to do it herself, recognising the reality that she was no longer strong enough to be independent. Thankfully, we managed to buy a battery-operated bath chair/lift which would lower her into the water and elevate her up again when ready, for me to lift her legs to help her out. Naturally, just as we all do, she hated the fact that she was getting older.
Jeanne’s experience drove home to me the importance of taking the stairs. I knew climbing stairs was good for us because it took quite a lot of effort, but I hadn’t fully appreciated how much benefit it really did give us. From then on, whenever I have the opportunity to use stairs, I always take them, whether it is in a car park, a retail store or a hotel.
If we lose the strength in our legs, it will dramatically affect our ability to be independent. And being independent is a very valuable gift.
Makes approx. 20 slices
Per slice: 228 calories, 2.8g fat
Prep time 30 mins
Cook time 2 - 2½ hours
225g (8oz) no-pre-soak prunes, pitted
115g (4oz) cooking apple, peeled & grated
175g (6oz) dark muscovado sugar
4 eggs, beaten
1 lemon and 1 orange, zested
175g (6oz) self-raising flour, sifted
1 tbsp mixed spice
50g (2oz) sunflower seeds
225g (8oz) currants
225g (8oz) sultanas
225g (8oz) raisins
115g (4oz) glacé cherries
120ml (4fl oz) brandy
2 tbsps apricot jam, sieved, to glaze
- Preheat the oven to 170°C, 325°F, Gas Mark 3. Lightly grease and line a round cake tin (20cm/8in diameter, 7.5cm/3in deep) with greaseproof paper.
- In a large mixing bowl mix together the prunes and apple. Add the sugar, then beat in the eggs a little at a time.
- Press down the mixture to squash the prunes.
- Mix in the lemon and orange zest, then carefully fold in the flour, spice, sunflower seeds and fruit.
- Gradually stir in the brandy.
- Pour into the prepared cake tin.
- Using the back of a metal spoon, make a slight dip in the centre to allow for an even top once baked. Bake in the oven for 2 - 2½ hours or until a metal skewer inserted into the cake comes out clean.
- Allow to cool on a wire rack, then remove the greaseproof paper. Glaze by brushing with warmed apricot jam and arrange some cherries or dried fruits on top. Store in an airtight container.
Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

I have always rated the idea that we only need to do short bursts of intense activity to get BIG health benefits and it was not very long ago that we discovered that just three minutes of very intense exercise a week (yes – a week!) gave us some important health improvements, particularly related to our heart.
Of course, we need to do more than just that three minutes if we want to call ourselves truly 'fit and in good shape', but a recent newspaper article featured the enormous value of simply climbing up a flight of stairs. Whilst we all know this, it prompted me to look at the most recent research and to try to get us into the mindset that whenever we see a set of stairs, either at home, in a shop, at a hotel or in our workplace, we use them!
Many years ago, I remember showing my group of students a video of an underground station in London where some inspired person had put a sign at the bottom of the stairs right next to an escalator. It read something like:
"It is good for your health to climb these stairs!"
Before the sign went up, and in the first video, we saw the stairs completely empty and the escalator completely full. When the sign appeared in the second video the almost complete reverse happened – everybody who was able was using the stairs! The power of clear public health messaging!
Now I am only giving you half a story as I have never seen that kind of signage in any London station that I have used since, but my hope is that a few people really carried on doing that in the long term and reaped some important health benefits. In fact, I am tempted to put up my own signs in some strategic places in my local community!
Why is stair climbing so good for us?
- It challenges multiple muscle groups: quads at the front of the thigh, gluteal muscles at the back of the hip, and the calves in the lower leg. These muscles I call our 'big engines' as we use them to walk, (as well as stand up, sit down, climb and get up and down from the floor), and if we can't walk then every part of our body gets weaker!
- Stair climbing is one of the best activities to help our ability to balance, reducing the risk of falling.
- It gives us a short burst of high-intensity activity that leaves us feeling breathless, improving our heart health.
- Taking our body weight upwards against gravity creates a resistance that promotes our bone strength.
- The extra flow of blood to the brain will improve our mental health.
- If we can safely and effectively navigate up and down stairs, we can stay more active generally in everyday life.
- It is quick and easy to fit into our life, there is no equipment and no gym membership needed!
So, as you can see the reasons are extensive and my hope is that as we get older we do not move into a bungalow before we really need to!
How much do we need to do?
Using the stairs has been used in scientific studies because of its obvious clear benefits, but how much do we need to do to achieve any kind of health improvement?
There was a study conducted in the UK with 458,860 adult participants with an average age of 56 years, who were mostly female, with the aim to assess their risk for developing a heart condition. One of the requirements was to find out how often they climbed the stairs every day. They found that those who climbed more than 5 flights (or 50 steps) per day had a 20% lower risk of developing a heart condition such as stroke, heart attack and blood clots. This seemed a lot fewer times than I thought it would be, as personally, I must be going up and down stairs more like 10 - 15 times a day! (A flight of stairs is deemed to be 13 - 16 steps)
The Stairs Test
Some research findings were presented at a scientific congress of the European Society of Cardiology in 2020. This study developed a Stairs Test to help doctors assess a patient’s heart health. The study concluded that a ‘stairs test’ is an easy and quick way to assess the condition of the heart. The study was conducted on four flights of stairs (a flight containing 15 stairs = 60 steps). Patients were timed only as they climbed up the stairs, and those who completed the test in less than 40-45 seconds were linked with a lower mortality rate. In contrast, those who took 90 seconds or longer to complete the test were 30% more likely to die in the following 10 years.
So, I did my own test (no surprises there!). The flight of stairs in my house is 13 steps so it took me 4½ flights to complete the 60 steps. I only recorded a time on the way up, using the stopwatch on my phone. Thankfully I completed the test in 39.26 seconds so, hopefully, my demise is not due any time soon! Not a scientifically accurate test, of course, but it is certainly an indication. Why not try it yourself but only if you are generally quite fit, please, and are used to using the stairs.
So clearly our ability to climb a flight of stairs is one of the great markers of health. For a long time now, in my Weekly Fitness Challenge I have sometimes encouraged you to go up and down stairs 3-5 times as a quick and intense push on your heart. Now you know why!
This Week's Fitness Challenge
Try your own version of the ‘stairs test’ this week, depending on your own staircase. Also this week try to record how many times you use your stairs every day. Live in a bungalow? Then record all the stairs you use outside the home.
- For your daily 30+ minute walks try the ‘lamppost challenge’. Darker nights may mean you are using lit streets for your walks. Walk steadily to one lamppost then seriously increase the intensity to the next one. Do that for the whole walk and you will significantly increase the intensity of your pace, burning more calories and getting your heart fitter.
- As you return from your walk each day, be sure to do your Post Walk Stretches. Stretching is one of those activities that ideally we need to do every day, particularly if we are older. Also try the Whole Body Stretch Programme on the website.
Did you know...
The deepest station on the London Underground is Hampstead which lies a huge 58.5 metres down under Hampstead Heath and has 320 stairs going down to it. It's a very long way down and passengers are often rightly worried about the lifts breaking down and the possibility that they might have to climb the stairs all the way back up. However, Hampstead is only the furthest down as it measures from a starting point at the top of a massive hill. If you are looking for the station deepest below sea level that title goes to Waterloo's Jubilee Line platforms which are just 26 metres down.
Most underground stations have long since had their lifts replaced with escalators which are an easy way to travel unless they break down. Because of their pitch and step-height they can be remarkably challenging if you have to climb them "manually." There are, of course, always still the traditional spiral staircases, normally now labelled "Emergency Exit" and carrying a warning sign of how strenuous the climb might be, although if you can stand the strain, you will often find some delightfully unrefurbished tiles and signs to enjoy on your journey back up to street level.

P.S. If you do happen to be interested in old London Underground tube stations and their tiles, have a look at Hidden London Hangouts on Youtube where presenters from the London Transport Museum explore the abandoned and hidden areas of well-known Underground stations. You can even book to go on public tours of some of the most fascinating long-closed stations like Strand and Down Street.
And finally...
As you have now no doubt appreciated, stairs are our friend. There’s nothing wrong with holding on to a rail to keep you safe as you ascend and descend, as it is the strength you develop, the energy you spend, and the fitness you gain that makes the effort so worthwhile.
If you don’t have stairs at home, if you are able, try marching on the spot with knees high 60 times consecutively once a day, and always take the stairs when you are out and about. That, too, will give your fitness a big boost.
Have a great week.
With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL