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Issue 141 ~ 15th December 2023


Maybe it is because of how Christmas falls this year, but with both Christmas Day and New Year’s Day being on a Monday, December and the whole run-up to the festivities seem to be running away from me! And I am sure I am not alone.

This week Mary and I thought we would come up with a different feel to the Newsletter as we prepare for Christmas. So here is mine… C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S.!


C is for congratulations! Let’s congratulate ourselves on any of the positive steps we have taken this year to improve our health and fitness. Personally, I have learned so many useful tips and lots of interesting science brought to us by Mary each week that I have seriously taken note and tried to put some of them into practice. Our natural inclination is to think of the things we haven’t done because we are so good at putting ourselves down, but think about the good habits that you have adopted this year and congratulate yourself. Have you lost weight? Or stayed pretty constant – which is a real achievement - particularly if you are a healthy weight. Do you do more exercise than a year ago? I definitely walk up more uphill paths and I know I am fitter this December than I was last year, thanks to my partial knee replacement!

H is for happiness. Being happy is so important to our health and wellbeing and exercise takes a very important role here. Exercise helps us to release endorphins – happy hormones – and if we go for our daily walk outside, and ideally in the countryside, it is almost impossible for us not to feel happier as we look at the marvels of nature. Since I gave my hubby Mike a bird table with some bird feeders to hang from it, he keeps reminding me that it was the best present I have ever given him. Hearing a grandchild laugh or watching a TV show that makes us laugh out loud – these moments are priceless and very good for us!

R is for remembering. One of the wonderful things about getting older is that a lot has happened in our lifetime and we have loads of memories. I remember celebrating Mike’s and my special wedding anniversary a few years ago. We went to London for the weekend and dined in a smart restaurant to celebrate. We discussed which was the best holiday we had ever had? Where was the best place we’d ever visited? What was the best present we had given each other (that’s where the bird table came in!), and so on… Take the time to share your memories and Christmas is a perfect time to do so.

I is for inspiration. We all need to be inspired. In our lifetime we have the privilege of meeting some extraordinary people – people who we learn from, people we respect, people we trust. I have always been inspired by Mary as an exercise teacher. To me, she is the best. Why? Because she cares passionately that we do each move correctly so that we are safe and achieve maximum benefit. I learned this when we worked together producing our fitness videos and DVDs. When Mary first started working with me back in 1993, I knew I had met a real talent. I still think that today. Mary generously gives her time to write for our weekly newsletter and to record videos for our website. Mary is my inspiration. Think about who has inspired you in your lifetime.

S is for stamina. We often think of stamina as a description of physical fitness but it can be more varied than that. We also need social stamina – if you don't socialise very much, being in a room with a lot of people can be exhausting and stressful. This became so obvious after we had all been subjected to the lockdown in 2020. I remember my first speaking engagement at an awards ceremony in 2021 and I was unusually nervous. I had lost social confidence and stamina. We may boost our social stamina this Christmas because I think this is the first Christmas in four years when we will be comfortable mixing with other folks. Let’s enjoy it and increase our social stamina because it is really good for us!

T is for thankfulness. If you are a regular reader of our weekly Newsletter, you will be only too aware that we aim to bring you sound advice and practical encouragement. Our aim is to help you achieve the best possible health so that you can enjoy every day of your life to the full. Mary and I are thankful for the lovely emails of thanks that many of you kindly write to us and we are pleased that we are able to pass on the knowledge and experience we have gained over the many years of our careers.

M is for mindfulness. Mindfulness is one of those buzzwords we hear about a lot these days but what does it actually mean? The mental health charity Mind describes mindfulness as a technique to notice what’s happening in the present moment without judgement. It can help us to become more self-aware, feel calmer and cope with difficult or unhelpful thoughts. I thought that was a really lovely description. When I go for my daily walk in the wood that is close by, it makes me so aware of the changing seasons, the wonders of nature, and the variety of bird song. When recently we had a couple of inches of snow, I was fascinated to see the different footprints left by a variety of wildlife during the night. Trying to guess which animals (foxes, a muntjac or a deer I think) and birds (a pheasant I am guessing) had used our garden as a shortcut. It was enchanting and I suppose it was an example of mindfulness. It was beautiful and I felt better for it.

A is for attitude. Debra Searle and her husband set off to row across the Atlantic in 2001. Unfortunately, before long, her husband Andrew suffered acute anxiety whilst on the ocean and had to be rescued from their wooden rowing boat but Debra decided to continue alone. In total she was on the sea for 111 days and at the front of her boat, in clear sight as she took every stroke, she placed a handwritten card that read CHOOSE YOUR ATTITUDE! When Debra arrived in New York to a hero’s welcome, unsurprisingly, she made the headlines across the world. We were privileged to hear Debra speak at one of our Franchise Conventions when we had our network of clubs, and we all learned a lesson that day. If you want to achieve something, choose your attitude. With a positive mental attitude we can lose weight, become fitter, start a new hobby, start a new business…

S is for sharing. One of the joys of Christmas is that we can share happiness between our families and our friends. Celebrating this very special time of the year and seeing the looks of pure joy on the faces of the little ones as they open their presents is heartwarming. Sharing the goodies of Christmas fayre and sitting down together for Christmas dinner is a joyous occasion. And it is also a time of giving to those less fortunate and being appreciative of what we have whether it is our health, our family, a roof over our head and for family and friends.

Treasure every moment!

Christmas Recipe of the Week

This great recipe was requested this week by Sue from Wrexham who really wanted to make it for her Mum's birthday but had mislaid her copy of the Step-by-Step Low Fat Cookbook. Happy Birthday Sue's Mum!

Serves 8
Per serving: 228 calories, 0.7g fat
Prep time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes
220g sponge flan case
4 large limes
6 sheets leaf gelatine
1 x 405g can light condensed milk, chilled overnight
1 vanilla pod
200g virtually fat-free fromage frais
250g Quark (low-fat soft cheese)
2 egg whites
fresh berries and icing sugar to decorate


Prepare the sponge base
  1. Lightly grease an adjustable metal flan ring; then press it into the sponge to cut off the outside rim of the bought flan case. Remove the outside sponge remnants and discard. Line the inside of the metal flan ring with parchment paper so the cheesecake mixture will not stick when you pour it in.
To make the cheesecake filling
  1. Finely grate the lime zest from all 4 limes into a mixing bowl and add the condensed milk.
  2. Using an electric mixer, whisk on high speed until thick and double in volume.
  3. Soak the gelatine in cold water, then drain, squeezing out any excess water from the gelatine.
  4. Cut the limes in half and squeeze out the juice into a small saucepan. Split the vanilla pod lengthways, using a sharp knife, and scrape out the black seeds from the centre.
  5. Add the vanilla seeds and the gelatine to the pan. Heat gently, stirring continuously, until the gelatine has dissolved.
  6. Whisk the hot syrup into the milk until fully combined. Carefully fold in the fromage frais and Quark until smooth.
  7. Whisk the egg whites until they form stiff peaks. Fold into the mixture, using a large metal spoon, and then pour into the ring.
  8. Refrigerate for 4 hours, or ideally overnight, until set.
  9. Remove the metal flan ring and decorate the cheesecake with fresh berries and dust with icing sugar before serving.
Don't forget that next week we will include my full Christmas Dinner guide including Turkey and all the trimmings and if you click through to the website you can download a printable version of each recipe.
Click here for more recipes

Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

As Christmas approaches, I am just doing a pneumonic of the word F.I.T.N.E.S.S. to sum up this year with a few tips that you may have heard before but as a gentle reminder of the most important messages that this Newsletter provides you with each week. 

During the more relaxing festive period it is good to reflect on the year just gone and to pat yourself on the back if you know you are doing all you can to keep yourself in the best of health. And If you know you can do better... make it happen in 2024!

I do believe that this is the most neglected fitness element and I too can be guilty of not always following the recommendations for daily stretching! The number of times I return from a long and demanding walk and then forget to stretch has happened far too often and yet we know just how essential it is to our overall fitness. 

When Angela Rippon was on Strictly Come Dancing I researched her regular fitness regime for this Newsletter and was impressed to discover that she stretches every single morning for about 10 minutes to 'untangle' everything. Ever since I have tried to do the same, and a couple of months on, it is only just starting to become a regular habit, and I have to say I am really feeling the benefit. My joints are definitely less stiff, so I aim to keep going with it.

To learn some of the basic stretch movements go to our website and follow our Whole Body Stretch Programme. Learn them and aim to do them regularly. Unlike other elements of fitness, stretching is advised to be done every single day – so, like me, work on getting the stretch habit!

I  is for IMMUNITY
The motivation for writing The 28-Day Immunity Plan was of course prompted initially by the Covid pandemic and the need for us all to follow a way of eating and exercising that would improve our immunity and reduce how badly we may be affected. But, of course, as the threat to our health diminished it has left us with no less a reason to follow all the principles of maintaining a strong immune system for the rest of our lives.

I follow the Zoe Health Study where every week they deliver a podcast with eminent scientists giving us all the up-to-date information on our gut health. It is completely free and I learn something new every time I listen!


This may seem like a long and complicated word but it is really easy to explain. Basically, it is the generation of heat in the body whether it be from eating a meal or from moving and exercising. Both of which I hope you are doing regularly!  Now read on …

  • EATExercise Associated Thermogenesis.
    This is the heat generated in the body from exercising and the after-burn from an exercise session. The important thing to note is that the more intense and the longer the exercise session then the more calories will be burnt for several hours afterwards! That is such good news.
  • NEAT – Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis.
    Then there is the time that you spend not formally exercising but simply moving!  It is what we are constantly promoting – the value of simply getting up and moving around and this form of thermogenesis can contribute a massive 30% of your total calorie spend for the day – but only if you do it!
  • DIT – Diet Induced Thermogenesis.
    This final element of thermogenesis is from simply eating food. Eating sensibly with a concern for the calorie count will ensure a positive balance for either maintaining your weight or losing it if you need to. 

There is an accumulating wealth of scientific research demonstrating the benefits of physical activity on how well our brain functions. Many sufferers of conditions such as Parkinsons and Alzheimer’s are being prescribed exercise as a way of helping with those conditions. Even more encouraging is that studies are showing that those who exercise regularly before the onset of these conditions can reduce their risk of falling victim to them by as much as 30%. Exercise isn't just good for the muscles including the heart and blood vessels but also for our brain!  

Just going out for a walk has proven to be an excellent neurotherapy. Walking outdoors improves mood and reduces stress. That's enough reason for us to keep up with our daily walks!


Endorphins are those 'feel good' chemicals that are produced naturally by the nervous system. Exercise has the capacity to increase levels of serotonin and dopamine which play a critical role in sensations of pleasure and motivation. Even laughing a lot has the same capacity to increase those chemical levels, so mixing socially with others and having a good laugh together will also have a significant effect on you. 

They also play a vital role in our immune system helping to fight off infections. Given that our immune function declines as we get older, boosting our endorphins is particularly valuable the older we are. So, get moving and get laughing – a lot!


S  is for STRENGTH
For young and middle-aged people, I have always put cardiovascular work for the heart and lungs at the very top of the to-do list, but when we are referring to older people that changes, and strength is right up there at the top of the list!  Obviously, we still do our cardio work but the strong message here is that we must regularly challenge our muscles with specific exercises for specific areas of the body.

Exercise 'snacking' is a great way of staying strong in those key areas. Just take a moment to do 10 press-ups any time and any place... or see a flight of steps and go up and down them a couple of times. These 'moments' all add up to make a significant contribution to our body strength.

We naturally lose muscle as we age (called sarcopenia) but we can arrest the decline significantly with moves that take little time but have a big effect.


S  is for SLEEP
It is hard to listen to someone telling us that they do not sleep well, as how well we sleep influences how we eat, how we exercise and how stressed we feel. It's that important! Research shows that sleep deprivation significantly increases our desire to eat calorie-dense foods, which may in turn cause us to be overweight.

It can also interfere with our intention to exercise as our energy level will naturally be depleted making it harder to find the motivation to do it but exercise plays a really important role here. Exercise is one of the most useful things we can do to help us sleep as it boosts our mood, makes our body work harder physically which can help our ability to sleep, and it relaxes us significantly.

There is much information that you can now easily access to help you improve your sleep hygiene as it is often referred to.  Things like keeping the room quiet and dark, and at a temperature of around 60F, for example. So do explore everything that might help you.

This Week's Fitness Challenge

  1. Plan a longer festive walk this week with like-minded others.  At this time of year my walking groups look for a ‘cafe stop’ that includes a mince pie with the coffee!  (A one-off, I hasten to add!) And don’t forget your Post Walk Stretches.
  2. No time for your usual strength workouts? Then do 3 exercise snacks every day at the same time. Perhaps just before breakfast, just before lunch and pre-dinner!
  3. Work on developing the habit of an early morning whole-body stretch this week. I started with just 5 minutes and now do nearer 8 minutes. It all helps!  Our comprehensive Whole Body Stretch Programme shows you a wide selection of stretches. 
Did you know... 

A Christmas Food Quiz

  1. Which traditional German bread is associated with Christmas?
  2. Kentucky Fried Chicken meals have become a nationwide tradition in which country: Japan, Mexico or the United States?
  3. What name is given to the festive tradition of small sausages wrapped in bacon?
  4. The swede is a root vegetable that originated as a cross between which two other vegetables?
  5. Which traditional Christmas breakfast cocktail is made of two parts champagne to one part orange juice?
  6. What type of pastry is used for profiteroles?
  7. Traditionally eaten at Christmas, name the Madeira cake topped with a thick layer of chocolate and decorated with marzipan fruits?
  8. What steak dish is supposedly named after Arthur Wellesley?
  9. Popular in German-speaking countries, what is Gluhwein?
  10. Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management has a famous recipe for Christmas pudding. What is Mrs Beeton's first name?
  11. Which type of Italian sweet bread is associated with Christmas?
  12. By what name would English speakers know Buche de Noel?
  13. Bernard Matthews Foods Ltd which specialises in turkey products have their headquarters in which English county?
  14. Which English monarch was nicknamed "the pudding king" after it was rumoured he had requested plum pudding at a Christmas banquet?
  15. Served at Christmas in France a Marron Glace is a candied what?
(Answers at the bottom of the Newsletter)

And finally...

As we run up to the final days toward the big event, being so busy is really good for our waistline! It means we are rushing around, are super-busy with little time to be bored and reach for a nibble! Let’s embrace it.

I hope you get it all sorted in time for the big day so that you can hopefully sit back and enjoy your special time with your family or friends.

With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL


Copyright © 2023 Rosemary Conley Enterprises, All rights reserved.

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Answers to the Did You Know Quiz

1) Stollen,  2) Japan,  3) Pigs in blankets,  4) Cabbage and turnip,  5) Bucks Fizz,  6) Choux,  7) Tunis cake,  8) Beef Wellington - Arthur Wellesley was the Duke of Wellington,  9) Mulled wine,  10) Isabella,  11) Panettone,  12) Yule log,  13) Norfolk,  14) George I,  15) Chestnut.