
Expressway News

November 2023

Safety: It Takes All of Us

New-age enhancements make vehicles more intelligent every year. But it’s not enough to simply rely on new in-vehicle technology.

To maintain safe facilities, the Mobility Authority regularly gathers data to identify new areas of concern and make improvements. We pride ourselves on being early adopters of emerging transportation technologies. In 2019, we were the first in the region to implement wrong way driving technology which can alert drivers of connected cars as well as emergency responders of vehicles heading the wrong direction.

Between 2020 and 2021, an advanced transportation and incident management/prediction system was installed across all our facilities. These systems use data to predict congestion, identify where crashes are likely, and alert personnel at our Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Center and emergency responders to incidents, reducing response times and expediting the process to clearing the roadway for other users.

Most recently, the Mobility Authority entered another interlocal agreement with local law enforcement that allows them to utilize drone and real-time kinematics technology to reduce the duration of crash investigations and to provide the Mobility Authority real time information affecting traffic flows.

This month marks 23 consecutive years of daily deaths on Texas roadways. Despite the safety measures implemented across our facilities and others, it remains clear that it will take more to end the streak of daily deaths on Texas roadways; It will require a conscious effort from all roadway users.

The holiday season is known for being merry and bright, but it is also known for being the deadliest season for drivers. As more people hit the road for gift shopping and family gatherings, we ask that you pay extra special attention to the road and practice safe driving when behind the wheel.

Word of the Month

Lane-diver. [lān- ˈdīvər] noun.

  1. A person who recklessly crosses into 1 or more travel lanes.

  2. A person who makes a business of driving across solid white lines or delineators despite the danger it poses.

“Seeing the opportunity to enter the Express Lanes without paying a toll, he darted across the delineators into seemingly open express lanes, only to cause a five-car crash. The lane-diver swore to never do that again.”

183 North

Are you curious what the completed 183 North Mobility Project will look like? Not only will it include two express lanes in each direction and an added fourth non-tolled general-purpose lane, but it will complete connectivity for bicyclists and pedestrians throughout the corridor.

Improvements include:

  • An 8-foot wide Shared Use Path to connect the Jollyville Road bike lanes to the bike lanes on Pond Springs, a distance of approximately 1,600 feet.

  • An 8-foot wide Shared Use Path from the bike lanes on Pond Springs to the bike lanes on Lake Creek Parkway adjacent to the US 183 northbound frontage road, a distance of approximately 2,600 feet.

  • Sidewalks along the US 183 northbound and southbound frontage roads from RM 620/SH 45N to Loop 360 in locations where sidewalks do not currently exist.

  • Cross street connections for bicyclists consisting of 5-foot bike lanes in each direction, created by re-striping the existing cross street pavement to narrow the traffic lanes to 11 feet each.

The 183 North Mobility Project is focused on increasing safety on and off the roadway. From the safety benefits of less congestion to more reliable travel times for emergency response, and improved pedestrian and bicycle facilities, we’re building safer connections in northwest Austin.

And you can now get a bird’s eye view of the upcoming improvements by watching this short video:

183 North Mobility Project: A Bird's Eye View

Happy Holidays from our family to yours.

Please note that our

Customer Service Centers will be CLOSED

November 23 - 24 and December 25 - 26.

Other questions or concerns about your toll bill?
Contact us at 833-762-8655 or visit our
website. We're here to help!