
Carpentries Clippings, 23 November

#Carpentries25: Canada, Europe, US Spotlight

A selfie taken by Macarena Quiroga with Sergio García Mora behind them and (clockwise) Virginia Garcia Alonso, Noelia Stetie, Pao Corrales, Irene Ramos and Andrea Gomez.

CarpentryConnect regional event in Manchester in 2019.

Photo taken by Mario Antonioletti.

Gratitude of the Month

Do you have a gratitude to share? We would love to feature it.

Email to have it posted to our newsletter.

Updates from the Core Team

Executive Council

The Carpentries Board of Directors: Election

You may have come across our recent blog post announcing elections for the 2024 Board of Directors. All eligible voters should have received an email on 20 November 2023 confirming their eligibility. These individuals will receive their ballot by end of day on 4 December 2023. If you believe you are eligible to vote but have not received this confirmation email, please complete the Application for Voting Membership in The Carpentries form by Tuesday, 27 November 2023 AoE (Anywhere on Earth), to apply for voting eligibility.

Community Development Team

#Carpentries25 Anniversary Celebration Series

The FINAL event in our series celebrating our 25th anniversary is in two weeks! Join us on Monday 4 December 13:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar) as we spotlight our subcommunities in Asia. Connection information can be found in the Etherpad and the community calendar event listing. If you were not able to join us for our earlier events, we invite you to check out the recordings on YouTube. Be sure to register to receive communications as our last event approaches.

Host a Community Session in Q1 2024

Scheduling for Q1 2024 community sessions is currently open. Between now and 30 November, we would like to invite you to sign-up to host one or more sessions even if you have not been formally onboarded as a Community Session Host. The Community Development Team can provide support for your session or provide you with an onboarding that will take no more than 30 minutes of your time. Please email with your interest, and we will follow up with you.

Community Development Quarterly Meeting

The Community Development Program quarterly meetings are next month: 12 December, 15:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar) and 23:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar). These meetings are great for anyone supporting a Carpentries subcommunity or interested in community management. You can sign up on the Etherpad if you plan to attend and can continue to receive updates through our Community Development Program mailing list.

Join a Carpentries Subcommunity

There are four NEW subcommunities seeking community members interested in engaging with them! Check them out below and be sure to introduce yourself when joining their group. To find other subcommunities, please visit our subcommunity registry.

  • Canada

    • Who should join? Anyone engaged or interested in Carpentries activities in Canada

    • Find them on Slack (#local-canada) or TopicBox

  • Friends of NASA

  • Southeastern United States

    • Who should join? Anyone engaged or interested in Carpentries activities within the Southeastern United States

    • Find them on Slack (#local-us-southeast) or TopicBox

  • University of Georgia

    • Who should join? Anyone engaged or interested in Carpentries activities at the University of Georgia

    • Find them on TopicBox

Monthly Welcome Sessions

New to the community? Join us for an upcoming Welcome Session! These sessions provide onboarding for new Instructors and are ideal for anyone curious to learn more about The Carpentries community. This is also a great place to re-onboard if you haven’t been engaged with us for a while! Check out upcoming dates and times and sign up to attend on the Etherpad. If you are interested in serving as a Welcome Session Host, please email

Director of Community Office Hours

Join our Director of Community for office hours next month! You can drop in at any point during the hour to ask a question or bring up any topic for discussion.

Highlights from the Community Calendar

Community Sessions are a great way to interact with, learn from and share your knowledge and experiences with other Carpentries community members from around the world. Subscribe to our community calendar for updates on Community Sessions that may pique your interest and are in your time zone. Sign up to attend on the Community Sessions Etherpads. To request an accommodation to attend a community session, please fill out the accommodation request form.  

  • 6 December

    • Workshop debrief and teaching discussion with Scott Peterson at 19:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar)

      • Discussion designed for Instructors getting ready to teach or having recently taught to come discuss their workshop with the community and new instructors going through the check-out process.

  • 13 December

    • Skill Up Session: Unlocking Inclusivity with Brynn Elliott at 17:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar)

      • Delve into the essential topics of disability, accessibility, and accommodations. In today's diverse world, creating inclusive spaces and experiences is paramount, and this Skill-up will equip you with the knowledge and tools to make a positive impact.

    • Workshop debrief and teaching discussion with Scott Peterson at 19:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar)

      • Discussion designed for Instructors getting ready to teach or having recently taught to come discuss their workshop with the community and new instructors going through the check-out process.

  • 14 December

    • Regional DACH Community Discussion with Rabea Müller at 12:30 UTC (find your time; add to calendar)

      • This is a monthly call for community members in the DACH region of Europe (i.e., Germany, Austria, Switzerland).

  • 20 December

    • Skill Up Session: Tips and Resources for Writing Successful and Impactful Grant Proposals with Alycia Crall at 20:00 UTC (find your time; add to calendar)

      • In this session, I will share tips and resources for writing successful and impactful grant proposals based on my experiences as a grant writer and reviewer and will invite other attendees to share as well. This session will also include information on all you need to know to build The Carpentries into your grant proposals, from requesting a letter of support to budgeting funds for specific activities.  

What you may have missed on the Carpentries blog

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Community Opportunity Postings

  • The GESIS–Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences is looking for a Research Software Engineer: Open Science Technologies to start at the earliest possible date for 24 months on a third-party funded project, “Competence Center Data Quality in the Social Sciences (KODAQS)”. The successful candidate will have to work from Germany. Closes 28 November 2023.

  • The East Central and Southern Africa Health Community (ECSA-HC) is calling for applications for two software developer positions for the Thanzi La Mawa research project. Applicants are required to be a national of one of the ECSA-HC member states: Eswatini, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Closes 4 December 2023.

  • The Hutch Data Science Lab at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center is involved in large education focused initiatives funded by NIH grants. Two of these projects involve delivering training materials to researchers to help catalyse their work in a scalable manner. They are looking for a postdoctoral researcher to assist both projects in developing data science and/or informatics outreach and training materials. Presumably open until filled.

  • The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) is looking for a new Science Engagement Lead to support the NEON program. The Engagement Lead will strategically focus priorities of NEON engagement and directly participate in the activities, ideally contributing to data skills training. Presumably open until filled.

  • The Bik Lab at the University of Georgia is recruiting three PhD students for entry in Fall 2024. Each position has at least three years of guaranteed funding through multiple National Science Foundation grants (including an NSF CAREER award). PI Holly Bik has a joint appointment

    between the Department of Marine Sciences and the Institute of Bioinformatics, and prospective PhD applicants can join the lab through either program. All UGA graduate program applications are due by 31 December 2023 to ensure full consideration for the above PhD positions.

  • The College of Science and Mathematics (CSM) at the University of Massachusetts Boston invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the general area of Data Science, to begin on 1 September 2024. For full consideration, applications should be received by 31 December 2023.

  • The University of Rhode Island is hiring a Computational Scientist, High Performance and Research Computing with Expertise in AI and Machine Learning. The search will remain open until the position has been filled. First consideration will be given to applications received by 3 January 2024. Applications received after this date may be reviewed depending on search progress and needs, but are not guaranteed full consideration.

  • The African Genome Center (AGC) and the African BioGenome Project (AfricaBP) Open Institute have released a call for short-term advanced training Joint Fellowships in Biodiversity Genomics and Bioinformatics of 2 to 4 weeks in duration in March 2024. Close 15 January 2024.

  • Virginia Tech University Libraries is still looking for a Metadata Consultant for the Humanities. This is a faculty position with possibilities to convert to continued appointment track (tenure-equivalent). They also have a strong and well-supported Carpentries program coordinated by the University Libraries. Open until filled, but review of applications began on 9 November 2023.

  • Northwestern University IT Research Computing and Data Services is still looking for a Data Management Specialist to join their growing team. The Data Management Specialist is responsible for the development and implementation of secure and efficient research data management workflows. Open until closed.

  • Atorus Research is still looking for an R Instructor to join the Atorus Academy training team. This individual will be responsible for conducting live web sessions of the Atorus Academy curriculum, as well as developing new training content for both live sessions and the Atorus Academy website content, including e-learnings. Presumably open until filled.

  • 2i2c are still looking for a Delivery Manager who will serve as a key facilitator in ensuring the successful and efficient delivery of their product. Acting as a servant leader, the incumbent will guide their engineering team, promote collaboration, and eliminate obstacles to deliver high-quality results aligned with their mission and goals. Review of applications began after 20 October 2023, but the position is open until closed.

  • The University of St Thomas, a private Catholic university located in the twin cities of Minneapolis and St Paul in Minnesota, is still hiring for one tenure-track Assistant Professor position in data science to begin fall 2024. Review of applications began 8 October 2023, and will continue until the position is filled.

The Carpentries is funded in part by grants and small donations. Donating even a small amount can make a big difference - we value all contributions!

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