Office: 561-582-6609 December 2023
Welcome! We Bring You Tidings...
...the monthly email newsletter of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Lake Worth Beach. Stay current with the latest events and information about our church community where EVERYONE is truly welcome!
Greetings friends,
How absolute are our traditions?
At this time of the year, my Facebook page starts being filled with folks complaining and challenging each other about how they celebrate during the month of December. Is it Christmas, or is it Advent? When does the tree go up? When does it come down? Does it matter?
I know what I do, and I know what the tradition of my church is – they are not the same – but I wondered about a deeper history. I started with the book “The Study of Liturgy” and found that any idea of a long historical tradition is just a myth!
In the 300’s there was a season of preparation not for Christmas but for Epiphany. Then by the 5th and 6th centuries, a 40-day period was moved to before Christmas. As late as the 12th Century it was a festal season of white vestments. It became more penitential in character and was sometimes six weeks long. As the focus turned more to the 2nd coming, the season became more like Lent in nature. I won’t even try to explain all of the changes regarding the Feast of the Presentation!
In the Episcopal Church today, we keep Advent as a time of preparation – neither festive nor penitential! We hold off on Christmas carols until Christmas Eve, but we “green” the church earlier. This year, the Fourth Sunday of Advent is on December 24th. We are going to do our Christmas decorating after the Third Sunday. We do not want to make the Altar Guild and church decorators crazy on Christmas Eve!!
I believe that the main thing to remember is that we are doing two things at once. We are celebrating the gift that God gave in the birth of the one and only Son, Jesus! It is a time of great gratitude, joy, and amazement. We are also remembering the promise that Christ will come again and are reminding ourselves to Stay Awake, to Repent, and to Prepare! Both things.
As for me, I put up my Christmas decorations at the beginning of Advent, well actually Thanksgiving weekend, because I will have no time afterwards. They either go up then or not at all. And I love the joy of seeing them!
I also set up an Advent Wreath on my dining room table and every morning, I light the correct number of candles and read a devotional for the season. I remember that Advent is also the beginning of a new church year. Our whole cycle begins again. It is a great time to take up a devotional practice, as we often do in Lent, at least for the season.
Here are my reminders for you as this season approaches.
Black Friday is not a religious holiday – do not be tempted to buy more than you need or can afford just because the price is better on another day.
In the hubbub of the season, do not neglect the poor, the lonely, and the difficult. They too are children of God.
Enjoy your traditions, but do not assume that any other person or church has to observe them as you do. You’ll be happier.
If someone wishes you happy holidays, say thank you! It is not an attack on anything or anyone to wish them well.
Remember that God loves you and that the best response is to share that love with others!
Have a wonderful Advent!
Brian Creel playing the bagpipes for our celebration of St. Andrew's Day!
The 15th Anniversary of our Taize service and pizza party following, on November 18th, was very well attended.
Here's to 15 more years of this beautiful, meditative service!
The Adopt-A-Family Angel Tree is now up in the Narthex and is decorated with 100 tags that have names of needy children and gift ideas. You all are always so wonderfully generous!
Adopt-A-Family thanks you in advance.
Save The Dates!
St. Andrew’s Holiday Bazaar
Be sure to INK (not pencil) in our church-wide holiday bazaar on your calendar for December 2nd, 2023, 8 am - 3 pm. This will be the first fund-raising bazaar we’ve had in about 20 years, so we’re expecting it to be an extravaganza! And that will take ALL of us to pitch in to make it successful.
Crafters/artisans, we need your talents to make items for sale. Bakers, we need your tasty baked goods to tempt everyone’s sweet tooth. Kitchen cooks, your efforts are needed selling hot dogs/chips/drinks. Entrepreneurs will oversee the pricing/selling of “white elephant” items; we need a face painter to “doll folks up”, and of course, a set-up/break-down team. We already have a photographer to take pictures of customers with Santa! Everyone can have a role, including as shoppers! There will be a sign-up poster in Frazell Hall - hope to see your name there!
Additionally, we are looking for vendors from the community - neighbors, professionals, etc. Indoor spaces will be available for $35, outdoor spaces for $25 and tables (while they last) for $10. So if you know crafters/artisans/vendors, invite them to participate! Registration information can be found online at
Questions? Contact either Margot Emory, or Christie Scalera, or text 561-254-4090.
Friday, December 8 from 9:00a.m. to Noon - Church Cleaning!
We are looking for volunteers to help clean the Sanctuary in preparation for the Christmas Season. Last year, fun was had by all!
Please contact Carol Sink or the office if you would like to volunteer.
Sunday, December 10, following the 10:00a.m. service, will be our Christmas Luncheon!!
There is a sign-up poster in the Parish Hall to let us know what dishes or treats you want to bring. Please see Ginny Downes if you have any questions.
Saturday, December 16 at 2:00p.m. is Lessons & Carols followed by our annual Christmas Cookie Extravaganza!!
There will be no 4:30 p.m. Taize service this day.
Sunday, December 17, following the 10:00a.m. service, we will be decorating the church for Christmas.
If you would like to volunteer, please contact Christie Scalera or the office. Christie will also be making torch rings on Thursday, December 21 at 9:00a.m. She loves having help with these.
Christmas Services Schedule
Sunday, December 24:
- There will be NO 7:30a.m. service
- 10:00a.m. Advent 4 Service
- 4:30p.m. & 10:00p.m. Candlelight Christmas Eve Services
Monday, December 25:
- 10:00a.m. Christmas Day Service
The Way Cafe & St. Andrew's
Still looking for donations of gatorade or vitamin water as the clients really appreciate them.
Thank you, Heidi Kauzlick
The Mary and Martha Chapter
of the Daughters of the King
December 2023
The Daughters of the King wish Everyone Peace & Joy this Christmas Season!
Motto of the Order
For His Sake…
I am but one, but I am one.
I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
What I can do, I ought to do.
What I ought to do, by the grace of God I will do.
Lord, what will you have me do?
December Birthdays
Dec. 5 – Sonley Joseph
Dec. 6 – Alison Albury, Janet Kinder & Blair Sloyer
Dec. 7 – Marie Christine-Regard
Dec. 8 – Christie Scalera
Dec. 11 – Uwe Haarman
Dec. 12 – Sam Ashurst
Dec. 17 – Ben Lowe & Mary (Balmer) Nelson
Dec. 19 – Marie LaCroix
Dec. 22 – Henrietta Pemberton
Dec. 23 – Martine Fulton
Dec. 24 – Jim Kreucher
Dec. 27 – Gordon Broom
Dec. 29 – Donna Bragel, Barbara Hadsell & Leo Lombardi
Dec. 31 – James Balmer & Anne Pascone
December Anniversaries
Dec. 14 – Ron Bukley & Donna Bragel
Dec. 19 – Selvyn & Winnifred Spence
Dec. 24 – Gene Smalling & Leo Lombardi
Dec. 31 – Heidi & Steve Kauzlick
On-Going Events Calendar
December 2023
January 2024
Click here to access the events calendar on our website.
In-person Bible Study with Rev. Cori on Wednesdays, following the 10:00 a.m. Healing Eucharist Service.
We are studying the Book of Exodus.
Bible Study via Zoom with Rev. Cori on Wednesdays at 6:00p.m.
We are studying the Gospel of John.
Bible Study with Deacon Bob on Sundays, from 9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
The readings for the week are discussed before the 10:00 a.m. service.
Integrity Palm Beach
Saturday, December 9 & January 13 at 5:30 p.m.
Join St. Andrew’s LGBTQ ministry for a pot luck supper and program/speaker following the 4:30 p.m. service.
Taize Service
Saturday, January 20 at 4:30p.m. (there is no Taize service in December)
**Be sure to stay after the service for light refreshments and discussion.**
Guitar Eucharist
December 30 & January 27 at 4:30p.m.
The Way Café
Every Tuesday from 11:30a.m. - 12:30p.m.
Two Tuesdays a month, a delicious complimentary warm meal served, and the other Tuesdays, brown bag lunches are distributed to the homeless and hungry in our community. Volunteer opportunities available. Call (561) 582-6609.
The Office will be closed on Monday, December 25 and Monday, January 1
Ann, Tracy and our volunteers, Anne & Judy
Come to church--we'd love to see you!
Morning Prayer with Rev. Cori Olson, Mondays-Fridays, 7:30 a.m., Facebook Live
Healing Prayer and Eucharist, Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m.
Saturday Eucharist 4:30 p.m., (3rd Saturday Taizé - 4th Saturday Guitar Eucharist)
Sunday Eucharist, 7:30 a.m., Rite I
Sunday Eucharist, 10:00 a.m., Rite II, livestreamed on YouTube
Scripture Readings for December
Wish to get a leg up on the scripture readings prior to each service? All readings for the month of February are linked individually below.
Dec. 3: Isaiah 64:1-9 Psalm 80:1-7, 16-18 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:24-37
Dec. 10: Isaiah 40:1-11 Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13 2 Peter 3:8-15a Mark 1:1-8
Dec. 17: Isaiah 61:1-4 8-11Psalm 126 or Canticle 15 (or 3) 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24 John 1:6-8,19-28
Dec. 24: 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16 Canticle 3 or Canticle 15 or Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26 Romans 16:25-27
Luke 1:26-38
The links are provided by the website Visit the page and you'll find readings for the rest of the year, but we'll continue to link them here each month!