a collage of three people smiling and posing for a picture

Who Will You Nominate?

The Groovalution is looking to select the next

Groovalutionary of the Month.

Could it be you?

Could it be someone you know?

Here is what you will win 🎁🎉

  • Introduce yourself and your art to over 12,000 readers

  • Be featured across our social media channels

  • Your choice of awesome Groovalution Merchandise

  • Plus, you can share it with all your friends and family

Here’s how to enter:

REPLY HERE with a few sentences about the Groovalutionary you are nominating. Share anything that supports your case.

This could be poetry, video, music, photography or something else.

Nominate someone that embodies the Groovalutionary spirit. You can even nominate yourself.

Enter Today

To be selected as the Groovalutionary of the Month or nominate someone you feel is a Groovalutionary, please respond to this newsletter.