
December Update

Hi everyone, 

Another year draws to a close - and what a year!

In June, I finally left the studio, which was like moving house, and I set up classes at Little Easton and at my Home Shala - which many of you have been attending. Thank you all for making the shift with me...

I wanted to start the classes gradually whilst I was making the transition from the studio and awaiting the birth of my first grandchild, Billy, who has already brought deep joy to our family.  

In the new year, I am planning on running more classes - please read below.
Wishing you all the very best for Christmas and the New Year.

On Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.


Timetable of Classes

I have classes scheduled for December and January at Little Easton Memorial Hall and at my Home Shala in Duton Hill.

Click link for the full timetable:

Lolli's Classes at Little Easton Memorial Hall

I have had several requests for a Hatha Flow Yoga class on Monday mornings, so I these will run fortnightly from 8 January, so that I can gauge the level of interest.

Hatha Flow Yoga with Lolli
10am on Saturdays

Hatha Flow Yoga with Lolli (Fortnightly)
10am on Mondays - starts 8 January

Gentle Yoga with Lolli
10am on Wednesdays

The price is £12 per class or £44 for 4 classes.

Please book in advance by contacting me on or 07887 791361.

Payment in advance by bank transfer or you can bring your card and use the card machine. I will confirm bank details when you book.

Restorative Yoga at Lolli’s Home Shala

The Restorative Yoga classes at my Home Shala in Duton Hill have been fully booked, so I have added another Restorative class on Wednesdays at 6pm, starting from 3 January.

These sessions, for 3 to 4 people, are held as follows:

  • Tuesday: 4 - 5:30pm
  • Tuesday: 6:30 - 8pm
  • Wednesday: 6 - 7:30pm (starts 3 January)

Priced at £15 per person, this class is 90 minutes of Restorative Yoga including some shiatsu and qi gong.

Please book in advance by contacting me on or 07887 791361.

Small Group Yoga Sessions

I have been holding classes for small groups of three people, by appointment, at my Home Shala.

These are tailored sessions of Gentle, Hatha, Restorative, Meditation, Shiatsu and special oil face treatments.

I have a session available on Sunday 31 December in the morning. What better way to close out the year?

Gong Baths with Michelle

I am pleased to be able to confirm that Michelle will continue to run monthly Gong Baths at Little Easton in 2024.

The first one in the new year will be held on Friday 12 January, starting at 7:30pm. The price will be £25 per gong bath.

Please book in advance by contacting me on or 07887 791361.

Michelle is also available to hold Gong Baths on Sunday afternoons, from 4 or 5pm. We have thought of offering this as an option and would appreciate your feedback on this. Depending on the level of interest, we may hold one of these in Radwinter in early 2024.

Mindful Flow Yoga with Anna at Radwinter Pavilion

Anna's Mindful Flow classes are at 7pm on Thursdays at Radwinter Pavilion.

The price is £12 per class.

Please book in advance by contacting Anna on

Payment in advance by bank transfer or you can bring your card and use the card machine. Anna will confirm bank details when you book.
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