
🍁 Surviving Thanksgiving 🍂


Are you nervous that your MIL is going to be super judgey about what your child doesn’t want to eat at the Thanksgiving table? Here are my GIT Mom Tips for getting through the meal without the embarrassing meltdown:
GIT Tip #1
Hold an Etiquette Briefing

Have a brief family meeting before the big fancy meal telling your children who will be at dinner and what is an appropriate greeting for each grown-up.

GIT Tip #2
Choose a Sensory Safe Space
Loud, crowded, formal dinners are overwhelming to little ones so protect them in this foreign territory.
GIT Tip #3
Engage with the Kids

 Communication helps them to feel a part of the holiday and not just thrown into the day.
GIT Tip #4
Pre-Meal Snack
Let your child snack beforehand and make sure there's at least one dish you know your child likes and will eat even if it's only bread and butter, who cares, today isn’t the day to enforce eating vegetables in front of your judgmental aunt.
GIT Tip #5
Make a Bedtime Plan
Have a child exit strategy if the meal is running late by bringing jammies and lovies so you can get them ready for bed before the drive home, which makes for an easier transfer into their bed.

Wishing you and your family a happy, chill Thanksgiving holiday. 

Love, Eirene

P.S. Have you grabbed your copy of my book yet? Being a GIT Mom is a mindset and this book is your manual. Grab your copy on Amazon.

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